Page 75 of Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 2)
“Pretty please?” I beg with a grin. “I swear on my life that I won’t let anything happen to him. It’s safe as can be, and we’re not going too far. Just to the horse barn at the B&B, right up the road.”
She forces a smile and nods. “Okay, but only for a couple of hours. He’ll need a nap before we travel. Otherwise, he’ll be cranky on the flight, and I don’t want anyone throwing me dirty looks.”
I can’t stop grinning. “Yes, of course. Thank you!”
Chelsea gives me a list of things to do. “Make sure he’s buckled in the car seat really well. Don’t let him out of your sight because he will take off running. If he—”
“Hey,” I say, calmly. “He’s gonna be fine. I won’t let him run wild. I promise. Trust me, okay?”
“I have issues with trust. I’m sorry,” she admits, and I feel for her in the same way that I feel for Rowan.
“I understand, completely.”
She picks up Dawson and explains to him what’s happening, and for the first time, he reaches for me. I hold him into my arms, and we go outside. Chelsea decides to help me buckle him in and continues with instructions. I squeeze her shoulder and grin. “He’s in great hands.”
“Not the first time I’ve heard that from you.” She laughs, our eyes meet, and then she takes a step back, allowing me to shut the door.
I climb inside the truck and wave bye before backing out of the driveway. During the ten-minute drive to the B&B, I chat with Dawson about ranch life. I tell him about the horses and then find myself talking about Rowan. He listens carefully, though I know he has no idea what I’m saying, but that’s okay. One day, he will.
I park in front of the B&B, and I take him straight to the barn where the lessons for the guests are held. There are several horses saddled, which means Colton, one of the instructors, probably has some scheduled for the ten o’clock hour.
Carefully, I set Dawson on one of the ponies and support him so he won’t fall. These horses are for beginners, so they’re very gentle. He giggles and keeps leaning forward to pet the horse. It’s the cutest thing ever. This is a part of his heritage, and I’m determined for him to know that. It hurts my heart that he won’t get to grow up on the ranch, something I always wished I had. Seems he might get the city life too, unless I can somehow convince Chelsea to give Texas a chance, but as of now, she’s not on board. I’ll have to do what I can with what she’s willing to give.
After we’ve been outside for an hour, I notice Dawson is sweating, so I bring him inside the B&B to cool off. I place him in one of the high chairs, grab some water, and then snag one of Maize’s incredible chocolate chip cookies. I hold the cup for him so he can drink, then he gobbles the cookie with a smile on his face.
Feeling parched as well, I pour some water for myself but don’t take my eyes off Dawson. An older lady chats with him, and he brags about the pony he rode, pointing outside. My heart’s overflowing, that is, until someone smacks me in the back of her head with their hand. When I turn and see Maize, she gives me a scowl.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she whisper-hisses, trying not to draw attention to herself.
“What?” I lift my ball cap and rub over the spot she smacked. “Why’d you hit me?”
“You’re an idiot, Diesel,” she says between gritted teeth.
“What else is new?” I ask with a shrug, but I have no idea what she’s referring to this time. Then again, it’s not uncommon for her to call me names.
“Rowan told me everything. Everything. And then you went and messed things up. She told me what she saw this morning.” She cocks her hip, placing her hands on them.
I search her face, confused. Rowan told her about us? “What are you talkin’ about? Saw what?”
“Rowan went to your house this morning to talk to you. You didn’t answer the door so she looked through the window and saw Chelsea wrapped up in your arms.” Maize shakes her head, grimacing. “I was rooting for you, too.” She sarcastically laughs. “Riley’s gonna lose his shit. I ought to kick your ass myself for leading her on.”
My eyes go wide, and I start to panic at what Rowan must’ve seen before I pushed Chelsea away. “It wasn’t like that. I swear.”
“And to think Rowan wanted to come clean to everyone about your relationship, too. But you fucked it up,” Maize grits. “You ruined everything.”
“Come clean about what relationship?” Riley asks from behind, and I close my eyes, wishing this wasn’t happening right now. I turn around and see him and John staring like they’re ready to murder me.