Page 28 of Wanton
Antonio merely looks at me as if to say 'See? She's ruthless.'
"Who taught you to play,piccolina?" I ask her as she scoops her chips into a pile, humming quietly.
"Marcello and my bodyguards. I hounded them when I was little until they taught me everything they know," she says.
I nod, satisfied with her answer. Judging by Alessio and Antonio's expressions, they didn't ask. "You assume because she's aprincipessathat she grew up in some bubble or that she's delicate," I say quietly. "You know nothing. Aprincipessa'sspine is forged from steel and covered in diamonds. She's the most dangerous person in any room she walks into because she's the smartest and she's willing to risk the most. Her survival depends on it. Don't ever forget that again."
Alessio and Antonio nod their understanding. Even Ricardo bobs his head, looking at Callandria with a new appreciation.
We fight with guns and knives and underhanded deals. They live in the same world we do, and they need none of that to survive it. When they're required to fight, they do it with their brains and sheer force of will. They aren't delicate. They aren't helpless. We don't protect them because they're weak. We defend them because they're the most deserving of all of us. Protecting our women is an honor. One any single Made man worthy of the name would die for without hesitation.
"Come,bella," I murmur, holding out my hand to her. "I think you've won enough of their money for one night."
"Oh, I'm not keeping it," she says.
"Yes, you are. Maybe next time they'll think twice before underestimating you because you're a woman."
"Luca, really," she protests.
"Hush,bella. It's your money now."
"So that means I can do what I want with it, right?"
"Anything except give it back to my men," I agree.
"Fine." She gathers up her chips before shoving them into my hands. "This is for you," she says. "Please put it toward Mrs. Ricardo's care. Oh. And also toward whatever you're paying Alessio and Antonio to protect me." She pats me on the chest, beaming at me.
"Cazzo," I growl as she sails past me out of the kitchen, satisfied with herself.
All three of the men at the table look at me with the exact same expression.
"Don't even say it," I growl. "Not a fucking word."
Alessio actually cracks a smile.
I curse and stomp out of the room after Callandria, pretty sure I walked right into that one myself.Dio. She's too smart for her own good, and she's fearless.
Yes, I love her. So much I can't fucking think about anything but her since she entered my life. She's the only thing that matters.
By the time I make it upstairs, she's already in the bedroom. I stop in the doorway, drinking in the sight of her bathed in the moonlight filtering in through the windows. It lights her with an ethereal glow.
"Did you mean what you said down there?" she asks without turning to look at me. "Do you really thinkprincipessasare everything you said?"
I stride into the room, pushing the door closed with my foot before I deposit her chips on the dresser. "I know one who is," I answer.
"I'm looking at her,bella." I strip my shirt off over my head, joining her in front of the windows. "You dropped me to my knees without even lifting a hand against me."
"Oh, I lifted one," she says, smiling.
"Yeah, you did." I drag her back against my chest, pressing my lips to her ear. "That's the moment I fell in love with you."
"Luca," she gasps.
"I've been waiting for you to give every piece of yourself to me, but I'm an idiot," I murmur. "I never told you that you already have every piece of me. I'll wait as long as it takes for you to find room in your heart for me, too."
"What if…" She turns her head to look up at me. "What if you're already there, Luca?"