Page 19 of Setting Limits
And she’s right. She shouldn’t have to. So instead, she’s going to stay here, where Lochlyn and I can take care ofherfor a change.
Chapter 11
Mylegbouncesrelentlesslyand I can’t stop glancing at the clock every few minutes, then damning how slow time is crawling.
Shay was so upset this morning, shaking as she sobbed, sandwiched between Lochlyn and I. And she didn’t eat the muffins I got, even though I know they’re her favorite. How could I have left her? I haven’t seen her actually cry like that about her dad since he died two years ago. And here I am, sitting in class while my professor, who smells a little too much like tobacco, drones on about the proper use of a comma.
Lochlyn is with her, and besides me, there’s nobody I would trust more. Even before they got together, he was always good with her, and I would have trusted him to do what’s right.
I have a two-hour history class after this one. How am I going to survive when I can barely make it through ninety minutes of English? She told me to leave, told me to go to class, and I did, but it’s not working. I should be there with her. I should be the extra support she doesn’t think she needs, even though she very likely does.
What if she needs to break down again like she did this morning? I’m not sure that just Lochlyn is enough. I know they love each other, that he’s her other half in every sense of the word, but it felt like we were barely keeping her in one piece this morning.
When the professor finally releases us, I make my way further into campus for my history class. But as I’m waiting outside for the other class to leave, I realize I can’t possibly stay. There’s no way I’ll make it through. And even though Shay hasn’t texted asking me to come back like she promised she would, I feel like Ineedto be there with her. That I need to be there to support her. After everything I’ve put her through recently, it’s the least I can do to show my love and support of her.
I push off the wall and practically run down the stairs, blowing past Maryanne, my seat partner.
“Chelsea! Where are you going?” Her voice echoes after me, but I barely pay attention.
My best friend needs me.
When I get back to the dorm, there’s an intensity in the room, and I immediately feel like I not only should have texted but shouldn’t have come back at all.
Though they’re fully clothed, Lochlyn is straddling Shay, and there’s something in the air that I can’t explain.
“Am I interrupting something?” I don’t want to be rude, but theyarein my room. I’m not sure I’m ready for this just yet.
“No, Lochlyn was just torturing me.”
“Ah, tickles?” Shay is notoriously ticklish, and it doesn’t take much to get her going.
Lochlyn flops to his back and picks at his nails, completely disinterested in me and my presence. It hurts that he’s still so mad at me. “We were just talking about getting something to eat, Chels.” He says it so matter-of-factly.
“Oh. Any thoughts?” I turn to Shay at the same moment Lochlyn does. Her eyes widen slightly, probably a slight tinge of discomfort being the center of attention.
“Guys, I’m not made of glass. I won’t break if you make a suggestion I don’t like.” She may not be as fragile as she assumes we think, but it can’t hurt to give her what she wants for now.
“Sure, but we can still do things that youdolike. Food is food.” And right now, I’m starving, so any food is good with me.
But instead of answering, her eyes narrow on me, and I immediately know I’m about to be called out for skipping.
“Wait a second, aren’t you supposed to be in class? You should have two hours left.” And there it is.
I give a slightly exaggerated shrug. “Canceled?”
“Chelsea. You need to go to class.” Do I, though? I’ve been thinking more and more that maybe college just isn’t for me. Or at the very least, not an Ivy League like Cornell.
“I felt like I needed to be here.” The shakiness that lingers in my body confirms this.
“You didn’t. You don’t. I’m fine.” That hurts a little, that she’s fine without me.
“It’s just one class.”
Lochlyn finally pushes up to sit behind Shay, feigning interest, though it’s clear he doesn’t care.
“You missed another one this morning!”