Page 22 of Seventeen Years Ago
“We’re not going together?” he questioned.
“We are. After New Hope the car will pick me up and bring us to their home.”
“Is this a formal dinner? Because I need to know. Caydan told me to pack for the beach and I have one suit with me. I don’t want to go to her house wearing jeans,” he stated.
I wanted to be wearing comfortable loungewear myself.
“Would you like me to make an excuse for both of us?” I knew Reesa would be disappointed, but it didn’t sound like Steven was thrilled about going either.
“I don’t think you turn down an invitation from the president. At least not in my country,” he stated. “Your call. What do you want to do?”
“We should go,” I reluctantly replied.
“Agreed. And maybe you can cook me dinner tomorrow night if you’re free,” he suggested.
I smiled, even though he couldn’t see it. “I’d like that.” I was so used to cooking for my grandmother and having dinner with her that the thought of eating alone didn’t feel right.
“Then it’s a date. I’ll see you tonight. But text me if you find out it’s formal and I need my suit, let me know. Otherwise, I’m going in jeans,” he said.
“I’m sure that’s fine, but I’ll text you if it’s not,” I said. I’d never been to her house, but I’d seen Finn stop in here and when he was not working, he wore jeans as well.
I looked at the clock and it was three. Reesa had told me I could leave early. This might be pushing it, but I did have a few things I needed to take care of before dinner tonight. I knocked on her office door and she called out to enter.
Popping my head inside her office I said, “I spoke to Steven. He’s looking forward to dinner. Is this a formal evening?” I asked.
“Goodness, no. I want to be comfortable when I’m home. Please come the same way. This is not a business meeting,” she reminded me.
I actually had no idea what it was, but we were going. “Would you mind if I left now?”
“I was just about to do the same thing. Finn is already home from the hospital. He said it’s been a quiet day there. When I told him I was having the same, he told me he could use my help peeling potatoes and chopping carrots. He’s going to teach me how to cook Irish food one way or another,” she laughed. “I told him food always tastes better when someone else cooks it. He said he wouldn’t know.”
“You can’t be expected to run a country and a kitchen,” I tried defending her.
“I make a great breakfast. Mostly because I get up hungry. The rest I can’t be bothered with.”
“I’ve seen you eat. I have no idea how you remain so thin,” I said. “I’d look like a beach ball if I ate like you.”
“I stress eat and thankfully, the stress also burns off the calories. If my life ever slows down, I probably will have to live on water.”
“Since no one is running against you for the upcoming election, then I guess you don’t have to worry. You’ll be a stressed president for another term,” I reminded her.
“Oh joy,” she said. “Not that I’m complaining, but I hope this is the last term. It’s good to have new blood every couple of years. Brings forth new ideas,” she said.
Unless the wrong people get in control, then it brings years of misery.
Elections had stopped many years ago when the government turned to crime. Reesa was the first elected president in my lifetime. The others weren’t really presidents. They were more like mob bosses. Not working for the good of the people but the wealth that they could obtain off the suffering of the people.
“Reesa, there is a reason why no one is running against you. We love the direction you are guiding Tabiq towards. I can’t imagine anyone else doing such a fine job,” I said honestly.
“Thank you, Aiza. I’m trying my best,” she replied.
“And it’s working. Maybe not as fast as you hoped, but believe me, I see the difference. I am able to drive home without looking over my shoulder constantly.” I still was cautious, and always aware of my surroundings, but things were so much better than before.
“I know. There is still so much work to be done. That’s why Steven and Caydan are here. I’m hoping they can help me with the next major project I am working on.”
And that is?
I waited but she didn’t add anything further. “If they are not the right ones, then I’m sure you will find someone who is.”My gut says you’re who you appear to be, Steven, but I need to be sure before I let Reesa agree to anything.“When do you need to have this done?”