Page 58 of Triple Princes
Kato shook his head vehemently again.
“We fucked up, baby girl, and we’re so sorry,” he growled. “We’ll never do it again.”
“Because you mean so much to us,” said Karl slowly, going down on one knee before me, his brothers also on bended knee, forming a small semi-circle in the room, “we want to make it permanent.”
“Will you?” he asked, pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket and popping open the lid, showing me what lay inside. “Will you, Tina?”
And I remained motionless for a moment. The ring that glittered at me was beautiful, a tri-color dazzler, the rose gold, yellow gold, and platinum intertwined in an intricate, yet deceptively simple pattern.
“Is this what I think it is?” I said slowly, meeting each of their eyes in turn.
“Yes,” answered Karl.
“Yes, yes,” repeated Kristian and Kato. “Marry us.”
And I reached for the ring as if in a trance, sliding it onto my slim finger. It was beautiful, glimmering in the light, and I twisted the metal band thoughtfully. I wanted so badly to say yes, to throw myself at them without abandon, pitch my load in with theirs, bind myself to these powerful, charismatic men for eternity. They were the fathers of my unborn children after all, but something held me back.
“I have to think about it,” I said softly, twisting the ring on my finger. “Thank you so much, but with everything that’s happened lately, I have to think.”
And the men look stunned. I think they’d been expecting a joyous “Yes!” since they’d been alpha males their entire lives, women throwing themselves in their path, desperate to get whatever they could from these virile, gorgeous males. So my hesitation, my tentative “I don’t know,” was puzzling and utterly confounding to them.
Kristian took a deep breath.
“Okay, we get it,” he said. “A bunch of pretty words isn’t going to do it, and yeah, we don’t have a plan yet,” he admitted. “But wear it in the meantime, okay? Don’t forget about us.”
Kato and Karl growled their agreement, their faces pained with emotion, promising me the world with their eyes. But there was no reason to be so distraught.
“Oh I’m not going to forget about you,” I said lightly, with a small laugh. “All I meant is that maybe we shouldn’t jump into marriage just now. Which of you would I be getting married to, anyways?” I asked wryly. “We haven’t even figured out that yet.”
“What I meant is that we should live together, establish a home together, wait until things stabilize a little more before tying the knot. After all, you guys just got back and we have a lot to work out still. Abandonment issues, maybe building a relationship with Georg, with Violet, figuring out what Agatha wants from all this,” I shrugged. “Plus, you’re military men now, with real responsibilities and a family to raise,” I said. “Who knows when you’ll need to ship out again?”
And the three men looked at each other, the silence loaded.
“We’ve decided to remain here, in Cambodia, until you feel ready for us to leave,” said Karl slowly. “That was the big thing we agreed on. We don’t have many answers, there are still a lot of outstanding questions, but we’ve told our employer that for personal reasons, we can’t be deployed again for a couple months at least.”
“All three of you are going to stay in Southeast Asia until the call comes?” I asked, eyebrows arched.
And Kato broke in then.
“Southeast Asia, Cambodia, wherever you are is where we’ll be,” he said roughly, gazing at me with hunger, need, everything in his heart. “We belong to you, and you to us.”
And with that, happiness suffused me, a flush rising on my cheeks. There was no crystal ball, sure. There was no Ouija board with perfect answers, perfect outcomes. But what I’d been hoping for had come true. The men were here to work things out together, to stay in one location for the time being, we were a unit, we’d face the future together. And what more could I ask for? Dedicated, committed, stronger together, we were forging a future to see where the path led.
“Karl, Kristian, Kato,” I said softly, standing up slowly, “I have a gift for you too.”
I made my way to my bag while the men watched, their hungry eyes taking in my beautifully pregnant form, making me feel graceful, wanted, even though I was as big as a house. I bent over and pulled out what looked like a leather-covered log, about ten inches across and a foot and a half long.
“Recognize this?” I said playfully, putting it on the ground. I rubbed my lower back for a moment. The thing wasn’t light and I’d schlepped it over from the Hotel Meridian, taking care not to let anyone see.
Because it was a Sybian vibrator. Even though my men were gone, even though I was pregnant, I still had needs, the lust coursing through my veins at night, shivers running up and down my spine. And so I’d splurged and ordered a Sybian, a log that you fit with a dildo attachment that vibrates in your secret spaces.
“Fuck,” rasped Kato, his eyes never leaving me. “Are you going to ride it now?” he rasped. His brothers nodded, their expressions lustful, on a hundred percent alert.
“Yes, it’s my gift to you,” I said flirtatiously. “I’m going to let you watch as part of getting reacquainted,” I said sweetly and with that, I began shedding my clothes. To be honest, I was a little apprehensive. I’ve always been curvy yes, with a little extra here and there, but now I had a lot extra, the pregnancy making my boobs Double H’s, my hips extra-wide, my ass huge and heavily bouncing. And my stomach, well that was part of the plan.
Completely nude now except for a pair of heels I’d slipped on, I looked at the men coyly, lasciviously licking my lips as I pulled out a three-inch attachment. The little dildo was black, ridged, and gleamed in the light, tantalizing, beckoning. I popped it into my mouth, lubing it up, running my tongue up and down the little length, sucking hungrily. By now the men had their dongs out, those fifteen inchers up and at alert, pointing straight at me, but they made no move to come closer, touch me. They respected my space, that I was in charge, that in this place, this situation, I was the boss.
And I worked it. Moaning low in my throat, I fit the attachment to the Sybian and stood above the log, a foot on either side.