Page 79 of Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 2)
“Rowan…I owe you an apology,” she says.
I give her a smile. “Really, don’t worry about it. You didn’t know.”
“I know, but I just don’t want you to think I was trying to steal him. I would’ve never crossed that line if I’d known. Neither of us talked about our relationship status, but I also didn’t ask. If I could take it all back, I would.”
I try to imagine being a single mom for the past two and a half years without a partner. She went through the delivery and raised a newborn all on her own. This woman is strong as hell, and I have so much respect for her, and even more now because she can admit her mistakes. “Listen. I’m not upset with you, Chelsea. Not at all. I should’ve asked Diesel what was going on. I shouldn’t have just assumed.”
“I know what it looked like and what you saw, and that’s not your fault,” she insists.
I search her face and notice how sincere her words are. “Diesel really loves his son, and I really love him, so that means we’re gonna be in each other’s lives for a long time. Maybe it started off on the wrong foot, but that’s okay. We understand each other more and the whole situation. It seems just like a big misunderstanding.” I laugh. “And I have really bad timing.”
She grins. “I’d like that…being friends, at least. I know this probably hasn’t been easy for you. Diesel told me your relationship was new, and no one really knew about it, and then I roll up here with a kid. Trust me when I say it wasn’t my idea, but it’s for the best for Dawson.”
“I agree one hundred percent. They both deserve the opportunity to form a relationship, and I have so much respect for you for allowing that.”
I can see she’s getting emotional, and we both laugh as I pull her in for a hug. “Hormones are such a bitch,” I say.
Diesel walks up, breaking up the moment because Dawson starts getting fussy. She turns and takes him from Diesel. “Told you he needed a nap or he’d be cranky.”
“Mama knows best,” Diesel says. “If you wanna wait in the truck, I can bring you home in just a few minutes.”
Chelsea nods. “Actually, would you mind if I grabbed some lunch? It smells delicious.”
Diesel chuckles. “Help yourself. Might have a wheelbarrow in the back after you’re done because Maize’s cookin’ is the best in the area.”
Chelsea laughs and walks to the dining area as Riley moves toward us.
“This is really gonna be a thing? You two all lovey-dovey, smoochin’ in front of everyone, and causin’ a show?”
“Riley,” I warn. “Mind your own damn business. You don’t get to tell me what to do, who to date, or any of those things. And if you do have a problem with it…” I take a step forward, ready to knock him down, but he takes a step back.
“Hey…” He lifts his hands. “I know I can’t control you. I just don’t want you gettin’ hurt, Rowan. I’ve only wanted the best for you, my only little sister, even if it means you choosing this dickhead.”
“I’m your best friend in the entire world!” Diesel argues. “Don’t you trust me?” He places a hand to his chest, pretending to be insulted.
Riley gives him a pointed look and tilts his head.
“If anyone’s gonna treat your sister right…” Diesel thrusts his hips, and Riley groans, grinding his teeth. I can’t help but laugh because through all of this, the man still has jokes.
“If you hurt her, I won’t think twice about punching you again,” Riley warns.
“And when he’s done with you, I’ll chop off your dick,” Maize adds, walking up to us.
I glance at Diesel, and he winks at me, and I know this is what true happiness feels like. Maize tells Riley to stop causing a scene and pulls him away. I wrap my arms around Diesel’s neck, finally getting a tad bit of privacy.
“It’s gonna take him some time to get used to this, Cowboy,” I say. His strong hands rest on my hips, and he pulls me even closer to him. “I’m sorry for assuming the worst. I should’ve known better, but my emotions had me thinking back on my past when I caught Nick cheating.”
“No, I get it. This is new for all of us, and I probably would’ve thought the same thing had I seen another man’s hands on you. Except I would’ve barged in and flattened him out.”
I chuckle, knowing he definitely would have. I nearly get lost in his eyes before mine flutter closed, and I’m ready to taste him. Before our lips can touch, the door slams, and I pull away. My eyes go wide, and I can’t believe who’s standing in the living room of the B&B.