Page 6 of Dancin' with Demons
“Phoenix Kariss, is that you?” An older woman with auburn hair grayin’ at the temples walks toward the podium. After tossin’ some menus on the top, she moves and wraps Catacomb in a hug.
“How you doin’, Edna?” he says as he steps back. “This is my woman Sandra.” Edna turns and hugs her, makin’ Sandra gasps a little. “And I don’t know if you remember Makoa and Dylan. Guys, this is one of the owners. Edna don’t do club names, though.”
Edna playfully smacks him on the arm. “I’m old enough to be your momma, boy. I ain’t callin’ you by no damn club name. When did you get to town? Troy and I ain’t seen you in what, four years now?”
“Somethin’ like that,” he says. “We just got in this mornin’. Needed a little time away from club life, so we’re stayin’ at the house for a few weeks. Thought we’d make this our first food stop.”
Edna lights up. “Well, you picked a good night. My best waitress is workin’. We’re super busy, so you’ll have to be patient, but Ray’s the best. You’ll love her.”
My whole body tenses at the nameRaybecause all I can think about is Raylynn. Fuck. Is there ever gonna be a fuckin’ day that every little thing don’t remind me of that woman? Shakin’ my head, I follow our group to a large booth along the left wall. Trickster slides in first and takes the seat by the window. Catacomb lets Sandra slide in first on their side, and he sits across from me.
Edna sets four menus in the center of the table and then straightens with a smile. “What can I get y’all to drink to start you off?”
“Coffee, please,” I say with a deep breath, tryin’ to get my head straight again.
“Same for us,” Catacomb says, glancin’ at Sandra as she nods.
“Sweet tea, please,” Trickster says as he grabs a menu from the pile.
Edna gives us another bright smile. “Comin’ right up. It’s so good to have y’all in town again for a bit. I’ll let Ray know I sat you, and she’ll be over as soon as she can.”
As Edna walks away, Somethin’ light and red catches my attention over her shoulder. When she turns to move away, I realize it’s a person, and my gut tightens, my entire body tensin’. Catacomb and Trickster start talkin’, but I ignore what they’re sayin’ because there’s somethin’ too familiar about the waitress behind the counter. Her back is to me, but there’s just somethin’ about the way she moves that has me focused on her.
“Earth to Renegade,” Trickster snaps, and I hold my finger up, indicatin’ he needs to wait a fuckin’ minute.
Edna stops by the waitress, and that’s when she turns enough that I can see her face, and I think my fuckin’ heart stops. “No fuckin’ way.”
“What’s wrong, brother,” Catacomb says in a low tone. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, man.”
“Raylynn,” is all I manage, still unable to take my eyes off her as she chats with Edna for a minute.
“What?” Trickster snaps, but I don’t pay him any mind.
That’s the moment she looks over, and her eyes meet mine. Every movement stops, and she stares directly at me for a moment, her chest rapidly movin’ up and down as Edna continues chattin’ away in her ear.
“You sure that’s her?” Catacomb says as she turns her back to me again, and I bring my eyes to meet his.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” A few minutes later, Edna comes back with our drinks and sets ‘em on the table. “Hey, Edna. Who’s that waitress you were just talkin’ to?”
Edna looks over her shoulder and back at me, sighin’ with a smile. “Oh, that’s our Ray. Raylynn is her name, but we just call her Ray most of the time. Been workin’ for me two years now, and I swear, Troy and I’d be up shit’s creek without a paddle if it wasn’t for her. She’ll be over in a minute. Food just popped for another table, so she’s gonna drop that off real quick and then come get ya orders to put in.”
Swallowin’ the lump in my throat, I stare at the table and put my hands on either side of my coffee. Three fuckin’ years and she’s been in fuckin’ Nags Head. You’ve got to be shittin’ me! I don’t know whether to be angry or relieved.
“What are you thinkin’ right now, Renegade?” Sandra says gently as her hand comes across the table and rests on my wrist.
I shake my head slightly. “I have no fuckin’ clue.”
Sandra pulls her hand back as another hand slides into my view and sets a bundle of silverware and napkin in front of me. Slowly, I lift my head and meet the exact pair of blue eyes that’s haunted me for the last three goddamned years. There’s not a stitch of makeup on her face, and I’m glad because she doesn’t need it. Raylynn is fuckin’ beautiful. My dreams and nightmares didn’t do her justice at fuckin’ all. I don’t know how long we stare at each other like this, but eventually, she takes a deep breath and swallows.
“Hi, Renegade,” she says softly, not takin’ her eyes off mine. “Been a long time.”
“Yeah, it has,” I say, forcin’ myself to stay in my seat when every fuckin’ fiber of my bein’ wants to get up and grab her, throw her over my shoulder, and never let her go again.
She gives me a small smile and then finally looks away to acknowledge everyone else at the table. I can’t take my fuckin’ eyes off her. Not for a second. I’m afraid if I blink, she’s gonna disappear again. When she finally looks at Catacomb, her smile widens, and she steps back as he slides out of the booth and stands, wrappin’ his arms around her.
“Been a long ass time, hon,” he says as he stands back and rests his hands on her shoulders. “You look amazin’.”
The growl that breaks loose is out before I can stop it, and they both whip their heads to the side and look at me. Catacomb with a smirk on his face, and Raylynn with wide eyes and her lips slightly parted. Catacomb doesn’t take his eyes off me but slowly lifts his hands off her shoulders and brings him down to his sides before slidin’ back into the booth. Raylynn steps up to the side of the table and keeps her eyes on me for a second before sighin’.