Page 75 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
That statement has my stomach roiling. I’ve been working out nonstop for seven days, and though I need a day off, there isn’t time to rest or get lazy. Whoever this Dice guy is will make sure I’m prepared as much as possible.
I untie my gloves and get out of the space. There’s a group of guys waiting to get in, and I can see how excited they are for their turn. For the first time, I understand why Mason used boxing to get out his frustrations. It really is a great outlet, and if I didn’t have to do this because of a stupid situation I got myself in, I’d actually enjoy it. After we hydrate, the three of us stand to the side for a little while longer. Tyler goes over my strengths and weaknesses he observed, and Rampage gives me a few more pointers as well. I have a little over two weeks to make sure I’m prepared, and after today, I feel better.
As we’re heading out, Tyler walks with me to my truck. “He didn’t go easy on you today.”
“I didn’t expect him to. My muscles are sore as fuck.” I rub a hand over my shoulder and squeeze.
Tyler grins. “It’s progress, Liam. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks to you, man. Now I just need to win this fight and forget any of this ever happened.” I sigh, feeling anxious as hell as the closer New Year’s Eve comes.
We go our separate ways, and I text Maddie to meet her for lunch. She typically has a break between classes, and I miss her like crazy. By the time she gets home from school and her extra rehearsals for her upcoming senior recital, we’re both exhausted. Things have been tense between us. The no-sex rule is driving us both insane, but we’re making the best of it. As I’m arriving at the house, I get a text from her and smile because she’s agreed to lunch.
Maddie: It better be something good. I need carbs before I kill someone.
She has a way of making me laugh.
Liam: Carbs are guaranteed. I’ll pick you up at 11.
I shower and do some work on my laptop, then head across town to pick up Maddie. She’s waiting for me in our old spot, and it brings back memories of when she first moved into the house. So much has changed since then, but she’s been one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Maddie keeps me grounded when I feel as if my world is crumbling around me.
She climbs inside the truck and leans over, giving me a sweet peck on the lips. “Hey, handsome.”
“Hello, beautiful. Missed you,” I tell her, wishing we could spend the day together like we did during summer, and she was home a lot more.
“I’ve missed you, too. Have fun today so far?” she asks as I pull out and drive.
Just being around her calms me and is just a reminder of why I’m doing all this in the first place. “Fun?” I half-chuckle. “I fought some guy this morning with a lot more experience than me, but I managed to take him down. Tyler was proud.”
“You kicked the guy’s ass?” Maddie’s grinning, looking so damn pretty in her sweater.
“I sure did, but I’m gonna be feeling it later.”
She holds out her hand for a high five. While keeping my eyes on the road, I snicker and slap her hand.
“Good to know the no-sex thing is working.” She laughs, and I roll my eyes. “Though I’ve had to bring BOB back into the shower with me.”
Glancing over, I glare at her. “You didn’t?”
“A girl has needs.” She smirks, but I’m ninety percent positive she’s joking. Well, maybe eighty.
“Yeah, well blue balls are a bitch.” I pull into a small Italian restaurant and take Maddie’s hand, then kiss her knuckles. “But they’re worth it to know I’ll be able to do whatever I want to you after the fight.”
“I expect A-plus treatment,” she teases. “Kinky, rough, hours long sex.”
Groaning, I feel myself getting hard at her words. I adjust my crotch and clear my throat. “Alright, time to get out of here before I change my mind and jump you.”
Maddie laughs, grabbing the door handle. “Good idea. Also, I was so going to suggest this place. I’m starving.”
We get out of the truck and go inside. The place is crowded because it’s not very big, but we’re seated fairly quickly. As soon as the waitress greets us, we order our food and drinks since Maddie only has an hour before she has to be back at school.
“How are classes going?” I ask, genuinely wanting to know.
“Imagine choreographing a dance recital while studying for finals and not having an outlet.” She flashes a snarky grin at me because I know exactly what she’s referring to.