Page 25 of Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 2)
I gently grab her hand before she can walk away and meet her deep brown gaze. “Don’t open it around anyone.”
“Oh God. Now I’m really scared.”
I shrug and take a sip of my beer, the smile meeting my eyes as she walks away.
A second later, I watch a preppy ass guy enter and forcefully move the stool from in front of the bar next to me, making all sorts of noise. He stands tall like he owns the place, but everyone in here knows better. He’s a puny little runt wearing a polo tucked into well-pressed khaki pants with a belt. Rowan notices him and tenses fiercely. Alarm bells go off in my head as he barks her name. Something isn’t right with this guy, but he needs to watch his goddamn tone when speaking to her.
Rowan rushes over to him and lowers her voice, and I try not to pry. I try to keep my eyes locked on the TV on the back wall, but I can’t tell what’s on right now, though.
“What’re you doing here?” she asks in a hushed tone, trying not to draw more attention.
“You know why I’m fucking here,” he hisses.
I suck in a deep breath, trying to control my temper while staying out of her business. Truthfully, it’s damn hard.
Rowan laughs. “Because you miss me?”
It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes because I know exactly who this prick is now—her cheating ex-boyfriend, Nick. Granted, the way he’s looking at her, though, isn’t with love but hate.
“Miss you? Miss you?” His voice grows louder. “Not quite. I’m here because you’re a stupid bitch.”
I jump to my feet so fast, the barstool falls to the ground with a loud crash. “You need to watch your language when speaking to a lady.”
“Lady?” He snarls. “She’s no fucking lady. She’s a jealous whore who destroyed my Corvette.”
Rowan pipes in. “I did not touch your precious car. Why would I do that?” She crosses her arms over her chest, challenging him.
“Because you’re a goddamn cunt,” he snaps.
Taking a step forward, I’m mere inches from him and ready to punch his face in. “I’ve already warned ya once. Don’t call her names again. I don’t care what the fuck she did to your car. And trust me, it won’t be anything compared to what I do to your goddamn face if you keep disrespecting her like that.”
“You need to leave, Nick,” Rowan demands, pointing at the door, but something in her expression tells me she really did fuck up his car.
“Leave? How about you make me?”
Seconds later, his stark white polo is in my fist, and I’m ready to beat his face in when Rowan quickly comes around the bar and breaks us up. She softly places her hands on my chest and begs me to calm down. “Please, Diesel,” she whispers. “He’s not worth it.”
I take a step back and try to chill out. No one’s going to talk to her like that in front of me—not an ex, not even a family member, and especially not in her bar while she’s working. He’s trying to humiliate her, and I won’t tolerate it.
“You’re gonna pay for this, Rowan,” Nick threatens.
“For what, exactly?” she questions.
He takes his cell phone from his pocket and plays a video, turning it around for her to watch. Considering I’m so much taller than she is, I can see it perfectly. She’s got a tire iron in her hand, and she’s destroying his car. With every swing she takes, I can feel the anger buried deep inside her. Damn. Remind me never to piss her off. She’s a goddamn savage. Without realizing it, I start laughing my ass off, which nearly makes her ex spontaneously combust. He’s not stupid enough to threaten me, though he gives me a dirty ass look.
I hear Rowan suck in a deep breath and groan. “Cameras.”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” he tells her.
I move Rowan to the side and step closer to Nick. “I warned you about your language,” I tell him. Before he can move, my fist meets his nose, and he falls down hard on his ass as the other customers watch the commotion.
“Motherfucker!” He covers his face with his hands.
“I think it’s time for you to leave,” I demand, pulling him up by his shirt and pushing him toward the door.
“You’re gonna pay for every fucking dent and scratch you made,” he shouts at Rowan, spitting out blood. “I’ll be back if you don’t.”
“You’re done, asshole,” I tell him, basically throwing him outside. I stand in front of the entrance with my arms crossed over my chest and watch him storm off to his sparkly Mercedes. If he doesn’t watch out, she might destroy that one too.
After he peels out, kicking up dirt and rock, I go back inside. Rowan is nowhere to be found. Kenzie is helping customers and refilling drinks. Honestly, I didn’t even notice she was here until now. She helps at the bar but assists her mom at the daycare during her college breaks. She has a couple of years left before she graduates. Though she plans to work with kids, she does a good job bartending too. That natural people-person personality comes in handy in a small town like this. I sit and finish my beer, hoping Rowan returns soon. I order another drink and bide my time, but I still don’t see her. Soon, it’s closing time, and Kenzie locks the front door, then proceeds to clean. Considering I’m kinda part of the family, she doesn’t force me to leave but rather lets me sit there even though I’m stalling.