Page 16 of Dancin' with Demons
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Catacomb says in the weirdest, most un-intimidating tone I’ve ever heard, and it doesn’t fit his looks at all. “I didn’t realize you were at such an important part. Where’s Mom and Renegade?”
“Kitchen,” Savior says, her tone much sweeter now.
I try to push forward to get off the counter, knowing Renegade’s president is about to walk in here, but he grabs my hip and squeezes, pining me with a stare that clearly says, don’t-fucking-think-about-moving. The heat of embarrassment is already creeping up my neck. It’s not that I’m embarrassed to get caught with Renegade; it’s just that after everything three years ago, I don’t like anyone even looking at me in a sexual situation at all, and I sure as hell don’t like being seen without my clothes. Part of that is from the scars everywhere, and part is from being tied down and raped in front of groups for six months. Either way makes me super uncomfortable.
Just as I get ready to argue, Catacomb comes through the kitchen opening and kind of skids to a stop in the middle of the room. His eyes widen as he glances between me and Renegade, and then a big ol’ smile spreads across his face. That’s about the time I groan, shake my head, and hide my face in my hands.
“Well, well, well,” Catacombs says with a chuckle. “Good to see you kids getting’ along.”
“Catacomb?” Renegade’s voice is deep and husky, and I can’t help but look up at him. He actually looks pissed. “I respect you but shut the fuck up.”
“Excuse me?” Catacomb’s eyes narrow as he stares at Renegade.
“Read the room, Prez,” Renegade says, his voice deadly low, and that’s when Catacomb’s eyes fall on me before he sighs, and the tension visibly leaves his shoulders.
“My bad, brother. Raylynn, I apologize. Pokin’ fun is just how we are, but I don’t ever want to make one of our women uncomfortable.”
Clearing my throat, my cheeks heat. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m not one of your club’s women.”
Renegade’s hand darts up, and he gently squeezes the side of my neck, his beautiful brown eyes locked on mine. “Yes, you are. You just don’t realize it yet.”
I open my mouth to argue, but he leans down and kisses me again, this time softly, slowly. Despite how much Renegade’s touch makes my brain go all fuzzy and one-track, I’m far too aware of the fact Catacomb is in the room watching us. When Renegade pulls back, he holds the side of my face, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my cheek with a small smile on his lips. Ducking my head, I tuck my hair behind my ear and take a steading breath.
Catacomb clears his throat. “Trick and I are gonna go clear her apartment. Wanted to get her key and see if there’s anythin’ specific we need to make sure to box and grab.”
Without thinking, I shove Renegade back and slide off the counter, taking a step so that I’m more between the two men, my eyes darting between them. “What do you mean box up our things? Where the hell are you planning to take them?”
Catacomb’s mouth opens a little when he glances at Renegade. “Uh . . .”
“Raylynn,” Renegade says calmly, resting his hand on my shoulder.
I shrug it off. “No. What are you doing, Renegade? You can’t just show up here and take over my life! I mean, yeah, our life isn’t great, but it’s ours, and I have a job, and Miss Irene, and our apartment is all Savior knows. What the hell gives you the right to just come and turn everything upside down?”
“Raylynn!” Renegade’s voice booms through the kitchen, and instinctively, I cower a little and step back. The moment my eyes meet his, he sighs. “Little love, you and Savior can’t keep livin’ like you do. We can figure the details out, but for now, I want you both here. Where you have everythin’ you need, you’re safe, and you’re with me.”
My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest, and I’m sure I’m on the verge of a panic attack. “This is insane. You realize that? We spent three days together three years ago, Renegade. We don’t know the first thing about each other, and you just want to saddle yourself with me and my daughter when you don’t have the first clue what we need, what we want, nothing! Do you even hear how fucking crazy that is?”
“Bad language, Mommy!” Savior’s voice travels at top volume from the living room and kind of shocks me out of my meltdown.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” I call loud enough for her to hear me.
“Mommy, we should get a swear jar,” Savior yells. “Everyone pays five cents for the swear words!”
Renegade chuckles, shaking his head as Catacomb laughs quietly, too. I honestly don’t know whether to smile or cry right now because my chest is heavy, and I don’t know how to even deal with the stuff happening right now. I went from living my life, working hard, to Renegade appearing out of thin air, just like when I first met him, and trying to fix everything like some frickin’ superhero.
“Damn it, Renegade,” I huff. “This isn’t a negotiation. We aren’t together. On top of this being insane, I can’t just let you take care of us and let Savior get attached to you. Because it isn’t just me and my heart on the line. It’s her and hers, and when you’ve had your fill of playing house, she’s not going to understand you just walking away. It’ll break her heart, and I won’t do that to my daughter.”
Renegade takes a wide step and puts his body flush against mine. Everything in me expects him to yell or something, but instead, he gently lays both his hands on my shoulders. “Raylynn, you have no idea how long I looked for you or what losin’ you did to me. So at least give me the respect not to assume that you know anythin’ about what I will or won’t do. And you don’t have to believe me right now, but eventually, you will. I’m not playin’ fuckin’ house, woman. I want you. I want Savior. Give me the new few weeks, please? When I have to go back to Tennessee, if I haven’t convinced you that I’m all-in, then I won’t force you. But no matter what happens between us, you and that little girl are never gonna want for another thing. I’ll make damn sure of it. Now, I’m gonna go make a few calls, and I need you to give Cat your key and instructions without any more shit.” Leaning down, he kisses my forehead, and my eyes close, and then a chill washes over me as he steps away, and I open my eyes again, trying like hell not to cry.
“Raylynn,” Catacomb says quietly, and I raise my head enough to look at him. “I know I ain’t got a right to ask because hell, you don’t know me either. But you and Lacey were close, more sisters than friends. If anythin’, you know she wouldn’t have banked on my club findin’ you if we were bad men. Deep down, I think you know that. It’s why you trusted us when we rescued you, at least for a minute. Give Renegade the time. Just talk to him. Get to know him better. I think you’ll find that you couldn’t have a better man in your corner.”
Sighing heavily, I nod and slip my hand into my pocket, pulling out my set of keys. Stepping over, I hold them out to Catacomb, and he takes them with a soft smile. “The only stuff we really need is the rest of our clothes, which isn’t much, whatever toys are in Savior’s room, and my journals. They’re stacked against the back wall of the living room.”
“Got it, hon. Now, try to have a nice day, okay? Maybe don’t fight my Enforcer on everythin’. My woman’s probably gonna pop in, too. She’s kinda gung-ho on getting’ to know the chick that’s had a man like Renegade drownin’ in his own feels for three years.” Catacomb chuckles as he turns and heads out of the kitchen beforeI can ask him what the hell that statement even means.
“Bye, Mister Phoenix!”
Savior’s little voice makes me smile, and I head into the living room to find her sitting with her legs crossed on the couch, her little elbows on her knees, fists under her chin, as she leans forward, staring at the television in awe at the movie. For a few moments, I stand and just watch her. That’s one of the blessings she’s been to me. No matter what’s going on or how I’m feeling, Savior’s very presence reminds me that everything is going to be alright in the end. Savior yawns and brings her hands out to cover her mouth.