Page 33 of Off Limits
My brow furrows, confused again. “Why do you nee—" And then it dawns on me as he bounces and adjusts his pants. My eyes widen while my panties dampen. “Oh. Never mind.”
I slink back inside, slipping onto the empty couch. Immediately, Rachel and Eve flank me.
“Happy birthday, Shay!” they sing-song in unison.
“Thanks, guys.”
“It’s really cool that Chelsea could throw this party. Where are her parents?” Rachel looks around with round eyes and a tenseness in her body, seemingly afraid we might get caught by the not present adults.
“Oh, they’re not around much.” I say this like it’s completely normal. Though when I think about it, it’s anything but.
“I wish my parents would go away for once,” Eve grumbles to the right of me. She’s complained about her parents a few times. Chelsea and I can’t really commiserate. Hers are basically invisible. Mine’s heartbroken and distracted, making me the invisible one.
Lochlyn walks in, making brief eye contact with me before walking upstairs, bag thrown over his shoulder.
“Oh my God, Chelsea’s brother is so hot.” Rachel’s basically drooling at my side.
I bite the inside of my cheek. “Really? I’ve never noticed.”
“You haven’t noticed? How could younot?”Eve is just as awestruck, jaw hanging open slightly and eyes wide.
“I’ve known him for years.” I shrug it off. While it may be true, it’s impossible not to notice how gorgeous he is. I’d have to be blind. And deaf, because his voice is deep and smooth like velvet.
“What’s he like?”
“Are the rumors true?”
Their questions come in rapid fire. It’s like I’m holding candy above their heads.Mycandy.
“He’s cool. He’s into music, a junior at Cornell.” The words come out like I’m reading off a list.
“And the rumors?” Ah, yes. The infamous rumors. Having met them at the community college, they were from a nearby district. The rumors about Lochlyn had stretched beyond our school.
I make a show of putting on a dramatic shrug. “I have no idea. I mean, they’re just rumors. No way to know whether they’re true or not.” Though the one about him being good in bed is most definitely true.
As he comes bounding down the stairs, he catches Eve and Rachel’s attention again. He’s changed into a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves pushed up to just below his elbows, the blade of the sword on his arm sticking out.
“How could they not be? Look at him. He just oozes sex,” Eve swoons.
“I wonder if he has plans for tonight. Or if maybe I can convince him to makemehis plan.” Rachel looks like she’s a hungry tiger ready to pounce.
I bristle in annoyance. Neither of them has taken their eyes off of his perfection. I wonder how long I’ll have to wait until at least one of them throws herself at him.
It turns out not long, as Rachel stands, pushing her breasts up before walking over to the cooler Lochlyn’s reaching into for a beer. I watch as she saunters up to him and introduces herself. She subtly touches his arm. I feel helpless as I can’t do anything, but I can’t seem to tear my eyes away either.
By the way she’s talking to him, I can tell she thinks she’s being coy, but from my angle, she just looks desperate. Though I’m probably just being biased.
Lochlyn nods, smiling curtly, as he raises his beer and walks away. Eve has gotten up before he flops down to my left, leaning into the corner. He shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink before resting his arm on the couch.
“Happen to you often?” I ask, jutting my chin toward Rachel and Eve.
“What, desperate girls hitting on me?”
“All the time.” He tips his head to the side briefly and takes a swig of his beer.
I nod, biting my cheek and looking at the floor. I shouldn’t have asked; I don’t want to think about it. “She’s pretty.” I don’t know what else to say.