Page 51 of Dancin' with Demons
“Shut it, Reaper,” I snap without lookin’ at him as Savior lets out another giggle. Steppin’ closer to Raylynn, I snag her waist and pull her against me. She yelps, restin’ her hands on my chest as I bring my other hand up to play with the loose pieces of her hair. “Ho’onani.”
Her brows pull together as she lightly runs her fingers across my chest. “I don’t know what that means.”
Leanin’ down, I capture her lips and relish in the fact she doesn’t remotely try to hide her moan as she opens so my tongue can find hers. Her hand slides over my shoulder to the back of my neck, and she runs her nails down my skin causin’ my grip to tighten a little. A low whistle makes me remember she has somewhere to be and we have an audience.
Standin’ enough I can look in her eyes, I cup the side of her face. “Beautiful. That’s what it means.”
Raylynn blushes a little, her eyes dartin’ to my chest. “Thank you.”
The faint click of my front door closin’ makes me stand up and instinctively move so I’m in front of Raylynn, while Reaper stands and moves so he’s blockin’ Savior. We both sigh loudly as Sandra steps into the kitchen. Her eyes roam over both of us before stayin’ on me. “Relax, Renegade. Just me. You guys need to go, though. There’s two prospects outside, Raylynn is gonna be late if you don’t move it, and Cat’s expectin’ you both for Church after you drop her off.”
“Thanks for watchin’ her, Sandra,” Raylynn says movin’ to hug my president ol’ lady.
Sandra embraces Raylynn but gives me a wide-eyed look as she squeezes my woman to her. Raylynn hasn’t willingly touched anyone else since we found her in that diner aside from me and Savior, so I think Sandra realizes this is kinda a big deal, even though I don’t think Raylynn realizes it herself.
“I love hangin’ with our new princess,” Sandra says as Raylynn stands before movin’ to the counter to kiss Savior and grab her bag.
“Savior, behave, okay, baby? I’ll be home in a few hours.”
“You’re not gonna be gone all night?” Savior has a hopeful look in her eyes that makes my chest tighten.
Raylynn sighs and steps next to her daughter, holdin’ the kid’s head against her chest as she kisses the top if it. “No. Mommy doesn’t have to work those long shifts anymore now.”
“Yay!” Savior pushes away from Raylynn and throws her hands in the air.
Movin’ around the island, I clap Reaper on the shoulder before stoppin’ to kiss the side of Sandra’s head. “I’ll meet you at the clubhouse, Reaper. Be good, Savior. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Bye, Ren-Ren! Bye, Mommy!”
Raylynn falls in step next to me and as I open the door and rest my hand on her lower back, she shivers. I try not to smile. Last night was more than just good. Raylynn holdin’ onto the headboard bar, blindfolded, body archin’ as I slide into her is without a doubt the hottest fuckin’ thing, and it’s mine— all mine. Once we’re in the truck, I can’t stop from grabbin’ her and kissin’ her again before she puts her seatbelt on. Gettin’ on the road, I think about the second hottest thing in the world, and that is easily the way Raylynn smiles after I kiss her like I just did.
She’s quiet the entire ride, and we get here with a few minutes to spare. Turnin’ to her, I take her hand and hold it firmly in mine. “Raylynn, don’t leave here until someone comes to get you. Me, Reaper, Catacomb, Trickster, Archangel. You remember everyone?” She nods, the confusion clear in her eyes. “Don’t leave with anyone but one of us. Okay? Don’t go walkin’ near the woods. Stay in the fenced in area.”
“Renegade,” she says, her voice hitchin’ a little, “what’s goin’ on?”
Shakin’ my head, I bring my hand to rest on the side of her neck. “Nothin’, little love. You’re gonna have to get used to me bein’ overprotective and shit. I can’t be any other way when it comes to you.”
Surprisin’ly, her entire expression softens, and she takes my breath away as she throws her seatbelt off and climbs across the seat to straddle me, kissin’ me hard, her tongue the first one to push things further. I ain’t gonna pass up an opportunity to devour her mouth, though. I can’t fuckin’ get enough of kissin’ and touchin’ her. When she finally pulls back, I squeeze her upper thighs and sigh.
“I love you,” she says softly, “and I’ll be fine. Text me if you can and tell me who is comin’ to get me. That way I don’t leave with someone I shouldn’t.”
Raylynn slides off my lap and back to her side. Without her movement stoppin’, she pushes the door open, grabs her bag, and drops out of my truck. Before closin’ the door, she smiles at me again, and I try to breathe easier. I don’t like her workin’, especially with the shit with Hammer under investigation, the new club we gotta meet with, and just the weird tension stirrin’ in my gut. Lettin’ her out of my sight even for a fuckin’ moment don’t feel right.
I still can’t help but chuckle as Raylynn stops by the bench out front to squat down a pet a stray pitbull that comes from the side of the fenced in employee area. The dog is waggin’ it’s tail so fast that it’s entire ass is wigglin’, too. Raylynn scratches and pets the dog, her lips movin’ as she speaks to the dog in what I can only imagine is her version of the unnecessary baby-voice. After another moment, Raylynn stands and says bye to the pup before goin’ inside. It takes me a minute or so before I force myself to head to the clubhouse.
It takes about twenty-five minutes to get to the clubhouse from Raylynn’s work, and as I get out of the truck and head inside, the first think I notice is Hammer standin’ at the very end of the buildin’. From around the corner, there’s two other hands movin’ animatedly. As the breeze blows through, several strands of black and orange hair come from there, too, and I grit my teeth as I open the door and step inside. Catacomb is standin’ near the doors to the meetin’ room with the Geek Squad, and Reaper. Headin’ over, I shake hands with everyone but lean down in Catacomb’s ear as I shake his. “What’s the deal with Hammer and Snackcake?”
As I stand, Catacomb glares at me, confused. “What do you mean, brother?”
“When I came in, they we’re talkin’ at the back corner of the buildin’, and she was tryin’ to hide behind the buildin’ so no one could see her. Since when do brothers take whores outside to talk about anythin’?”
Catacomb’s confusion morphs to anger as he looks at Hardwire and Circuit. “Put her on the list.”
They nod, and a second later, Catacomb whistles and yells for everyone to get their ass in Church. He and I are the last two in, until the clubhouse door opens and Hammer comes joggin’ across the room. Takin’ his cell out of his pocket, he powers it down and tosses it in the basket. :My bad, Prez.”
I toss my phone in the basket before Catacomb, but a we walk in, we exchange knowin’ looks. Hammer is up to Somethin’.
Slidin’ into my seat at the head of the left side, Recoil nudges me. “How’s Ray doin’, brother?”