Page 24 of Triple Princes
Because it’s not like Kato and I are celibate. Usually we’re tearing it up on shore leave, chasing strange, getting it on with multiple women, working off the pent-up energy that comes with long weeks aboard a ship chock full of men. But things were different at our last stop, the energy gone, the pulsing male urge to hunt, drive, take, dissipated like a deflated balloon. We’d stopped by our usual haunt, the Grizzly, seating ourselves at the bar, ordering the usual.
“Boys good to see you again,” growled Harvey. Harvey was a vet, a former merchant mariner familiar with the vagaries of the itinerant life. He knew what men like us wanted, what we needed, to keep up with the hard life. So he plunked two beers in front of us, sloshing the foam, and nodded towards the back.
“There’s a new one,” he rumbled under his breath, gripping the bar. His massive forearms were covered with faded tats, running up and down like ladders, a faint greyish-green color. “Name’s Candy, hear she likes two.”
And I nodded my thanks for his advance work. Because everyone knows our proclivities. My twin and I, we like doing girls together, letting them take the double pound, experimenting with creaming females two ways at once. Oh yeah, we always do the double team and girls never, and I mean never, say no. There’s often a shocked look at first, a breathy gasp of “Nooooo!” but then a soft, melty look comes into their eyes as they take in our massive forms, the ripped builds, the huge tents at our crotches.
And it works for us like a charm. A girl’s cunt feels tighter if there’s cock in her mouth, the distraction critical as her I go at her from below, and god, when we bring on the ass play? It’s always good to have something to chew on as donkey dong is run up that back hole, give her something to focus on as she’s violated in that dry, sweet spot.
So Harvey had done us a favor, scoping out the new girl for us. This chick Candy was into double, huh? All the better, Kato and I hadn’t been laid in a while… since Tina in fact.
So we swiveled on our bar stools, checking out the new girl. Hmm, not bad, a little thin but still okay, her boobs probably Cs, her hips a little narrow but maybe she could stretch. And what do you know, but the girl was looking back at us already, batting her lashes and jiggling her butt, squirming under our hot gazes.
Without even saying anything, she stood as if mesmerized and made her way over to us.
“Hey,” she breathed, looking us over. I knew what she saw. Two hard, hungry men, black hair, handsome as sin, looking like we could dominate her small form, swallow her and eat her alive … twice.
“Hey,” was all I said back, my twin not saying anything at all. And with that, it was on. Candy was in my lap in a second, her little lips on mine, one arm reaching for Kato even as her hand slid up my thigh slyly.
Normally this would have been a go, Kato and I would have dragged her outside, to a hotel, to our sleeping quarters, hell wherever, the back of the joint. But somehow, the chick’s kiss left me cold, unmoved, curiously uninterested. Her lips were dry, too thin, not the plushy, pillowy softness of Tina’s, like I was kissing a plastic mannequin with no verve, no vivid, pulsing life, begging for my touch.
And her ass, that ass was just way too fucking bony, I could feel her skeleton jutting into my thighs, angular and pointy, sharp as razors. Fuck, this sucked. We wanted heft, juiciness, a round butt that would jiggle when you smacked it, let out a resounding thump if you dropped her hard on your dick.
So Candy wasn’t it. She was right for some other dude, but not us. I broke off the kiss, scooting her off my lap, placing her back on her feet. The girl wobbled unsteadily, bracing a hand against the bar, looking up at us through glazed eyes.
“What, what is it?” she breathed unsteadily. “I’m ready, I’m not on the rag, what’s holding you back?”
And Kato snorted at her language. That’s the thing, we usually don’t mind dirty girls, but lately super-gritty wasn’t doing it for us. Sure, we want someone with a dirty mind, who’d roll around in the gutter with us, but we didn’t want her to be a full-on ho, a ghetto girl who’d never improve.
So I kept my expression impassive and turned back to my drink.
“Naw, just not feeling it baby,” I rumbled casually. “See ya around.”
And surprisingly Candy flew off the handle then.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she screeched. “I’m just as good as any ho around here, what the fuck? You think I’m not enough?”
This outburst was just more evidence that she was totally wrong for us, but Kato stepped in smoothly.
“Of course you’re enough,” he soothed, pulling on his beer. “But just not for us.”
And the woman went even more ballistic then.
“Well, you’re not what I’m looking for either!” she screeched, her face mottling as she tugged the hem of her dress down, straightening out the bodice. “You two are poor sailors, you’ll never be anything,” she spat. “I’m looking for someone with possibility, a future, and you?” she said gesturing with her hands. “You’re just fat zeros.”
And at that my hackles raised, Kato growling under his breath, our eyes shooting daggers.
“We don’t hit women,” I said slowly.
“But I’m tempted,” my twin finished.
And the girl came to her senses then. Throwing her hair over her shoulder, she shot us a glare before slinking away, but not without one last parting shot.
“I bet you’re gay!” she shrieked before the crowds surrounded her, obscuring her from our gaze.
And my bro and I shared a look before we turned back to our drinks. Gay we definitely weren’t, and it was so off target, so absurd, that the slur didn’t even bother us.
“Whatever,” he grunted.