Page 43 of Devious Vows
He chuckles at my question, hooking his finger in the front of my dress and tugging me to him to nip at my lips. “You look like you’ve been thoroughly fucked, and I like it. But you should clean up before returning to the party.”
My hands smooth down my skirt when he steps back, heart vibrating against my ribs. The truth of our situation never failing to let me forget. “Right.”
Taking my hand in his, he kisses my palm, lips lingering before he lets it drop. Remy opens the door to go back outside and our eyes meet for just a moment, my heart rate spiking at the flash of his dimple before he disappears.
Hurrying to the bathroom, I do my best to get re-situated, huffing when I find Julian waiting for me outside of the bathroom door. An eat-shit type of smile on his face. “Whatcha been up to, sis?”
“I was using the bathroom, obviously.” He laughs, giving me a hard pat on the back that makes me stumble forward.
“Sure.” His face grows a little more serious, his voice a little lower as we walk back outside. “Just try to remember that this won’t last. It can’t, Bev.”
“I know.” My eyes drift to Remy, watching him walk past Viva without a single glance her way. The truth of Julian’s words settling in my bones. “But he was mine first.”
Chapter Eighteen
I’m dressed in another stupid dress to attend another stupid party. I couldn’t even tell you what the hell this one is even for. Perhaps the bridal shower, I don’t know. I didn’t look at the invitation or the note from Francesca in detail. I just showed wearing what was expected of me.
“Oof. Ms. Charlotte came dressed to impress today.” Julian nudges my arm with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows as he checks out our old grade school teacher.
“Yeah, she looks great,” I reply sarcastically, “Like she should be retiring soon.”
He laughs, kicking the seat of my chair out from under me as I go to sit down. Lucky for him, I catch myself before falling. “Nothing wrong with some cougar action, Bev. Haven’t you heard the phrase respect your elders?” He winks at another woman walking by, making her blush into her lace glove. “I will happily respect the fuck out of all these fine elders.”
“Well, respect my wishes and shut up about fucking old ladies.”
“Beverly!” My mother shushes at me from across the table as she takes her seat, but I ignore her, rolling my eyes toward Julian.
“You are not my elder, dear sister.”
“Just shut up.” My eyes catch on Remy as he steps from the back of the house. He’s dressed more casually than everyone else in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black tee. It makes me smile, knowing he was supposed to be wearing a suit. It’s a small rebellious act I find great pleasure in.
His eyes are scanning the crowd and I can’t help but think he’s looking for me, the thought warming my gut. Just before his honey gaze would have found me, his attention is drawn away by Viva’s hand on his arm. The small touch wipes the smile off my face.
I can’t stand when she touches him.
I can’t stand when she talks to him.
I can’t stand her doinganythinginvolving him.
“You know you’re going to have to get used to that, right?” I rip my eyes from Viva and onto my brother. “No matter what happens, she will always be there.”
I grab the glass of iced water that was placed on the table in front of me and take a long drink, smacking it down onto the table loud enough to earn a glare from across the table when I’m done. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“True.” Julian crosses his arms over his chest, looking over where I previously was. “Viva is staring at you. Should I give her the bird?”
I laugh, lifting my gaze to see that she is in fact staring, lips pinched into a line. We haven’t had another spat like at the dress fitting, but the tension has never been higher between us. Mostly because I started doing the complete opposite of what she wants me to in regards to Remy. He has stepped up in the fiancé role, mostly out of obligation, I think, but he’s still far from what she’s wanting. And she blames me.
Not that she is wrong to do so.
“Sure, but I’m going to go say hello. You know, say congrats on the cake or what-the-fuck-ever this party is for.”
I push up out of my chair, ignoring my mother asking where I’m going as Julian scrambles out of his seat behind me. “Wait, I’m coming. You have that look, the one you get before you beat my ass in the ring.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not going to fight her at her own party.”
He just laughs.
Viva has left the spot she was originally standing, but we find her over by the gazebo with a few of her friends, Chelsea being the only one I recognize. I know without looking that my mother is scowling at me from the opposite side of the grassy yard.