Page 15 of Seventeen Years Ago
“Maybe you should talk to President O’Connor about it then,” she suggested. “She said you can come to her with any issues.”
“I might do that.”Just not today.
“Good. I’m glad you have her to discuss things with. She is a good role model for you young women,” grandma stated.
“Young? I’m thirty-five,” I reminded her.
She chuckled. “And I’m almost eighty, so yes, you’re young. But your body is getting old.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t you want a family? A husband and children?” she inquired.
This was a topic that she tried bringing up every year right before my birthday. I should’ve seen it coming.Not the internal clock talk again.“My answer is the same as it was last year. I’m happy with the way my life is now.”
“I’m not getting any younger and would like to see you married before I die,” she said.
“Then I guess you’re going to be living a very long time because I don’t have any plans of getting married anytime soon,” I smiled.
“In the old days, I would speak to some of the other elders, and we would arrange a marriage for you, so you don’t need to be alone.”
“I’m not alone. I have you,” I reminded her.
“Oh, Aiza. I hope you meet someone at the party on Sunday.”
“It’s a ladies’ night. There won’t be any men there, Grandma.” If it wasn’t, then I definitely wouldn’t be going. I finished my coffee and said, “I better get going to work. I’ll see you at dinner.”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I won’t be here tonight. I’m going to see my sister for a few days,” she said.
She had a younger sister, seventy-two-years old, who lived on the other side of the island. They saw each other once a month and took turns traveling back and forth. “I thought she was coming here this month.”
“She was going to, but she asked if I could come to her. You don’t mind, do you? I wasn’t going to go but since you aren’t going to be home for your birthday, I figured it was a good time for me to travel.”
I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. She always made me a special breakfast on my birthday and then we would spend the day together, even if we did nothing.
“I think that’s a great idea, Grandma.” I gave her a hug and said, “Call me when you get there so I know you made it home safe.”
“And you call me every night after work, so I know you made it home as well,” she said.
On the way to the office, I realized that without my grandmother to worry about, I could put all my attention on Steven. With any luck, I’d be able to figure out why he really was in Tabiq.
When I arrived at the office, Reesa was already there. “Aiza, I hate to ask this of you, but could you please drive to New Hope and drop these files off for Mr. Morse? I meant to give them to him yesterday, but there were a couple of changes I needed to make first.”
“Of course I can,” I replied, taking the files from her. “Is there anything else you will need while I’m out?”
“No. I’m actually going to be leaving shortly as well. I’m meeting Finn at the hospital,” she said.
“Hospital? Is everything okay?” I asked.
She smiled. “Yes. He’s going to give me a tour of the new wing that is set to open next month. If you want to take the day off after you deliver the files, that is fine. There is nothing I need you to do at the office today.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m sure. We both need a day to slow down and relax. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow. Enjoy your time off,” she said.
“You, too.”