Page 51 of Seventeen Years Ago
“What meeting?” Steven asked.
“They came around knocking on everyone's doors. Guess you two were too busy to hear,” she smiled. “Don’t worry. I told the president that you and Steven were busy...talking.”She grinned even more and said, “Don’t worry. I listened closely and I can tell you all about it on the drive. I’ll go get my things and you two can finishtalking.”
She closed the slider behind her, and I started to giggle uncontrollably.
“Something funny?” he asked.
I nodded. “Yup.”
“Care to share?” he prodded. I shook my head and kept giggling. “Maybe on the way to drop off your grandmother?”
“Definitely not.” Now just a snicker as I tried to contain myself.
“I guess it doesn’t matter. I’m just happy to see you laughing again,” he said. But he didn’t drop it. “Okay, it’s killing me. What are you thinking?”
“That my grandmother is going to be gone again for a few days and I might just have the opportunity to find out if your cooking is as bad as you said.”
Steven grinned. “I promise you; it is. But don’t worry, I give a much better back rub than I cook.” He kissed me briefly, then added, “Before we head out, I suggest one of us confirm the emergency has been cleared. Not that I think your grandmother would lie, but based on her expression when she saw us, she might stretch the truth a little.”
“She definitely would.”Don’t try playing matchmaker. He’s not going to be here long enough for it to work.
What my grandmother didn’t know was that she didn’t have to play anything. I was already falling for Steven. What I needed desperately was a way not to fall too hard. At this rate, I’ll be in love and my heart would break into a million pieces when it was over.
And I will have done this all to myself. I suggested the backrub. I kissed him. This time, it’s all on me.
I regretted none of it. At least not yet.
Why did she have to kiss me? I loved it, but damn, it was making it so fucking hard to keep my hands off her. It didn’t help any that when she looked up I could see the want in her eyes. But my gut said she was still a virgin. I didn't take her then, and I sure in fuck was not doing so now. She thought she wouldn’t hate me, that it was what she wanted, but I knew differently. The resentment would be there.
No matter how badly my cock ached, it was not going to get what it wanted, to be buried deep inside her. Aiza needed me more than just physically. She needed me to protect her heart, the one thing I didn’t think she was thinking about.
Even though we both knew, I didn’t really lose the card game, I was still going to pay my debt. I just felt horrible that I was making a disaster of her kitchen. I was making the one thing I felt good about doing, breakfast. But here I was trying to be fancy and making omelets and pancakes. I could blame the stove or even the cast iron pans she had, but it was all me. I burnt the pancakes and the omelet was on the crispy side. That is what was still in the pan. When I tried to flip it, half of it fell onto the stove.
Aiza didn’t say a word or offer to help. She sat there smiling.
“Glad you are enjoying this, but don’t forget, this isyourhouse,” I reminded her.
“Oh shoot. I should’ve added dishes and cleaning up the kitchen to the wager, shouldn’t I? Is it too late to change it now?” she joked.
“No amendments allowed. Next time you need to think about it before the game starts,” I said.
“Oh, that sounds promising. You're willing to play again. Are you going to let me win all the time? If so, then you’re right and I really should spend time planning out the prize,” she grinned. “Let’s see. The cottage could use some painting. My car needs an oil change. And....”
“No to the wager?”
“No, I'm not going toletyou win. From now on, you either win fair and square or I reap the benefits,” I winked.
“You think I can’t win on my own? Picking the highest or lowest card is not a matter of skill. It’s a matter of luck," she stated.
“You really believe that?” I asked. She nodded. “Do you have cards here? I’m willing to test that theory right now. I mean, I also have a list of wants and needs that you could take care of for me.”
It sounded very sexual, but sadly they weren’t. They couldn’t be.