Page 19 of Roping the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch .5)
Braxton treats me like a queen, and being with him sure as hell beats internet dating. I never did hear from Noah who stood me up at the bar, but I’m not even mad because he’s the reason I met Braxton. Perhaps I should find him and thank him. The thought has me laughing, but it was fate that brought us together that night.
He doesn’t compare to any guy I’ve ever been with before. The man ain’t afraid to put me in my place or call me out when I’m acting like a brat, but he’s also funny, tender, and caring. While he still makes fun of my gluten-free cookin’, he’s grown to love and enjoy most of it.
After spending time together every day for two months, it was becoming harder for us to leave each other. Though we took turns staying at his place or mine, I knew in my heart it was time to take our relationship to the next level. Since he was living at Jake’s house and paying rent, I found the courage to ask him to move in with me. Though I was nervous as hell, and thought he might think I was crazy or deny me, he immediately said yes without hesitation. It made me so damn happy that he was just as eager about it as I was. I know we’re moving fast, but when you know, you know, or at least that’s what Colton and Presley keep telling me. Considering those lovebirds fell head over heels for each other in two weeks, a couple of months didn’t seem so ridiculous.
My parents love him and so do I. As scary as it is to admit, I already find it hard to imagine my life without him. Sometimes, I can’t believe this is my life or he’s mine. If I weren’t so stubborn, this would’ve happened a lot sooner, but I don’t regret a thing.
“You awake, baby?” Braxton asks with a sleepy rasp in his voice.
“Mmmhmm.” I plop my leg over his as he pulls me closer. Waking up in his strong arms every morning has quickly become the highlight of my day.
“I gotta get to the ranch earlier than normal today. Don’t forget you have to make twelve dozen of those vanilla gluten-free cupcakes with sprinkles for Mama Bishop.”
My eyes pop open. “Shit!”
He chuckles. “I knew you were gonna forget.”
Turning my head, I glare at him. “She called me after I had already drunk two glasses of wine. Shoulda wrote it in Sharpie on my arm or something.”
As soon as I stand, Braxton pulls me back to him and softly brushes his lips against mine. I sink into him, wanting to spend all morning rolling in the sheets, but know we both have to get going.
“You’ll make it happen.”
I smile. “And if not?”
“Mama Bishop,” he says. The woman is as fierce as fire, and no one in this town crosses her. She’s given me the opportunity of a lifetime by allowing the bakery to provide healthy options at the B&B. She could’ve easily had one of the cooks make them, but we’re practically family. And Mama loves her family.
“You’re right.” I lean over and smack one last kiss on his lips as I rush to get dressed. It’s nearly four thirty in the morning, and I need to bake my daily specials and the pickup orders as well as the buttload of cupcakes Mama Bishop ordered at the last minute. I think I might need to hire help.
We both chug coffee and exchange I love yous before we’re out the door going our separate ways. I rush to the bakery, knowing I have no extra time to spare today. If one thing goes wrong, my entire schedule will be off, which would fuck up everything.
The streetlights are still on when I arrive, and the sun hasn’t woken up. I walk inside, start turning on ovens, and pull the ingredients I need from the giant fridges. When I turn around, I see a little box sitting on the counter. I smirk and open it, seeing what I assume are supposed to be panties but looks like a string of floss. A sticky note in the bottom has me smiling wide as those butterflies appear low in my stomach.
These are for you, sweetheart. (The internet is a beautiful thing. )
I expect you to wear them so I can tear them off with my teeth later.
Love you forever,
Even though we’re officially a couple now, the pranks haven’t stopped. They’ve just gotten…dirtier. I laugh, tucking them and the note into my pocket.
I look over my daily orders and add Mama Bishop’s to the list and get to work mixing the ingredients together for blueberry loaves, cupcakes, raisin cookies, and macaroons. Several mixers are going at the same time, and I pull the assortment of pans I’ll need from the cabinet and begin to prep them. After I pour the ingredients into their respective pans and slide them in the oven, then start on mixing together dairy-free butter, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, and a few tablespoons of almond milk for my famous vanilla icing. It’s one of my favorite recipes, and Mama Bishop loves it as much as I do, so it didn’t surprise me in the least when she requested these.