Page 15 of Devious Vows
I think.
But maybe I’m wrong.
Maybe I like those things more than I’ll let myself admit.
I don’t know how long we stand like that, kissing one another like we aren’t surrounded by a crowd of people, but it isn’t nearly long enough. I find my lips chasing his when he pulls back, blinking when he takes his phone from his pocket. His eyes are on my lips as he answers, “Pronto.”
He hums to whoever is on the line, bending to place another sloppy but brief kiss on my mouth that I rise up onto my toes for. His thumb rubs along the edges of my swollen lips, lightly pushing himself back and away from me as his attention returns to the call. I sigh at the loss of him, his hand rising to scrub over his jaw as he listens to whatever is being said.
My heart is thumping in my chest, my lips still stinging from his kisses as reality starts to fade back to the forefront. The band is still playing, the crowd still roaring. My eyes find the other guys. None of them are facing this direction, but by the way Donatello turns to catch my gaze, Iknowthey saw.
I can feel my cheeks burning red, hopefully hidden in the dark, when Remy finally turns to me, drawing me in close. My hands fall to his chest on instinct, lips parting at the look he gives me. “I have to go.” His lips brush mine, lingering. “Andrea will bring you home when you’re ready to leave.”
He lets me go and I nearly stumble, my arm caught as Andrea steps up to us with a nod for Remy. “I’ll get her home.”
Donatello flanks my other side, his arm lightly bumping into mine. “We’ll show her a better time than you have been, that’s for sure.” He laughs at the look Remy gives him, taking a drink of the bottle in his hand.
Remy grabs onto my hand, raising my palm to his lips. “Be good.”
I don’t have the energy in me to scoff, instead I just nod, chewing on my lip when he turns away and disappears into the crowd.
“Well, that was weird,” Donatello finally says, and both Andrea and I laugh. His arm wraps around my shoulders, guiding us toward the group they left.
“Hey, keep it to yourself, Donny boy.” He points a finger at me in warning and I laugh, knowing he hates that nickname.
“About damn time, though,” mumbles Andrea, winking at me when I meet his gaze.
Donatello lets go of me once we meet everyone else, moving to grab me a drink, and my fingers rise to my lips.
Tonight certainly didn’t go how I expected.
chapter Five
Blood from my split knuckles drips down the side of my brass knuckles, but I ignore it, my fingers went numb more than ten minutes ago. My shoulders burn, breaths panting from my chest as I stare down at the weeping man before me. I chew the inside of my cheek as I look over the mess that used to be his face, at the blood seeping through his shirt and dripping onto his denim-clad legs. He’s bound to the chair, his arms stretched behind his back and tied with nylon that’s leaving burn marks with every one of his movements.
Stepping back, I signal for Donatello, letting him know it’s his turn. His eyes catch mine as he passes me, pausing when I tap his arm, speaking only loud enough for him to hear, “Don’t kill him.”
Donatello sighs, gaze quickly flicking to the upper loft and back. “I’ll try. But I have to put on a show.”
Nostrils flaring, I nod, letting him pass. I turn away with the sound of his first punch, gently removing my brass knuckles to slip the weapon into my jean pocket. I could tell by the look on Donatello’s face he would enjoy this beating as much as I am.
Not at all.
And a sideways glance at Andrea wrapping up his own busted knuckles tells me he feels the same way. Normally the three of us look forward to these types of jobs, but this particular one hits a little too close to home. A punishment from my father for both me and the man currently bleeding from his eyes.
All Reggie wanted was a life free of the Mafia. One that allowed him to be with the girl across the tracks in the Westies’, Irish Mafia, territory. But once you’re a part of the Famiglia, they make it nearly impossible to leave. The only way out is by death. Reggie knows that, yet he risked it anyway for just a chance at a new life.
He’s dying here today for a woman.
I shake my head, hissing when the cold water from the sink hits my open wounds. Blood runs down the drain, the sound of the faucet not loud enough to drown out the crack of one of Reggie’s ribs being snapped by Donatello’s left hook.Reggie was a friend to all of us.It’s both a blessing and a curse for him that we were the ones selected to give him his final beating. At least with us, we can give him a change to live through this. No one else would be so lenient.