Page 23 of Shared By My Ex's Friends
“Shut up, Dad,” I say in a dismissive voice. “Unlock the door. Put your clothes back on, girls. I’m not going to let this happen to you.”
But then Mike springs into action. Before I can move, my father’s leaped forward, and grabbed my arms before twisting them painfully behind my back.
“Ow!” I scream in an outraged voice. “What are you doing?”
But Mike’s lost all sense of sanity. He kicks the back of my leg to make me stagger, and I drop to the floor on my knees, gasping with pain. Then he barks at Lulabelle and another woman.
“You and you!” he shouts. “Hold her in place.”
Quickly, the girls scramble to do as told, pinning me as I kneel before Mike. They look scared but are also unwilling to disobey my father’s harsh commands. I struggle to escape, meanwhile, but the women are stronger than they appear as Dad stares at me with pure hatred in his eyes.
“You,” he spits. “You good for nothing whore. Now, it’s time to witness what happens when Lilith disobeys Adam.”
To my horror, Dad comes to stand in front of me, maybe only two feet away as he unbuttons his pants, pulling out an embarrassingly small penis. It looks like a tiny pink worm, and I gasp with horror as he strokes his petite member.
“Dad, stop,” I pant. “I’m begging you. Don’t do this.”
But Mike’s on a roll, his eyes lit from within with a crazed light.
“You’re an evil woman, Kaci. You always have been, whoring around in ridiculous slut outfits at the hotel. You’ve never listened, and now, it’s time to make an example out of you. Open,” he commands.
I stare at him, my lips clamped shut. Absolutely not. This can’t be happening. But Mike moves forward again, and to my horror, his little prick is now stiff. It’s only about three inches in length, but it’s a deep red color with a pearl of come bubbling at the tip. Mike literally rubs it against my chin, smearing my face with his sticky seminal fluid.
“Open,” he rasps again, those blue eyes fixed on my own. “Or there will be an even higher price to pay.”
With that, I open my mouth, but not to suck, but rather to scream with all the fury in my soul. After all, how can this be happening? This man is my father, but he’s asking me to cross every boundary, and every line, that separates us from sheer animal debasement. The worst part? That we’re biologically related. But I won’t stand for it. I’m Kaci Stott, and I reject every connection to this insane psychopath.
Hunter and I had a bad feeling this morning. I don’t know what caused it but every Sunday lately, we’ve gotten the heebie-jeebies because we know Kaci’s going to church and more likely than not, interacting with that assfuck who’s her dad.
But today, something’s even more off than usual, and as a result, Hunter and I decide to pile in the car to check up on our girl. We’ve invented an excuse, of course. We’re going to surprise her with a special lunch at the Breakaway Café after services, but really, it’s just to spy on the comings and goings of Sanctuary members.
But by the time we get to the building, most cars are already gone. The sun’s baking the asphalt as Hunter and I jump out of the truck, before opening the door to the church. It’s dark and empty inside as we peer into the cool interior. Yet, Kaci’s vehicle was parked in the lot, so where could she be?
That’s when a shrill scream pierces the air. Where did that come from? It sounded like the basement. Immediately, Hunter and I scramble downstairs and try the door, but it’s locked. What the fuck? We throw ourselves against the wood, hurling our big bodies at the piece of crap, and fortunately, Vegas isn’t exactly known for its high-quality construction. After a few good body blows, the particle board snaps and the door pops open to reveal the most horrifying scene we’ve ever witnessed in our lives.
Mike Stott’s there with his laughable facsimile of a cock out. Seriously, that pink thing resembles a crayon, it’s so narrow and thin. But even worse, he’s wiping the tip all over Kaci’s cheeks and chin, painting his own daughter with his fluids.
“You see?” he hisses. “Lilith paid the price, and so will you, slut.”
Kaci opens her mouth to scream again, and it’s then that I notice that she’s being held in place by two nude girls. Mike uses that opening to thrust his pink crayon between her lips, but Hunter and I are on it. With a vengeful roar, I rush forwards and literally head-butt Mike Stott. We tumble to the floor, the older man squealing with terror as his pink crayon flops about wildly.
Meanwhile, Hunter begins brandishing a weapon. Where the fuck did he get a pistol? Nonetheless, the nude girls scream as my buddy rages. “Get out of here!” he shouts. “Leave this ass fuck to us.”
The girls grab their clothes and rush up the stairs, their hair flying and asses jiggling. Meanwhile, Kaci collapses to the floor, her eyes wide with shock and horror as she wipes at her face. Enraged, I deliver a vicious punch to Mike’s head, knocking him out, as Hunter sweeps our girl up into his arms.
“Let’s get out of here,” he hisses.
I nod, and soon, we’re in the car with Kaci strapped securely in the front seat. She’s blubbering and crying, but there’s nothing to be done about it at the moment. It’s imperative to get to safety before unpacking what horrific shit just went down.
Within minutes, we’re at our townhouse, the enormous space sparsely furnished with not much more than some beige furniture and a huge flat screen TV. But none of that matters at the moment, as Kaci sits on the couch, still trembling and crying.
“Tell us what happened, sweetheart,” I say in a low voice. “How did your dad …?”
The question only makes Kaci cry harder, her eyes swollen as tears run down her cheeks.