Page 77 of Dancin' with Demons
“Both of ‘em are on the way to the Bunker,” Jester says, and I glance round, realizin’ damn near everyone is gone. “Doc is at the clubhouse to treat Reaper and Irene.”
Catacomb meets me eyes. “Let’s go torture those fucks.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
# # #
“Just kill me,” Panda whimpers as Catacomb steps back with a satisfied holler.
We’ve been here for three hours and let Hard-On, Snackcake, and Kitty hand by their wrists on the other side of the room while Catacomb and I have fun with Panda.
It’s amazin’ what we can accomplish such little time. As of right now, our friend Panda doesn’t have any fingertips left. Catacomb removed those with a pair of wire cutters. Same with his toes, but those were an electric knife. Cat cauterized each one as he went after lettin’ Panda bleed and scream for a bit. Motherfucker begged for death after the third finger, but ain’t no fuckin’ way Catacomb is lettin’ the man who murdered his ol’ lady off that easy.
After that, I spread a white phosphorus solution from the stubs of his missin’ toes to his knees in nice, straight lines. Then Cat set ‘em on fire with the heat from a hair dryer. White phosphorus is the same thing they used to burn the words, “Fuck Toy” into Raylynn’s back. I don’t feel bad in the fuckin’ least for usin’ the same trick in return.
Once the fucker stopped screamin’ from that, Catacomb used his favorite knife and I used mine, and we carved thin, just deep enough lines, horizontally and vertically over Panda’s entire chest and back, before Cat dumped a bucket of alcohol over him. Those screams rattled my fuckin’ ear drums.
That was about the time Kitty started beggin’. I put a bullet between her eyes. Not just because I wanted her to shut up but because I want to be able to look my woman in the eyes and know that I didn’t cross a line that she wouldn’t forgive me for. Gettin’ her over the guilt is already gonna take fuck knows how much of my time. I haven’t seen Raylynn or Savior yet, but I know she is a mess and blames herself for Sandra’s death.
A knock at the door stops both of us, and we both set our tools down to answer it. Swingin’ it open, Reaper leans against the wall with his arm in a slin’.
“Sandra is about ready, so maybe wrap this up for tonight,” he says keepin’ his eyes on Catacomb.
I’m not surprised when my president turns back into the room, pulls his gun, and fires two shots— one into Snackcake’s head, the other into Panda’s. Comin’ back to stand next to me, he nods.
“Wanna save the other cunt for tomorrow?”
I take a deep breath and shake my head. Steppin’ back, I do the same as my president by pullin’ out my gun and firin’ a shot into Hard-On’s head. Lookin’ back at Reaper and Catacomb, they both look confused.
“Torturin’ him ain’t gonna change what he did to Raylynn,” I say in a steady voice, “but it might change how she sees me, and I don’t want that right now.”
The three of us head upstairs, and we don’t bother to wash or change. Instead, we head out back of the clubhouse to the pyre for Sandra. She didn’t have any family but us, and this is how we pay respect for those who don’t have family that require a traditional funeral. All the brothers are in a semi-circle, and sandin’ back from ‘em, spread out, are the remainin’ clubwhores.
Catacomb and I make our way to the pyre, where we find Raylynn standin’ next to it by Sandra’s head. She’s fixin’ the last of the linen that Sandra is wrapped neatly in and it’s then I realize that while we were torturin’ Panda, Raylynn is the one that prepped Sandra’s body.
Catacomb is a step or two in front of me and when he reaches Raylynn, he gently touches her shoulder.
She turns and as soon as her eyes meet him, my woman drops to her knees, hangs her head and sobs. “I’m so sorry, Phoenix. I never meant for this to happen.”
My eyes move to my president as he stares at Sandra’s body, tears silently rollin’ down his face. Just as I go to step forward, Cat sinks to his knees, grabs my woman, and pulls her against his chest, craddlin’ the back of her head against his chest.
“This wasn’t your fault, Raylynn,” he says against the side of her head as I step closer. “Sandra loved you, and so do I. She protected you just like I would’ve in her place.”
Raylynn cries harder, her arms tightenin’ around my president.
Eventually, Catacomb pulls back and wipes the tears from Raylynn’s face before helpin’ her up and bringin’ her to me. Wrappin’ her in my arms, I kiss the top of her head before turnin’ my eyes back to the pyre. From the other side of the pyre, a flame dances as Lacey, carryin’ a torch, followed by Rainie and Pint, move to stand in front of Catacomb, holdin’ the torch out to him.
Once he takes it, all three woman turn to face the pyre as Catacomb steps up. Lean over it, he kisses Sandra’s head before steppin’ back and lowerin’ the torch to the bottom of the pyre. Slowly he moves around it, lightin’ the wood at the bottom all the way around. Once he gets back to where we are, he throws the torch on the side and steps back to stand with the girls.
As the flames engulf the pyre, Pint does Somethin’ that breaks me heart. I haven’t heard her sin’ in a long time, but the moment the first few words of “Amazin’ Grace” are out of her mouth, I close my eyes and let the tears fall as I tighten my arms around Raylynn, her shoulders shakin’ with her cries.
Chapter 28
The last month since Sandra’s death has been heavy for everyone.
Catacomb spent an entire week away from the clubhouse and came back to give a big speech about how nothing makes losing her easier, but he’s determined to do right by her. For him, that means protecting the club, the women, and most importantly, Savior and any children that come to this family in the future.