Page 29 of Dancin' with Demons
Troy comes around from the prep area. “What happened? Why?”
Turnin’ on him, I damn near growl. “Because you two didn’t have the sense to step in, and those assholes have been touchin’ a gropin’ her the whole time they’ve been here.”
“Renegade, I’m so so—”
“Don’t, Edna,” I snap, pointin’ my finger at her. “I just had to scoop her up off the ground because she was outside in the middle of a full-blown panic attack. Word of advice, bikers like that, don’t belong here, and you don’t just sit by and let ‘em fuckin’ assault and harass your staff.”
Turnin’ on my heel, I storm right back out of the diner to the truck, even though everythin’ in me wants to go kick the shit out of every guy at those tables. I don’t know who they are and right now, I don’t fuckin’ care. The only thing I give a shit about it that they did Somethin’ that upset Raylynn.
And makin’ my woman cry is enough to make me snap fuckin’ necks.
Chapter 10
Renegade carries me into the house despite the fact I think I’m steady enough to walk. As we head into the house, I as Renegade to put me down so we can get Savior but he insists Trickster has her. Entering the house, Renegade moves right for the master bedroom.
“I’m fine, Renegade,” I say softly as he sets me on the plush bed.
“Yeah, and I’m the Easter Bunny,” he snaps, turning and heading into the bathroom. A few seconds later, the water kicks on, and I sigh, not sure whether to roll my eyes or smile at this man trying to fix a panic attack. “Come here, little love.”
Getting off the bed, and heading into the bathroom, my jaw drops a little. Renegade’s lighting candles that he’s set on the front edges of the jacuzzi tub, the back of the toilet, and the sink, and he’s mixed bubbles with the bath. He reaches over and turns off the lights and the bathroom is dancing in soft, flickering light as the increasing scents of vanilla, raspberries, and citrus.
“What’s all this?” I glance from the tub to the man standing less than a foot in front of me.
Renegade closes that space in one step, and I can’t stop the tremors that start in my shoulders. It’s not him, it’s the aftermath of having a group of men that resemble him trigger my PTSD so bad I had an attack, which hasn’t happened this bad in years. He gently tucks my hair behind my ear, and by gently, I mean I can hardly even feel his fingers touch my hair. His eyes are tight and his shoulders are tense, and it dawns on my how hard it must be for him not to touch me right now. Knowing Renegade, all he wants to do is hold me but he didn’t push my panic attacks three years ago— I know he won’t push it now.
“Get in the bath, relax. You’re not fine and you need to know that with me, it’s okay for you not to be okay, little love. I’m gonna check on Savior and get her stuff out of the car, then I’ll be back to check on you. Please don’t do anythin’ extreme this time,” he says softly.
With a still shaking hand, I reach up and rest it against the side of Renegade’s face. Immediately, his eyes close and his hand comes up to cover mine as he leans into my touch. My breath catches and my stomach kinda turns but not in a bad way. More because I’m nervous but want to see where that goes, which is very strange for me after the last few years. I was never a risk taker per se, even when I was younger, but I wasn’t a prude either. If I really wanted something, I went for it. Ever since the Havoc Ryders, though, I don’t do anything that even hints at danger.
Renegade’s very presence screamsdangerwith a capitalD, and yet, every fiber of my being wants to go for it with him.
Stepping forward so that we’re flush against each other, I bring my hand from his face and wrap both my arms around his midsection. “Thank you for saving me again.”
He kisses the top of my head as he lets out a shuddered sigh. “I’ll save you every day for the rest of my life, little love. Or at least until you don’t need me to anymore.”
Leaning back, I tilt my head so I can meet his gaze. “I might not always need you to save me, Renegade, but I have a feeling I’m always gonna need you.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. “Not nearly as bad as I need you, even if you don’t realize it, woman. Now, get in the tub. I’ll be back.” Before moving past me, he softly kisses my forehead.
Once the door clicks closed, I undress and put my clothes in the hamper before putting my hair on the top of my head in a messy bun that has several tendrils still hanging loosely around my face and stuff. The rest of the house is quiet. Whatever Renegade and Trickster are doing, they’re keeping the volume down, and Savior must be happy because I don’t so much as hear a giggle out of her. The bathtub is deep and sitting in it, the water comes up to my collarbone, the bubbles piling almost to the top of my shoulders. Pulling my knees up under the water, I put my arms around them as if hugging them to my chest.
Closing my eyes I take a deep breath, and my body jolts as the first flashback smacks into me.
“You gonna look real pretty with my cock down your throat, bitch,” the overweight sack of shit named Panda says as he grabs a fist full of my hair.
I don’t know where the hell I am. I remember getting home last night, and I was about to text Lacey, then someone put something over my head. There was an explosion of pain against my head, and I woke up here like an hour ago in a concrete cell with stench of mildew around me. These guys are bikers, though. They wear those leather vest things like in the showSons of Anarchy. The back saysHavoc Rydersacross the top andKnoxville, TNon the bottom.
They’re the ones taking the girls from campus.
For months now, girls have gone missing, sometimes three or four a week. Now I know where the hell they’re going to.
“You can go fuck yourself, asshole,” I snap, only to have him pull my hair tighter.
“Oh no, bitch,” he says leaning down so his face is inches from mine, “I’m gonna fuck you raw, and then I’m gonna let all my brothers fuck you too— over and over, every day until we get bored. And we been watchin’ you for a while so we ain’t gonna get bored any time soon.”
My whole body jumps again as my eyes snap open and I suck in a gasp.Panda. That guy was a real prick. Not as bad asHard-On. He’s the guy that ran the show, so president of that club, I think. Out of all the guys Renegade and his club killed three years ago, I hope those two are dead. I startle as the bathroom door opens, but try to hid it as Renegade steps back into the bathroom.