Page 2 of Touch of Hate
Soon, memories aren’t enough, and I need the real thing. She’ll haunt my every waking thought until I’m sure I’ll either die or go insane if I don’t get a taste of her, her scent, her touch—anything, so long as the craving ceases.
My craving is at its peak by the time the elevator doors slide open with a quiet whoosh. It wouldn’t seem so necessary to bask in the warmth of her nearness were she not present in the sprawling castle portion of the structure.
Having her here ratchets my need to unbearable heights. It doesn’t matter how wrong I know this is as I cut down dark halls I know like the back of my hand, always watchful for any sign of Xander Rossi’s presence. Scarlet’s father would cut our little meeting short, no doubt. He’d cut off my balls and dangle them in front of my face before shoving them down my throat.
All is clear when I reach what I know are the rooms the Rossi family takes when they visit. Scarlet is in there, checking the time and plotting her escape. It’s late enough that Xander and Ella might be asleep—well, Ella might be. Xander is most likely working the way he nearly always is. You don’t run an empire as vast as his without putting in plenty of hours.
Either way, it’s unlikely he’d notice his daughter sneaking out, which is what we’re counting on.
I watch, hidden in a recessed doorway a few rooms down from where Scarlet will emerge. My heart’s beating way too fast, and my palms are damp with sweat, which I rub dry on my jeans. River would laugh himself sick if he had the slightest idea what anticipation does to my body as I count the seconds until she appears. My greatest weakness. My obsession.
The click of the latch might be lost if there was any other noise in the silent hall—now, it might as well be the crack of a gunshot. My breath catches in my throat as a door swings open just enough for a petite body to slip through.
The fist clenching my heart loosens at the sight of her, replaced by an explosion of pure heat. What is it about her that sets me off and makes me want to forget everything I know in favor of losing myself in her firm, luscious body?
She peers around, her gaze sliding over me without recognition, thanks to the deep shadows, before she begins creeping down the hall toward the stairwell where we’re supposed to meet.
This is wrong, but then I’ve always known it. Following her, watching her. For years I’ve done it, though the motive has changed.
Back in the day, I protected the girl who was almost as much of a sister to me as Luna. She’s stubborn, determined to have her way even if it means defying her parents, leaving her open to potential threats.
After all, she has a powerful father with countless enemies lying in the wake of his business dealings. Not to mention, she’s incredibly trusting.
I’ve learned to keep my tread light, to embrace the shadows so she won’t notice my presence. It’s become second nature.
Until less than a year ago…
That changed the night Xander invited the Grimaldi family to dinner. The memory presses against my temples, playing right before my eyes.
“Where is Scarlet?”
Q frowns at my whispered question, cutting a glance toward his father and tonight’s guest of honor. Lorenzo Grimaldi might be low-level compared to the Rossi wealth and influence, but he does control a major shipping port on the coast through which he runs tens of millions of dollars of merchandise every year. Extremely valuable merchandise of the narcotic variety.
In other words, it benefits Xander to keep him close. It’s easier to make him think he’s a part of the family. Indispensable.
This isn’t the first such meal shared with a business connection. As always, we’re all on our best behavior. A silent, respectful testament to Xander Rossi’s hold over his family. There’s no speaking out of turn, no joking or screwing around. No teasing our sisters for lack of anything else to do.
My sister picks at her grilled salmon while wearing a pleasant expression.
It’s the empty chair beside her that has my insides tightening a bit more with every passing moment.
This is her home. Scarlet is entirely at liberty to go where she pleases.
Just not now, though. We’re all expected to be at the table.
She knows that. That’s what has me listening for the sound of her footfalls. We all know better than to wander off or be late.
My eye falls upon a second empty chair—it sits between Grimaldi and his wife. He’s bending Xander’s ear on some matter of business, murmuring and gesturing with his silverware, while she and Ella chat about place settings or some inane bullshit like that.
Neither of them pays attention to the absence of their son, eighteen-year-old Enzo. He looks like a fucking ferret with his thin face and pointy features. His beady eyes are always moving in a secretive sort of way that leaves red flags waving like mad in my head.
Even if I hadn’t already heard stories of him bragging about taking over his father’s business and his penchant for spreading merchandise among his lowlife friends, I’d be on my guard around him. He’s the kind of guy who’ll smile in your face as he’s slipping your most priceless heirloom in his pocket while fondling your sister with his other hand.
My chest tightens at the thought. I can’t make the image materialize in my head—it’s that disgusting—but I don’t need to see it to know it’s possible.
Scarlet would never take this long to get back to the table if it wasn’t for someone holding her up.
“I’ll look for her,” I offer, already pushing my chair away from the table while folding my napkin.