Page 5 of Off Limits
It’s just another instance where Chelsea would chastise me for being a people pleaser. I can’t help that I’d rather keep the peace than cause tension.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“I don’t want you to get a pizza just for what I like.”
“Well, I happen to not be picky. So, it’s fine. You driving back with Chelsea?”
“She actually said something about us all going together? You two coming to get her car later?” While I try to make it sound like a question and I'm not sure she said that, we both know that she did.
His face pulls into a scowl. “Of course she did. I love when she volunteers me for things.” He sighs. “We’ll figure it out when we leave.”
“Do you need anything? Water? A break? I mean, you don’t have to stay, you’re not even getting paid. And it’s a lot of heavy boxes to be moving, unpacking, and breaking down.” A light sheen of sweat is visible on his forehead.
“Water would be great.”
We keep a fridge in the stockroom for water and anybody who brings a lunch. The staff may be small, and mostly consist of our family, but it’s still nice to have it. It’s so far in the back, I’m not sure most people even know about it. I bring him a bottle of water, and when his fingers graze mine, it sends tingles through my body.Nothing can happen. He’s your best friend’s brother.
He uncaps it and takes a long drink, his Adam’s apple bobbing repeatedly. “Thanks. Lots of boxes.”
I can’t help myself from glancing at his strong arms. Or prevent the heat that reignites in my chest.
“Seriously, though, you don’t have to stay. You’ve been helping out for a few weeks already, and while it’s extremely appreciated, it’s really above and beyond.” Not a single part of me wants him to leave, but I feel guilty, like we’re taking advantage of his generosity by putting him to work day after day. He’s a nice guy, maybe he feels bad refusing.
“I don’t mind. It’s nice to be doing something with myself. I’d just be sitting around otherwise, or doing something stupid with Jay and Heath. Plus, it keeps me from having to go to the gym.”
I already know that he runs every morning. I’ve watched him as he runs past my window. What I didn’t know is that he also goes to the gym. It makes sense. Taking a deep breath in, I try to settle my hormones.
“We really appreciate it. My mom was just saying how much she’s always liked you.”
“Ha! She has not. She thought I was trouble and was all too happy to tell me.”
My eyes widen and my eyebrows reach my hairline. “She did?”
He nods, brow furrowed, while taking another sip of his water. “Oh, yeah. The second she saw my first tattoo, that was it. She had labeled me as trouble. She’d known me almost my whole life and my choice to get a tattoo changed her opinion of me.” He shakes his head.
“I’m sorry.” And also very shocked at my mother’s audacity.
“Don’t be. I knew what I was getting myself into.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I did, in fact, point that out, and she said that she finds they suit you.”
He quirks up an eyebrow. “Oh really? Now she thinks that? She probably takes me as someone who grew into the role she felt they gave me.”
“I think she feels like you did the right thing. Followed the path set for you and all that. I do know she’s talked highly about you going to Cornell and sticking with your parents’ wishes for you.”
“My path,” he mumbles.
My brow furrows. “Hmm?”
“Oh, nothing. Thanks for the water. I wanted to try to get to a few more things before we leave. I hope you and your mom don’t mind, but I’m sort of rearranging some things back here so they’re easier to find and reach.” Again, with the above and beyond. I really wish he’d take Mom’s money. Or even merchandise for his time. Something to truly grasp how much we value what he’s doing.
“Sure, no problem. That’s very appreciated, being short and all. I’ll uh, I’ll see ya later.”
I walk out of the stockroom, feeling like I hit a nerve. But I’m not sure Lochlyn and I are close enough for me to ask him something that personal since it’s not my place to pry. So I leave it alone.
Chelsea and Lochlyn’s company helps the summer go by much faster. And we have a lot of fun. I’m kind of surprised the summer is almost over, and a little upset since that means Lochlyn leaves again soon. We’ve gone to a few parties, both of them convincing me to tag along despite putting up a good fight to just stay home. We’ve hung out by the pool, spent many days at the store, and had a lot more nighttime fires.
One of the harder aspects with all of this is that Lochlyn flirts with me. A lot. He’s always been on the flirtatious side. It’s something I’ve seen him do with just about any girl he’s been around. But after realizing that I like him, truly like him, it’s harder to handle.