Page 63 of Blush
“Yes. I have an appointment with a trainer.”
“That’s great. What are her qualifications?”
“I don’t know his qualifications.”
A sliver of jealousy spears into my gut. So what? So she has a male trainer. I’ve trained with men myself. I’ve trained with women, too. Doesn’t mean I want to get in their pants.
Ben returns with two smoothies for Frankie and Mandy.
Mandy takes a sip of hers, and her eyes widen. “This is delicious. What is it?”
“It’s something I have made special. It’s a papaya and passionfruit base with a mixture of pea and whey protein flavored with vanilla and almond.”
“It’s amazing.” Mandy takes another sip.
“Yes, I’m not sure I’ve ever had anything more delicious.” Frankie beams at Ben.
I’ve had Ben’s special pre-workout smoothie, and yes, it’s delicious.
But it’s not the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.
No. That would be Mandy’s pussy.
And for some reason, I can’t get that vision out of my head at the moment.
Mandy, her legs spread, my head between them as I lick every ounce of cream out of her.
Damn it.
Now she’s going to go work out with some guy.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Is Ben right? Am I pining for Mandy on a subconscious level?
I mean…that night with her at Black Rose? It was fucking fabulous. Would she be open to kink? Even if she is, though, I’d eventually tire of her and everything would be ruined. I’ve never been able to commit to a woman. I’ve tried. Serena in high school. Susan in college. Julia last spring. Every single time, though, my interest eventually wanes. I start noticing things we don’t have in common, imagining fights we’ll one day have, wishing I were anywhere except with her. Some people just aren’t meant to be with the same person forever.
“Where are you working out?” I ask her.
“At Frankie’s gym. That one around the corner from Rossi’s.”
I chuckle. “Mandy Thomas, workout queen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just that…you’re not really the exercise type, are you?”
“Says who?”
“Says you. You don’t have a gym membership. You never played sports.”
I’m not sure why I’m picking a fight with her. It’s ridiculous anyway. Mandy does a lot of walking, so she gets plenty of exercise.
“What does playing sports have to do with it?” Ben asks, coming to her defense.
Now I’m getting angry. Why is he sticking his big nose into this?
“True,” Frankie says, agreeing with Ben, of course. “I work out all the time, and I never played any sports.”