Page 73 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
My mouth falls open. “I’ll murder someone.” Or Maddie might murder me.
“And that’s exactly the point,” he quips, smirking. “Maddie will understand once she knows why.”
“No, she’s going to tell both of us to fuck off,” I argue.
“What else is new?” He grins. “Hey, don’t forget to ice your hands when you get home so they don’t swell. Take a painkiller or anti-inflammatory, too.”
“Okay, Mom,” I tease, though I know he knows what he’s talking about. I need to take care of my body while training for the fight of my life.
For the most part, I thought of myself as pretty fit and in shape, but Tyler proved me wrong. There’s a lot of work for me to do, and it starts with eating right, getting enough sleep, and conditioning my body to be a fighting machine. At least, I can use my strength when wrangling criminals who want to fight back. Typically my size scares them, and I’m strong and fast enough to capture them, but when Tyler is done with me, I have a feeling my entire body composition will go back to how it was when I was an athlete.
Before I go home, I stop and get a protein shake to replenish my muscles. By the time I pull into the driveway, Tyler is already home, but Maddie’s left for class.
“Doing alright?” Tyler chuckles when he sees me walking slowly into the kitchen.
“Kiss my ass.” I grab a couple of ice packs from the freezer, then go to lie on the sofa.
Tyler follows. “Your body is used to cardio and lifting weights, but it’ll adjust in a few days. Same time tomorrow morning?” He flashes a shit-eating smirk as he sits in the recliner.
I grunt, putting one pack on my shoulder and the other on my hand. “If I can even walk.”
“Take a hot shower after you ice and drink lots of water. You should know the drill from football,” he states.
“I graduated four years ago,” I remind him. “Pretty sure I felt better my first day of freshman year when I nearly twisted my ankle and broke a rib.”
“Well, good thing you won’t have to worry about straining a muscle during sex.”
“Pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to even if I could,” I say bluntly. “Maddie’s going to freak out when she sees me. Pretty sure you bruised my entire body.”
“And somehow, I doubt this is the worst she’s witnessed.” He flashes a wicked grin, knowing damn well what the O’Learys had done to my face.
“True, but I’d guard your nuts if I were you. She won’t think twice about coming after you for punching me.”
“Training you,” he corrects. “And I can handle Maddie. I did for two weeks and saved her life, so if anything, she owes me.”
I chuckle, though it hurts. “She won’t see it that way.”
Tyler stands, then purposely slaps my shoulder hard. “Quit being a pussy. Being in love has made you weak,” he taunts.
“Asshole,” I bite out. “I’m gonna get you back for that tomorrow.”
“I sure hope so.” He laughs. “Then I might actually break a sweat.”
Once I’m able to get off the couch, I go upstairs for a hot shower and take it easy for the rest of the day. I still have to work, but the most I can do right now is research or pick up some local jobs. I need to make money, but this fight is my top priority at the moment.
When Maddie walks through the door, I’m on the couch with my laptop. I close it, then set it on the coffee table. Immediately, she drops her backpack and walks toward me. Seconds later, she’s straddling me with her lips pressed against mine.
“Mads,” I whisper, placing my hands under her ass. My self-control is already waning. I need to tell her about Tyler’s no-sex rule even though I already know she’s not going to be happy about it. “I’m really sore, baby.”
She leans back and lifts off me. “Oh shit, sorry.”
“Tyler kicked my ass training me today,” I tell her. “It’s gonna be a rough few weeks.”
Maddie sits next to me and turns. “I know, but you’ll get through it. I know you will.”
“Well…” I pause briefly. “That’s not the only reason it’s going to be rough.”
“What is it?” She looks at me cautiously, and I know she’s worried. I need to just spit it out.
“Tyler suggested no sex until after the fight.”
Her head falls back on her shoulders, and she laughs hard. “What? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. This is a joke, right?”
“I thought it sounded stupid at first too, but I think he’s right. I looked it up, and it’s a real thing. Plus, Tyler’s been training people for a long-ass time. I trust his judgment, and if it will make me a stronger fighter, that’s what I have to do…for us.”