Page 46 of Hitching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch 1)
Riley and I stay like that for another thirty minutes before it’s time to go.
“If you could do or have anything in the world, what would it be?” he asks as we head back.
“Change someone’s life for the better,” I say without thinking about it.
He falls in line beside me and holds my hand. “You’ve already done that, Zoey.”
A blush hits my cheeks. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. “I think I’m always searching for happiness. It’s one of the reasons I do things on a whim, like travel and hike alone. It’s all about the adventure to finding what’s missing.”
“What about now?”
I glance over at him and smile, not even having to lie. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”
That adorable boyish grin touches his lips as we continue.
“What about you?”
“Now that I have you, I have everything in the world. And as crazy as it sounds, I’m doing exactly what I want to do. I work on the ranch with my family and have a hot wife. My life is made.” He snickers, but his sexy smile is genuine.
“Well damn, you’re easy to please,” I tease. “I like that. A simple life on the ranch.”
In the distance, I can see the B&B, and I’m sad our time together is almost up, but the sun has also kicked our asses, and we’re sweating like crazy.
Riley brushes his hand over his chin, scrubbing through his facial hair as if he’s contemplating his next words. “Could you see yourself spending forever here?” he asks me as we make our way up the back steps of the B&B. I turn around and look out at the land, see the sun high in the sky, and can hear laughter inside. From the corner of the barn, the edge of one of Mila’s beautiful gardens is visible, and I think of everything I’ve experienced so far.
“That’s still to be determined. Is there Wi-Fi?” I joke, but deep down, I know I do. The ranch is one of the only places I’ve ever felt at home and comfortable in my own skin. There isn’t another place like it.
With a quick swoop, Riley picks me up and swings me over his shoulder, carrying me inside the B&B like a caveman.
“Oh my God! Put me down!” I can’t stop laughing as I try to wiggle free from his strong grasp.
“Riley Bishop,” his father says from a table. “Stop acting like that around the guests.”
Riley lets out a booming laugh and sets me on my feet, and I playfully slap at him. “Listen to your father!”
“That old man? I’m married now and can do what I want!”
When his father stands and crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at him, Riley backs down quickly.
“That’s what I thought,” his dad says with a chuckle. “I might be an old man, but I’m not too old to whip your ass.”
We sit with Alex and eat lunch as he talks about all the trouble Riley used to get into on the ranch. I laugh until I nearly choke on my food. It’s safe to say he was a mischievous little kid, always getting into trouble and finding new ways to scare his parents.
Once our plates are empty, I tell Riley I need a shower. He’s yawning and admits he wants to take a nap, which he deserves because he works like crazy. Before we say our goodbyes, we make plans to watch a movie later tonight.
I climb the stairs two at a time and rip my sweaty clothes off as soon as I walk into my room. I soak in the big iron tub and let the hot water soothe my sore muscles. We hiked nearly eight miles today, and my legs and feet feel every step. After I’m done washing my hair and body, I get out and see a missed call from my sister. Knowing I can’t avoid her forever, I immediately call her back.
“Summer!” I say as soon as she answers.
“So you’re alive?” she says dramatically. “That’s good to know!” The sarcasm in her tone is evident, and I feel bad that I haven’t stayed in contact with her. “I’ve been worried about you. Are you making your way back home?”
I stand at the window with a big fluffy towel wrapped around my body and look out at the land. “No, I don’t think I am yet.”
“What? You said you’d be gone for only two weeks, Zoey. Are you sure you’re okay?”
I smile. “Yeah, I’m totally fine. I just decided to stay a little longer.”
“Where are you exactly?” She’s laying on the questions thick, and I don’t want to lie to her, but I also don’t want to tell her every detail of what’s going on. While she knows about the marriage with Riley, she has no clue I’m here with him, and I’m not so sure she’d approve. This is something I had to do on my own; a decision I have to make without any outside noise—not even hers.