Page 7 of Triple Princes
And after it was over, the girl collapsed into our arms, her curvy, sweet body sweaty and delectable, thoroughly fucked and sated.
“You like?” I rumbled in her ear, one hand lightly skimming over her tummy. It wasn’t flat, but rather gently rounded, the curve beautiful and fleshy.
“Oh yeah,” she sighed, stretching a bit between us, shivering because we were still embedded deep in her body. “Oh yeah.”
And that was our introduction to the beautiful Lady Christina Sterling, heiress to an ancient fortune, scion of the powerful Sterling family, daughter of Lord and Lady Sterling who happened to own half of Andorra City. That’s right. Kato and Karl Smith, blue collar merchant marines without a penny to our names had just one-and-done one of the most eligible women in Europe.
“So how’d it go?” asked Maggie crossly.
I could tell from my friend’s body language that she didn’t really want to know. She was morbidly curious and didn’t really want to hear about my night with Karl and Kato, or if she did, she was hoping it’d sucked.
So I fibbed and pretended like I hadn’t been completely blown away, my body humming with energy, my cunt and ass sore and aching from the deep drill I’d gotten, a little moisture still seeping from my secret space.
“Um, it was okay,” I hedged. “The twins were nice.”
“Nice, how so?” asked Maggie, her arms crossed over her chest. She was still looking at me accusingly, so I tried to defuse the situation.
“Well, you know,” I said lamely. “We didn’t do much, just talked a little outside.”
My friend snorted. “Talk?” she asked disbelievingly. “Those guys aren’t talkers, they’re into action.”
And that was true, but Mags didn’t need to know just how accurate her words were.
“Okay,” I confessed. “We kissed, maybe petted a little, but it didn’t go very far. I mean, Mags, it’s not like I’m on birth control or anything, and the guys weren’t packing condoms either.”
Maggie nodded then. That satisfied her because she knew I was militant about stuff like that … except I hadn’t been last night. Oh shit, oh shit. What can I say? It’d all happened so fast, and Karl and Kato were the hottest men I’d ever laid eyes on. I’d been desperate to do them and when opportunity presents itself … well, it was too late now. All I can say is that I took Plan B this morning, thank god that stuff is over-the-counter.
But Mags was placated somewhat.
“Did you get their numbers?” she asked, yawning a little. It was early and we were both at the airport with our suitcases. Yep, it was time to leave for finishing school, mine in St. Venetia, hers in France.
I laughed.
“Mags, those guys are sailors. I don’t think they have cell phones out on the high seas,” I said gently.
“Well maybe you could call them on satellite or something,” she yawned again, looking around the airport. “Who knows? A lot of fancy yachts have satellite phones these days, for emergencies at least.”
That was true, but I didn’t think the U.S. Navy was going to let Karl and Kato take calls from me as an emergency.
“Nah, we didn’t exchange any information,” I said casually. “We just left it.” I thought back to our good-bye and began flushing, remembering how Kato and Karl had stroked me, petted me, spanked me on the ass before tucking in their dicks and helping me into my outfit once more. I’d wobbled off, breathing heavily still, hopping into a cab while my head whirled, my body loose and jiggly, completely sated.
But Maggie had already moved on.
“I met a guy too, he was really cute,” she smirked, giggling a little. “Name is Charlie. He was so ripped. He says he does amateur body building contests.”
I sighed. No man could compare to the twins, not even close. Especially not a body-builder type, those blown-up muscles, their physiques amped on steroids and tanning cream. But I pretended to be titillated.
“Oh my god, really?” I asked in a hushed voice. “Did you feel it? Did you feel his muscles?”
“I did more than that,” my friend confided. “I felt him down there, you know, like way down there.”
That got my attention. “A hand job?” I giggled.
“Yeah,” Maggie confirmed, licking her lips lasciviously. “I pushed and pulled until he came, and Tina, there was so much cum afterwards, rope after rope, all over my hand, the floor, it was so sticky and hot.”
Eeeew! Steroid-laced man cream sounded bad to me, although I was no one to talk. I’d done a thousand times worse with the twins last night, taking them up my bottom and cunt, but that was by the by now, and it was good that Maggie no longer seemed mad because it seems she’d gotten over the whole twin thing thanks to this dude Charlie.