Page 16 of The Two of Us (Love in Isolation 1)
Laughing, I get up from the table and grab my mug. “How sweet of you.”
“I’m a nice guy, babe.” He winks, then calls Bruno, and the two of them head to the front door.
I grab Chanel’s food and water dishes from my room, then refill them in the kitchen. As I walk back to the staircase, I peek through the window and see Eli throwing a stick for Bruno in the backyard. He’s smiling wide as he grabs it from Bruno’s mouth and stretches his arm back, tossing it as far as he can. Bruno gallops like a small horse and happily fetches it.
As I watch them, a strong sensation ripples through me. I’m relieved and glad Eli’s here, so I’m not alone, but he’s also great company. It doesn’t hurt that he cooks, too. However, he’s helped keep me distracted from what’s happening right now. My anxiety spikes just thinking about it, and if I were here by myself, I’d drive myself crazy watching the news. I’m not being ignorant about the extreme situation we’re in, but it doesn’t help to overly obsess either.
If there’s anyone I have to self-isolate with during times of uncertainty, I’m glad it’s Elijah.
Chapter Six
Cami has given me whiplash the past couple of days, but I’m managing the best I can.
One second, she’s blazing hot, and the next, she’s ice cold.
Then she’s apologizing.
I must be living in the twilight zone because Cameron rarely admits she’s wrong, so I certainly appreciate her apology. Though she may not believe it, I’m actually glad she’s here and keeping me company. It beats being in this big cabin alone, and if we can get along, even better.
I throw sticks for Bruno until my arm nearly gives out, then we head back into the house. I grab some bottles of water, go upstairs and take a shower, then log in to my laptop. I have a video conference with some clients and my supervisor for two hours, which is as boring as it sounds. The only bonus is the view of the snow-capped mountains in the distance and clear blue skies. Though it’s a little chilly outside, it’s common for Upstate this time of year.
Once I’m off the call, I return dozens of emails and decide to turn on the news.
Bad fucking idea.
Reporters show footage of doctors working in the ER in New York City under extreme distress, and it has me on edge thinking about Ryan. Though he might not be able to text me back, I message him anyway so he knows he’s on my mind.
Elijah: Hope you’re doing okay. Shit is looking scary on TV.
I’m shocked when his reply comes minutes later.
Ryan: It’s fucking bad. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like this before.
Elijah: I can’t believe it. It doesn’t seem real.
Ryan: I heard you’re stuck with my sister. Sorry, I didn’t know she’d be there, but I’m glad you guys are together and safe. Gives me one less thing to worry about.
Elijah: Did she chew your ass out?
Ryan: Not really. She said she was worried about me so I tried to downplay things so she wouldn’t have an anxiety attack.
Elijah: Does she still get them?
I knew she did in high school but wasn’t sure if she still did. Since the media is constantly in her business and making up stories, she’s overly private about her personal life.
Ryan: Yeah, sometimes. She doesn’t always tell me, so it could be happening more than I know.
Elijah: I’ll keep an eye on her. Did she tell you Zane broke up with her?
Ryan: What? No. That fucker. I’m gonna punch his pretty boy face.
I laugh, knowing he totally would too.
Elijah: Don’t worry, she’s taking her anger out on me.
Ryan: I believe that. Don’t let her near the vodka…
I snort.
Elijah: You’re a day late and a dollar short on that tip.
Ryan: Fuck. Sorry.
Elijah: Don’t be. We’ll be fine. She’s coming around. We’ll be married in no time ;)
Ryan: I’m not sure if I should worry about the virus killing you or my sister, but good luck either way!
Elijah: Be safe, bro! Keep me updated with how things are going. I’ll make sure Cami is safe.
Ryan: Appreciate it, man. I gotta run. Talk to you later!
I’m not a religious guy, but I whisper a little prayer to keep my best friend safe and healthy along with his coworkers and patients.
By three thirty, I’m tired of glaring at my computer screen and want some fresh air, so I take Bruno outside. I chase him around the yard, throw the stick a dozen times, and am nearly out of breath after thirty minutes.
“Alright, let’s get some water, bud.” I pet his head, and we go into the house. As I reach the fridge, I spot Cami at the kitchen table with her cat lying next to her computer.