Page 23 of The Two of Us (Love in Isolation 1)
“No…” she answers hesitantly.
“Oh man…” I beam. “You’re in for a treat.”
“Why do I have a feeling I’m about to regret this?”
“Depends what kinda night they have.” I chuckle. “Now, there are rules to this drinking game. You ready?”
“I suppose.” She shrugs.
“We take a shot every time there’s a police car chase, someone gets tased, or the cops find drugs in the car and the person says it’s not theirs.”
“Dear lord, we’ll be tanked before the end.”
“That’s the point.”
She laughs, and her eyes go wide as soon as the show begins. I pour the whiskey into the glasses and sit back, knowing it won’t be long before this game starts.
On the very first traffic stop, an officer pulls someone over and smells marijuana as soon as the window comes down. Of course, she asks him when he last smoked it, and he denies using it. The smell gives her probable cause to search the vehicle, and then…he tells her it’s his buddy’s car and that the drugs aren’t his.
“Oh, here we go!” I cheer. “Shot time.”
“I feel like that’s such an obvious lie…” She scowls. “What an idiot.”
I hand her one of the glasses, and we clink them together. “Cheers.”
We choke down the burn in one swallow.
“This is a horrible idea,” she slurs after the third shot. “How long is this show?”
“An hour,” I reply. It’s only been twenty minutes. “Be glad I only listed three. There could’ve been a lot more.”
“Did he seriously think he could drive off and get away with it?” Cami holds out her arm, getting pissed at the screen when another police chase starts. “This is why we can’t have nice things.” She shakes her head, takes the glass, then tilts her head back.
Cami’s blinking obsessively, and I start cracking up. “You gonna be okay?”
“Oh, sure. I’m starting to see stars, but I’m totally fine.”
“Perhaps we should turn this off…” I chuckle.
She stands, wobbling on her feet. “No, no. I’m fine. Totally got this.” She swings out her arm and attempts to touch her nose.
“What are you trying to do?”
“A sobriety test.” She lifts one foot and steps it in front of her other, tripping over the coffee table.
Quickly, I catch her arm to stop her from falling, then get to my feet. “You’re gonna hurt yourself. Maybe you should stay sitting.”
She turns and scowls. “I think you got me drunk on purpose.”
Taking her hand, I guide her back to the couch and sit next to her. “I didn’t realize you were such a lightweight.”
“I’m not!” She hiccups, then narrows her eyes at me when I try to hide my smile. “Shut up.”
I snort and chuckle because she’s adorable. “I’ll get you some water.”
“Wait.” She grabs my arm, then within seconds, her legs are around mine, and she’s straddling my lap.
“Cami, what are you doing?” I securely hold her waist as all the blood rushes to my dick.
“Well, if I have to explain it to you, then perhaps I shouldn’t be on top of you.”
“I think you’re drunk and—”
“Are you saying you don’t want me?” She leans in closer, and the strong smell of whiskey on her breath reminds me how inebriated she is.
“I do, but not like this.”
“Maybe this is the only way I can be brave enough to make a move…” she states clearly. “You’re the one who said I’m uptight, so this is me being…” She pauses, thinking. “Un-uptight.”
My face splits into a grin at her hesitation and response.
Cami sinks down harder against me, and I groan at how good it feels. She’s making this too fucking difficult.
“I appreciate that, but the next time I kiss you, you’ll be sober.” Bringing my hand up to her cheek, I brush away her hair and cup her chin. “That way, it’ll be a moment you won’t forget or regret.”
“Okay.” She nods, contemplating my words. I can tell she’s thinking about something before she moves off me. The silence draws on for a second, and I wonder if she’s embarrassed. “Any chance we can pretend this didn’t happen?”
I smirk. “Not a chance in hell.”
She crosses her arms over her chest, but she’s smirking.
Cameron St. James throwing herself at me is a moment I’ll never forget. Intoxicated or not, it’s something I’ll always find humor in.
After helping her upstairs and into her room, I tuck her into bed and kiss her forehead. “Night.”
She’s snoring by the time I shut the bedroom door.
I take Bruno outside, then get ready for bed and text my sister before passing out. Ava and I were super close growing up, but as we got older and focused on school and work, we didn’t spend as much time together. I miss her a lot. The same age as Cameron, she’s finishing her last semester of college online since the stay-at-home order was issued. I know she’s bummed about it, but everyone’s suffering one way or another.