Page 25 of Devious Vows
“That’s what you’re starting with?” He leans forward, his elbows on his knees as he looks at me. “Easy. Green.”
Okay, lucky guess.
“Fine. What’s my favorite movie?” I smirk, knowing I’ve got him with that one. I reach out for another cake, a chocolate one this time.
“Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken.”
I just about drop the cake off my fork, eyes shooting to his. Before I can question him, he’s reaching out to grab onto my hand, bringing the bite of cake to his own mouth. My lips part watching him eat it, his palm warm over my fingers.
“Your favorite animal is a swan, obviously.” He moves our hands to get more cake. “Your favorite hobby is reading and your favorite book depends on your mood.” He takes another bite, letting my hand go this time. “Your favorite season is fall, because you like the way the leaves change. But my favorite season is summer. Do you know why?”
My head shakes dumbly, absolutely taken aback by him.
“Because that’s when your freckles really come out.” I say nothing, my heart thumping wildly behind my rib cage. “I also really like those denim shorts you wear. The pair with all the rips, you know?” I nod and he smiles. “Yeah, those are nice.”
Looking away from him to hide the heat creeping along my cheeks, I clear my throat. “Well, um, what’s your favorite cake?”
He laughs, lounging back in his seat, fingers folding over his lap. He’s clearly not as nearly uncomfortable as I am at the moment. “German chocolate.”
I just nod, my eyes flicking over the cakes. “So the one I was also eating?”
With a shrug he chuckles, “I had some of it.” Reaching past me, he grabs another chocolate cake with raspberry filling. His hand drops to my thigh as he grabs it, inked fingers splaying as far as they can. He keeps it there when he sits back, pinkie finger brushing along my inner thigh.
The same woman as before comes up to the table, a clipboard in hand. “How is everything so far? Good, I hope.”
Remy shoves his cake into his mouth as I answer, “It is. I think we actually have our choice.”
“Oh, perfect!” She clicks her pen, looking between the two of us. “What are we picking?”
“The German cho—”
Remy cuts me off, lightly squeezing my thigh. “We’ll have the strawberry champagne with extra strawberry compote for the filling.”
With a quick glance my way, she nods, writing it down on her board. “You got it! Ms. Luciano already gave us design instructions, so unless you have any questions, we’re all done here.”
Remy shakes his head, standing up from his chair. “We’re good.”
I stand with him, thumping his arm. “Why did you do that? I was fine having the chocolate cake.”
“You like the strawberry, so you’re having the strawberry,” is all he says, already turning away from me to walk out the door.
Huffing, I grab my phone off of the table and tuck it into my pocket before chasing after him outside. “But what if I wanted the chocolate?”
He laughs, his back to me as he unlocks his car. “You didn’t.”
I’m a little breathless from running, stopping behind him. “You don’t know that.”
Turning, he grabs my cheeks in his palms, lifting me up onto my toes to press his lips to mine in a rough kiss. It’s over before it started. “I know everything about you,cuore mio.”
Again with the nickname.
My heart thumps.
He doesn’t give me a chance to answer, placing another quick kiss on my lips before letting me go and dropping into his seat. “Bye, Bev.”
With that, he shuts his door and pulls from the curb, leaving me standing there on the sidewalk. I bite my cheek, watching the passing traffic. Remy surprised me today. I never thought in a million years Remy Luciano would care enough about me to learn anything about me. Yet he knew far more than I know about him.
It’s flattering.