Page 111 of Off Limits
Slowly, I sit up to look at him with a furrowed brow, hand resting on his chest as I feel his heart pick up tempo. “What do you mean, youknow?”
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. In that second, I know he’s been keeping something from me. “Remember that barbeque we had that Fourth of July? It was just before your dad took a real turn.”
I nod, unable to swallow around the lump in my throat.
“Well, your dad and I got to chatting. He wanted to know about Cornell and see if some things are still here or what’s different. After we finished talking about Cornell, he called me out. He said that he could see the way I looked at you, the way I tried to be close to you. That he understood why I didn’t just all out go for it, ask you to be my girlfriend, make a go of it. He respected it, my loyalty to Chelsea and her ridiculous wishes. His words, by the way. But he told me not to wait too long, that a girl like you wouldn’t last, which I already knew.
“I was trying to figure out a way for us to be together despite Chelsea, when he took a turn. It didn’t feel right after that. I just had to bide my time. Be near you, be there for you, and hope that some day you saw me the same way I’d always seen you.” His eyes twinkle as he takes me in.
“Guess this time, it was father knows best.” The realization that Dad had always known knocks the wind from my lungs. It would make sense that Dad knew, that he saw through me, through both of us. That’s the type of person he was.
It makes my relationship with Lochlyn that much more perfect.
Taking his face in my hands, I crash my mouth to his, rolling him on top of me as my lips part for his, tongues meeting. He slips one hand to my hip, thumb rubbing along the bone.
I sink back into the pillow to meet his eyes. “I need to feel you inside me.”
He groans as his lips trail along my throat. “What about Chelsea?”
I grab his wrist and pull it in front of my eyes. “She has class for three more hours.”
That’s all he needs to hear as his mouth closes over mine again, his hands quickly sliding down my pants and panties, lowering his. He sucks in steeply while my back arches as he pushes into me.
I always knew Lochlyn was smart, a quick and good study. But the way he has learned to read me is nothing short of amazing. Even slow and sensual, he has me gasping for breath, hands grabbing at his shirt to pull him closer within minutes. He just fills me so perfectly.
It was absolutely impossible to conjure up what sex with Lochlyn is like and there’s nothing in the world that could ever compare to it.
As my breathing starts to pick up and tiny whines leave my lips with every thrust, Lochlyn shifts his weight, sliding a hand between our bodies. Using his thumb, he starts swirling around my clit, applying light pressure. It seems like every so many days since our reconciliation, he decides to try something new. Not that I’m complaining.
With every thrust and swirl, the pressure builds more and more until my head is tilting backward as Lochlyn latches on to my throat and a loud moan escapes my lips. A few more thrusts and he groans against my shoulder.
He presses his lips to my neck, sliding up and along my jaw to settle against mine briefly before pressing his forehead to mine.
“I love you so much, Shay.”
I close my eyes and push back against his forehead. “You have no idea, Loch. No idea.”
He rolls to his back, adjusting his pants as I do the same and curl into him, resting my cheek on his chest. Lying in Lochlyn’s arms as he draws small circles on my lower back feels so right, so natural.
“Thank you for staying with me today. I feel bad that you missed class.”
“There is absolutely nowhere else I would be. Not even for a second. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was coming up sooner. I was letting the situation with Chelsea distract me.”
“It’s okay. Really.” How can I ever hold it against him? Especially when he’s missing class to be with me today.
“No, it’s not.” There’s a resoluteness in his voice, and I know he’s going to hold this against himself for a while.
“You made up for it. Truly. You’ve been here for”—I quickly grab his wrist to check the time—"almost twenty-four hours, just sitting with me. It’s all way more than necessary.”
“Are you kidding? Baby, I would do anything for you. Truly anything. Being here? That’s easy. Even with things being tense with Chelsea. When I asked you if you wanted to go home, I was ready to get in the car and drive you that very second. If it was what you wanted, I would have made it happen.”
“I know you would have. Here, right here, is all I need. It’s all I’ll ever need.”
He tightens his arms around me, squeezing me tightly.
“You know, I think it’s why my dad liked you. He knew you were the type of guy to do anything for the people he loved. He knew you’d take care of me, do anything you needed to do for me. Like he always had.”
Lochlyn starts twirling a curl around his finger as I fight back the tears. I’m starting to doze off when my stomach rumbles and I remember all I’ve had to eat today is a stale muffin and a few sips of coffee.