Page 34 of Dancin' with Demons
Catacomb smiles and reaches down to ruffle her hair. “I’d love that, kiddo.”
As he turns back to me, Raylynn and Irene come into the livin’ room.
“Prez, this is Irene, Raylynn’s previous neighbor. She’s agreed to come back with us so she can stay near Raylynn and Savior.”
Steppin’ past me, Catacomb holds his hand out to Irene. “Miss Irene, pleasure to finally meet you. Phoenix Kariss.” Irene shakes his hand with a polite smile. “I got more brothers comin’ in tomorrow to help us with whatever we need and get these ladies packed to head back on Thursday. Miss Irene, would you like me to have ‘em help you pack up your apartment?”
“That would be wonderful, dear,” the old woman says, puttin’ her arm around Raylynn’s waist. “I should be able to get a hotel room in town Wednesday night so that everythin’ can be put in a movin’ truck the day before.”
“You can stay here, Irene,” I say. “We can order out that night, keep things simple since Thursday will be a busy day.”
“Well, isn’t he just the sweetest,” she mutters more to Raylynn than us, and my woman blushes but nods.
“They all are, at least as far as the ones I’ve met, despite the big muscles and stern faces.”
“Hey,” Catacomb snaps, “don’t go tellin’ people that shit. Ruin my damn reputation then my men won’t do a damn thing I say.”
“Bad words!” Savior shouts makin’ us all look at her and laugh at the same time.
“My bad, princess,” Catacomb says with another chuckle. “Renegade, I got Freeway, Diesel, and Joshua bringin’ your SUV down. Hammer is ridin’ his bike.”
I nod, tryin’ not to roll my eyes at the fact Hammer is comin’. I don’t talk shit about any of my brothers, but since Hammer got patched in, he and I ain’t seen eye-to-eye. He listens to Catacomb, but he pushes back against any of the other officers, and Cat’s come down on him more than once for doin’ shit that ain’t cool, especially where women are concerned. Truthfully, it took two votes to patch him in because Archangel and I voted against it the first time.
“Sounds good, Prez. Ray and I are gonna start gettin’ all the documents she needs tomorrow mornin’.” I glance at Raylynn, and she nods in agreement.
“Good,” Catacomb says, tiltin’ his head toward the women before turnin’ his eyes back on me. “Let me talk to you outside for a sec, brother. Club shit.”
“Mister Phoenix!” Savior’s voice rings through the room space, and lookin’ at her, she’s glarin’ up at him, her eyes narrow and her little lips together so hard they’re almost invisible.
“Sorry, sorry,”Catacomb says, holdin’ his hands up in surrender as he backs away toward the front door. “Fuckin’ kid has the ears of an owl, man.”
I chuckle as I shut the front door behind us. “You ain’t wrong. So, what’s up, man?”
“The Geek Squad got confirmation that a new club moved into Knoxville. Takin’ over the Havoc Ryders ol’ stompin’ ground. Their president, guy that goes by the name Ghost, wants a face-to-face when we get back. Intro meetin’ and all that bullshit.”
“You know I’m there,” I say. “Can’t wait to see if these guys are gonna be allies or another fuckin’ pain in my ass.”
“Speakin’ of your ass,” Catacomb says, eyin’ me, “you good? No more drinkin’ and shit?”
I look my president right in the eyes and stand just a little taller. “Ain’t had a drink since the day we found Raylynn at the diner.”
Catacomb actually smiles and then slaps me on the back. “Thank fuck for that. Thought I was gonna lose ya for a bit there, brother.”
“I’m good, Cat. Really.”
As he opens his mouth, the front door behind us comes flyin’ open. We both spin around to find Savior in the doorway, arms wide with on hand holdin’ the door and the other holdin’ the door frame, her face beat red. “Ren-Ren, Mommy said I can’t watch Moana again! Tell her to let me. One more time, please?”
Chucklin’, I squat, and Savior drops her arms and runs right into mine so I can scoop her up. “I’ll talk to her, little one. No need to get all upset, okay?” Turnin’ my head I nod at Catacomb before he heads out.
“Renegade!” Catacomb’s voice calls and I spin back around, Savior huggin’ me tight with her head on my shoulder. “Fatherhood looks good on you, brother!” My president smirks and keeps headin’ back to the main house.
I sigh, knowin’ damn well he’s right, as I rub Savior’s back and step into the house and close the door behind me. Headin’ over to the couch, I notice Raylynn standin’ behind it, kinda glarin’ at me with her hands on her hips. Ploppin’ Savior on the sofa, I walk around and stand next to my woman a second before reachin’ over and slidin’ the remote out of her hand. Turnin’ toward the television, I bring Disney+ back up, click on Moana in the recently watched list, and then click where it says to restart from the beginnin’ before tossin’ the remove on the couch.
“If little one wants to watch Moana, she can watch Moana,” I say as Raylynn smirks, rollin’ her eyes.
Chapter 12