Page 5 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
“I’ll get to the bottom of this,” Sophie threatens between clenched teeth before she turns to me, seething. “This is your fucking fault.”
“Soph,” Mason says. I’m sure she would’ve clocked me right in the face if he hadn’t stepped between us. Mason manages to temporarily calm her as Victoria announces we need to get going in her sugary-sweet tone that nearly sends me into a rage. My world is spiraling out of control, and all I can do is sit back and watch the clusterfuck unfold before my eyes. I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve pushed Maddie away to keep her safe, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.
“Can’t be late, sweetie.” Victoria grabs my hand and squeezes, but I pull away from her.
“I’ll be right up,” I force out before she raises up on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. I can’t even smile this time. Once Victoria is out of sight, Sophie walks over and pushes me with all her strength. I barely lose my footing because I tower over her, but her frustration and anger aren’t lost on me. It’s more than warranted.
“She’s gone, and considering she name-dropped you in this note, I have no choice but to blame you.”
“Soph,” I say softly. “I’m so sorry. I’ll find her.”
She glares at me with disgust before walking away, but Mason stands tall with his arms crossed, studying me. “We can all agree that this isn’t like Maddie, and I have a feeling there’s more to this than what that damn letter said.”
Guilt washes over me, and I nod, agreeing with him. “It’s not in her character. And I’m concerned too, but I promise you, Mason, I will track her down.”
“I know if anyone can find her, it’ll be you,” he tells me. “I hope you weren’t stringing her along somehow because if so, that’s utterly fucked up, Liam, even for you.”
I wish I could spill all my truths to Mason, but I know I can’t. Sophie has accused Maddie of messing around with me already, and she’s overly suspicious, so I can read between the lines. Instead of explaining, I accept his disappointment, which makes me feel like a bigger piece of shit.
Mason gives me one last look before going upstairs to comfort Sophie. I run my fingers through my hair and take a few deep breaths as Victoria sashays into the living room with her designer suitcase behind her.
“Ready to go, hubby?” She grins. I’m two seconds from telling her to go fuck herself, but I fully understand she holds all the cards right now. So instead of setting her off, I go to my room, change clothes, and then grab my bag. Before I meet Victoria downstairs, I knock on Mason’s door, but they don’t answer.
“I’m sorry,” I say again, hoping they hear me, then walk away.
Victoria’s sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, and I can’t help but notice how pregnant she looks. The change in her appearance is so drastic from the last time we were together. It’s almost as if it happened overnight.
“Our ride is outside,” she tells me after glancing at her phone.
“I can drive,” I say.
“No,” she snaps, then stands. I begrudgingly follow her as she goes to the door, and we climb into a limo with windows so dark it’d be impossible to see in from the outside.
On the way to the airport, we don’t exchange a word. I’m too lost inside my head, trying to figure out what the fuck happened. I mentally try to put the pieces together as if I’m tracking a fugitive. The note was in Maddie’s handwriting. Some of her shit was gone, along with her car. She left hastily, though, as if her departure was unplanned, and if she was driving, she couldn’t have gone far. I’m sure Sophie’s already checking with her parents and Lennon. There are only so many places she could go because it’s not like she has a ton of money. Another reason I believe Victoria orchestrated the entire thing because she’s the ultimate puppet master and gets off on having control.
I just want confirmation Maddie’s okay, and I want her to know how fucking sorry I am about this whole ordeal, but I don’t expect her to forgive me. Not this time. I should’ve fucking told her, but I was scared as hell that’d be her final straw, and I didn’t want to ruin the happiness we’d fought so hard for. If I can prove those babies aren’t mine—and I will, somehow—maybe she’ll give us another chance.
The car slows, and the door opens, and soon, we’re boarding the private jet with our bags. As the plane travels down the runway and takes off, Victoria smirks as she interlocks her fingers with mine. We’re being watched by her bodyguards sitting in the back, so once again, I’m forced to play the part of the loving husband.