Page 68 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
“I don’t know. You really think she’d do something that extreme to get back at you for divorcing her?” I go to him, grabbing his hand. “You need to call him back so he knows you’re aware, and we should probably go home. He needs you.”
Liam nods, and I can see the wheels spinning in his head.
“I’m going to pack our stuff. Call your dad,” I tell him, walking toward the bedroom. We had to check out in two hours anyway. My thoughts are scattered as I grab our wedding clothes and toiletries. I change into something warmer before finishing up. Accidents happen all the time and just because the O’Learys are known for shit like this doesn’t mean they’re responsible this time. At least, I hope they’re not.
I can hear Liam talking to his dad, consoling him, explaining everything is replaceable, but he isn’t. It’s exactly what I would’ve said if it happened to my parents, but it doesn’t make it any easier. After Liam ends the call, he comes to me and is slightly distraught. “What if they would’ve been home?”
“You can’t live in the what-ifs, Liam. That’s how you drive yourself crazy.”
He nuzzles my neck. “What would I do without you?”
“Be single forever?” I quip and feel him smile against me. I lean back. “Let’s go home. Seeing him will make you feel better at least.” I grab my phone to text Sophie, then remember they left for their honeymoon already and are more than likely on a plane. They planned it this way so they’d be back before for Christmas. It will be Liam’s and my first Christmas together too, and I can’t wait to spend it with him and start making our own little traditions.
Liam picks up our suitcases and brings them out to his truck, then we make one final sweep before we leave to drop off the keys at the main office. Before we shut the door, I take it in one last time, encapsulating the memories we shared in my heart. When we walk back outside, there’s a tall, lanky man standing by Liam’s truck, which causes him to tense. I glance over at Liam who steps forward in front of me to protect me. My heart races, and I’m not sure what to do.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Liam barks.
The guy throws a wicked smile. “I want the money you owe me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t act stupid. You know damn well what money you owe me. The money your sorry ass lost. I had to pay every cent back to my father and just because he ‘forgave’ your debt doesn’t mean I did. So now, you owe me.”
“Did Victoria send you, JJ?” Liam asks.
JJ. My heart stills because this is Victoria’s brother, the one who got Liam into this mess in the first place. I can’t comprehend what’s happening. I want to protect Liam, tell this guy to stop ruining our lives, but he looks crazier than Victoria.
Maniacal laughter releases from him. “This is between you and me. You two split, but I want my fucking money back.”
Liam glares at him, unamused, but cautious nonetheless. “Or what?” He crosses his muscular arms over his chest, not backing down.
“You tell me. Terrible things have happened recently, haven’t they?” He cocks a brow. “And they’ll continue to happen if you don’t give me what I want. You’ll never expect what’s coming your way. And perhaps next time, I’ll make sure the house isn’t empty if you catch my drift.”
In a blink, Liam charges toward JJ, then wraps his hand around his neck as he pushes JJ against the truck, squeezing so hard, JJ can’t even begin to defend himself. “If you hurt anyone I love, I won’t think twice about fucking killing you. Come near me again, and I will,” Liam threatens, sending a cold shiver down my spine.
Instead of trying to push Liam away, JJ smiles as if he finds humor in all of this, and if I don’t do something, Liam will crush his windpipe. I hurry forward, grabbing Liam’s opposite arm to pull him away. “Liam, stop.” He tightens his grip and narrows his eyes at JJ. I start to panic and squeeze my fingers around Liam’s bicep tighter. “Hulk.” I emphasize his nickname through gritted teeth. “He’s not worth it. Drop your hands.”
I finally break through Liam’s anger, and he releases him, pushing away from JJ. Liam takes my hand and creates distance.
JJ clears his throat and grabs his neck, then forces out words. “Better save your energy. You’ll need that rage to fight.”
“What the hell did you say?” Liam spins around, seething.
“You want to pay me back? You want me to disappear?” JJ asks in a taunting tone but doesn’t wait for Liam’s answer before he continues. “One fight in an underground ring. You win, and you’ll be debt free.”