Page 25 of Seventeen Years Ago
Finn obviously was her number one fan as he bragged about everything Reesa had accomplished in the last few years. But there were things that were never mentioned, and that were the troubles that Tabiq had faced with the young women being sold to the highest bidders. It was as Aiza had mentioned, they don’t speak about it.
It made me believe that Aiza really never told anyone about what happened that night in the hotel. She carried that secret with her. It was what I wanted, but now even as Reesa danced around the questions I asked, I could see they had walls surrounding what in reality was the most painful issue for them. But how could they truly heal and learn from the past if they just buried it?
Maybe tonight I should start by telling Aiza the truth about who I am. And explain why I was here.
I must be careful because I didn’t want to hurt her more than I already had. Watching her that night, seeing her eyes sparkle and her smile huge, I didn’t want that to end. Never am I lost at what I should do, but this was a situation like none else. It was not about me. It was about what was best for Aiza, and I honestly didn’t know what that was.
In that moment, she looked happy. Why should I ruin that with the truth? But I knew that I couldn’t move forward with the project that Reesa had suggested. I couldn’t continue being around Aiza with this lie between us. Even if she didn’t ever learn the truth, I knew it. And it was killing me.
When we arrived back at Aiza’s house, I walked her to the door.
“Did you want to come inside for a cup of coffee?” she asked.
It was so damn tempting. Bennett could sit in the SUV waiting all night for all I cared. He would most likely just leave and return when he was needed like he had during our dinner.
Although tonight hadn’t gone the way I wanted, I enjoyed being with Aiza. And I learned something I didn’t know before. What I had done to her was wrong, and it hurt her deeply, but she hadn’t allowed it to dictate her life. She was a strong, outspoken, and confident woman.I just don’t know if she sees it.
“No. I have an early morning meeting to prepare for but thank you.”
“I almost forgot why you’re here. Business,” she replied softly, her eyes looking away.
“I don’t recall talking business at all this evening, do you?” I asked. She looked up and shook her head. “And I don’t plan on doing so tomorrow night at dinner when it’s just the two of us either.”
She smiled and nodded. “I really enjoyed myself, Steven. Thank you for agreeing to come with me.”
“We had a date. I wasn’t about to break it just because the location changed. And getting to see how Reesa and Finn interact at home gives me a new perspective.” A new respect for the Tabiqian women. They refused to be looked upon as victims.
“They are very loving and supportive of each other, but it is the banter between them that surprises me each time I hear it,” she said.
The brief playfulness that we share occasionally too. I like it. Damn it. I like you.
It was a reality that I wished I could explore, but one I didn’t deserve.
Not that I wanted to leave, but we couldn’t stand at the door all night. And I didn’t want to talk about Finn and Reesa. I was only concerned about Aiza. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Sweet dreams, Aiza. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Good night, Steven.”
She closed the door and went inside. When I got back in the SUV, I could feel Bennett watching me in the mirror even as he pulled out of the driveway.
“You got something to say?” I asked.
“You should stay away from her,” he replied sternly.
Not your fucking business.
“I don’t believe she works for you,” I reminded him. “And neither do I.”
He pulled the SUV over, put it in park, and turned around to face me. “Steven, I know who your father was.”
“What does that mean?” I asked.
Bennett glared at me. “I know that he used to come to Tabiq frequently. Let’s just say the man had no morals, no conscious. Do I need to say anything more, or do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?” he said.
It was what I feared. My father was a part of the problem. When he brought me here, it wasn’t his first time, and probably wasn’t his last. All those business trips he’d taken and left me and my brother at home with a nanny, he probably was in Tabiq, taking advantage of some poor innocent woman.
I wish I had known. I wish I had been old enough to stop him.