Page 67 of Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 2)
When I walk in, I spot Rowan who looks at me and immediately turns. She’s still being distant and pretending I don’t exist. If it weren’t such a serious matter, I’d say it’s cute, but I know better. I hurt her, and just as I promised, I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to her, as long as she doesn’t move on before I can.
The night we had together in San Angelo was unforgettable. Being with her in such an intimate way was everything I ever dreamed it would be and more, then in a snap, it was ruined. I should’ve told her what was going on as soon as I found out, but I didn’t know where to begin. Would it have changed anything? I’m not so sure. Rowan acted like she was a homewrecker or something, which is insane because I don’t even know Chelsea or want her. Rowan’s the only woman I’ve ever wanted, and now she’s slipped through my fingers.
“Hey,” I say, looking at Maize, then glancing at Rowan.
“What’re you doing here?” Maize asks with judgment in her eyes.
“Thought I’d stop and grab some dinner,” I say truthfully.
Rowan continues on as if I’m invisible and speaks directly to Maize. “Well, I gotta go to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She walks away, and I can smell the hint of her shampoo as she leaves.
I try to act as if I’m not gutted, but it’s hard as hell. I don’t know what to say or do. No one besides Wyatt knew we were together, and if I acted any other way, they’d all become overly suspicious.
Maize glares at me as she tucks loose strands of hair behind her ear. Flour is on the sleeves of her shirt, and she looks like she’s had a rough day. “Don’t you know how to cook?”
“Grandma B told me I could help myself anytime I wanted. Should I call her and ask?” I taunt. Maize knows her grandma gave an open invitation to all of the workers on the ranch.
She groans and walks away, mumbling something under her breath. I grab a plate, fill it full of beef tips, rice, and brown gravy, then I stack a roll on top of my delicious pile and find a seat. Riley walks in and looks at me. I tell him hey, but my mouth is full, and it comes out garbled.
He sits and glares at me. “You know why my sister’s pissed all the time?”
I nod and swallow. “Maybe she’s on her period?”
“Dude.” He groans, but his eyes don’t leave mine. It’s more than obvious he’s suspicious. “You sure you don’t know?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Why?” I press, taking a huge bite of meat.
“Last week, I told her where you were, that you had a kid and all of that, and she’s been moody and strange ever since. I started piecing some things together.” He leans forward. “Diesel, I swear to fucking God if you messed with my sister, I will chop off your dick and shove it down your throat.”
“Jesus…” I say, not having the words to be able to deny it. “Why the hell are you threatenin’ my junk?”
He narrows his gaze at me, looking as though he’s ready to murder me and hide my body. “I’m serious. She was upset and distant. She’s been so freaking odd since you got back, and I have a feeling the common denominator here is you. If I find out you touched her, I will kick your ass to San Antonio and back. I’m not even kidding.”
“Riley. You need to chill out. Geez. First of all, Rowan is a grown ass woman who doesn’t need you making rules for her. Second, I don’t know what’s going through her head right now. I try to talk to her, and she ignores me, but then again, what else is new?” I leave out the part where I’ve texted her every single day since our chat on the trail, and she’s ignored all of them. Nothing can shake her stance on this, but I’m determined to break her down. I’ve done it once, and I know I can do it again. Rowan’s gonna have to try a lot harder to keep me away because I’m not giving up on her or us, ever. What we have is real, and we both know it.
He glares at me just as his uncle Jackson walks through the back door, causing a much-needed distraction from this conversation. “What’re you boys doin’?”
“Eatin’,” I say, but that much is obvious as I stuff another spoonful into my mouth.
“Don’t tell Maize, but I came to get a few slices of apple pie. Mama told me she baked a few for the guests tonight, and I haven’t been able to stop thinkin’ about it.” He grins, walks over to the buffet, and grabs an entire pan, not just a few pieces like he said. When he turns around, Maize is standing there with her hands on her hips and nostrils flared. She’s actually pretty damn scary when she’s in a mood.