Page 41 of Seventeen Years Ago
“I know that. But I’m glad we talked. It helped me understand what happened and what didn’t. And I closed that door.”
I wasn’t really following what she meant, but there was only so much we could say in the vehicle. Grandma could wake at any time and then an entirely new line of questions would start. Questions, neither of us wanted to answer.
“We are almost at the resort, and I know my way from here. Close your eyes and rest. I’ll wake you when we get there,” I said.
She nodded and leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and soon drifted off. I normally enjoyed the quiet, but I never would grow tired of hearing Aiza’s voice.
She closed the door. I have to respect that and let it go.
But I wasn’t ready to let her go. It felt as though I had just found her.
The bed might be comfortable and the surroundings beautiful, but it wasn’t home. I missed my cottage. Since the night I learned of my parents’ death, I’d stayed at that cottage. My grandparents had taken me in when no one else would’ve. I’d never spent a night away. The only thing that made it okay was knowing my grandma was in the adjoining room. But knowing that Steven’s room is on the floor directly above me, made it impossible to relax.
I didn’t want to admit him driving me last night was a good idea, but he’d been right. But he didn’t get it, it was the fact that once again, we were spending time together, when I knew how he felt. He not only doesn’t want to be in Tabiq, but he also doesn’t want me.
It’d be a lot easier if I felt the same way. But part of me wasn’t ready for him to go and I honestly had no idea why. I thought for sure grandma was going to tell me she didn’t like him, didn’t trust him, but even as late as it was when we arrived, she couldn’t stop talking about him.
Another reason why you haunted my dreams. You’re all she talked about.
There was no way I was going to lie in bed thinking about him all day. I had too much that needed my attention, and Steven was not on the list. With any luck, he’d also be so busy that our paths won’t cross much either.
I got out of bed and opened the door slightly to check on her. She was fast asleep, which was odd. Normally she woke before me. Letting her sleep, I closed the door and went to get dressed. No matter how tired I was, I still had a job to do.
Once I had my clean jeans and T-shirt on, I walked over and opened the curtains. I had no idea that the wind had picked up so much, but the trees down by the beach were leaning, as though the branches were trying to touch the ground. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I had to be outside trying to walk in it. And it’d be impossible for my grandmother. She'd take off like a kite. But we were both inside and safe. I was confident that my cottage could withstand the high winds because it was made of stone, but right now, I was glad we were not there to find out. I placed my hand on the window. Even on the third floor of the resort, I felt nothing move.
I was impressed, but Steven had told me this was the safest place to be. That it was built like he built his hotels. But all I could think about is all the people who weren’t fortunate enough to be here and safe.
As I made my way down to the command center, I passed through the lobby. It was filled with people sleeping on leather chairs and couches. Most appeared to be workers, and others not. Then I passed by a dining room and the door was open. It was filled with people sleeping on cots. These were families. I could see children snuggled against their mothers.
I knew the Hendersons opened the resort up as an emergency shelter to anyone who wanted to come. I just never expected that so many people would. It was just more proof that Reesa was the right choice for Tabiq. Because they trusted her, they trusted being here.
I saw Allyson walking towards me. “Just the person I need.”
“What can I do for you?” I asked.
“Maybe translate for anyone who doesn’t speak English. We just want to make sure everyone has what they need. And, to tell them where they can go to get something to eat for breakfast. We don’t want anyone going outside, so we set up one of the smaller dining rooms with all the food and drink they may want.”
That was amazing. They weren't just taking care of us, but as many people as they could.
“I’d be happy to.”
“I wonder how the hospital is managing,” she said.
“Why? Did something happen?”
“Finn also opened it up for anyone who wants a safe place to ride out the storm. They are filled to capacity just like us. Not a spare bed or seat anywhere. The only difference is we have better cooks here. You know, hospital food is never that good,” she joked.
“I don’t know. If Finn is doing the cooking, they are probably eating some of the best Irish food ever made,” I chuckled.
“What are two laughing about?” Reesa asked as she walked towards us.
“Your husband's cooking,” Allyson admitted.
“His fabulous cooking,” I corrected.