Page 14 of Roping the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch .5)
“You bastard!” she screams over the music, causing heads to turn.
A few steps behind her, I see Mila wearing an evil grin. Shit.
“How could you, Braxton? You said you loved me!” She pushes against my chest, making me stumble back slightly. I hadn’t expected that in the least. “I’m having your babies, and you’re out at the bar with other chicks?” She shrieks so loud, the conversations around us die. “Our twins deserve better than this!”
Both girls step back so fast as if my skin literally burned them.
Goddamn, she’s good. When tears start streaming down her cheeks, I almost applaud her acting. Then I see her belly. She’s stuffed something in her dress to make it seem as though she’s actually pregnant.
“Kat…” I say with a warning, crossing my arms over my chest. “This isn’t funny.”
“No shit, it’s not funny. I even let you do anal!” Kat shouts, wiping away her fake tears.
The entire bar goes silent except for Jackson who’s doubled over with laughter.
I’m not at all amused, considering how everyone here now thinks I’m a cheating asshole on some woman claiming to be having my babies.
Brooklyn and Fiona take their drinks and walk away, muttering, “Sleazeball,” and, “Pig,” as they head across the room. Just great.
“You promised you’d clean up your act.” She sniffles.
“Alright, that’s enough.” I grab her arm and lead her toward the door.
My grip tightens with every whispered comment as we pass. The second we’re out of the bar, I spin her around to face me.
“Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?” I growl. “That was quite the performance.”
“Pretty good for an entitled rich girl, huh?” She flashes a devious smile, crossing her arms. “Guess you know what happens when you mess with the bull…you get the horns.”
I roll my eyes so hard at her pathetic attempt to intimidate me. People are starting to exit the bar, and I don’t need the entire town to hear our conversation.
Grabbing her arm again, I lead her toward my truck so we can talk in private. The only available parking spots were in the back, which is useful now, considering I plan to give Kat a earful.
I cage her to my truck with my hands on both sides of her. “You want to explain what the fuck you were trying to do?” I reach up in her dress and pull out a pillow, then hold it up.
“Catch up, cowboy. I was getting even,” she hisses, yanking it out of my grip.
“Are you sure that’s it, princess?” I bring my face closer to hers, feeling her heavy pants against my cheek.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Then don’t act like a spoiled brat,” I reply; the venom in my voice is so obvious she can probably taste it.
Kat releases a throaty groan, and I know it’s only a matter of time before she snaps. “You’re despicable.”
“Were you jealous seeing those girls on me? Is that why you wanted revenge at a bar? You knew I wouldn’t be alone.”
“Jealous?” She laughs. “I think I just threw up in my mouth.”
“Bullshit,” I hiss, knowing the truth.
She narrows her eyes at me, and if looks could kill, I’d be praying for mercy right about now. “You almost cost me a full day of customers with your little stunt this morning.”
“And you cost me three days of work!” I counter. “Guess payback’s a bitch.” I stare at her pointedly, daring her to argue my point.
“Okay, yes,” she says in defeat. “But I’m a small business, and the ranch has dozens of workers to replace you for a few days. Do you have any idea how much I had to scramble to get the orders out on time? I had to deliver them all while I begged my dad to help get someone to come clean it up.”
“Of course. Daddy to the rescue.” I roll my eyes.
I know my words are harsh, and I’m pushing all her buttons, but she brings out a side of me that I can’t control. She’s hidden her true feelings for me since the day after our night together and replaced them with bitterness. If she doesn’t come clean on her own, then I’ll just have to prove it to her until she’s ready to confess.
“I hate you,” she seethes. “Get out of my way, Braxton.”
“Not until you admit you were jealous.” I block her with my body.
“That’s never gonna happen because that’s the furthest thing from the truth,” she spats.
“You’re a fuckin’ terrible liar.” I laugh in her face. “Why are you breathing so hard then?” I ask, leaning closer until barely any space exists between us. She opens her mouth but then snaps it shut, which makes me chuckle. “I bet if I felt your panties right now, you’d be dripping wet. Just admit you want me, Kat.”
She squares her shoulders. “Why do you care if I was jealous anyway, Braxton? Unless it’s because you want me too,” she says boldly as if she’s shocked at her own words.