Page 14 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
“I do have one favor to ask,” I say, finding my courage. Victoria thrives on control, which means Maddie is somewhere she’s familiar with and can access anytime she wants. No doubt it’s someplace she or her family owns. “I’d like to take Victoria somewhere secluded, away from all the hustle and bustle. A babymoon, I guess they call it, and since we didn’t have a honeymoon, it could count for both. Maybe help take her mind off everything and relax a bit, but I’m not sure where to take her. Do you have any suggestions?”
He eyes me curiously. “I have a few properties you could go.”
“Really?” I want to ask where, but I impatiently wait for him to continue.
“Got a condo in New York and Colorado, a cabin in Montana, a lake house in Tahoe, beachfront property in Florida, and a few other places,” he brags proudly. “Victoria really loves the mountains, but I’m sure you know that already.”
“Of course,” I say immediately, faking pride in my voice.
“Montana’s always held a special place in her heart. Probably because the house is so big and luxurious. Completely secluded and miles away from town. Beautiful scenery this time of year too. If you want to take her there, let me know, and I’ll make sure the plane is reserved.”
I give him a smile. “Absolutely. Thank you.”
“You’re family now. We take care of each other,” he states, which sends shivers down my spine. I don’t want any part of this damn family.
I nod, agreeing, and shoot down my drink as JJ sits on the other side of his father. This is as close as I’ve been to him since Victoria and I got married. My glass is refilled, and I can’t help but think about all the different places Maddie could be. If I know Victoria as well as I think I do, she more than likely brought her to one of the family properties.
Johnny turns and narrows in on JJ who’s going on about someone he saw recently.
“And the bastard looked at me like he saw a goddamn ghost.” JJ laughs. “Mickey isn’t anything other than DeFranco scum.”
The room stills and conversations move to hushed whispers as everyone turns to JJ. Johnny snaps at him and shakes his head, as if telling him to shut the hell up. I swallow, wanting to know more, but know I shouldn’t push my luck. But I am a part of the family now.
“Who are they? The DeFrancos? Mickey?” I ask, keeping my voice low.
Johnny glances at me over the rim of his cup. “Dead, if they come near us.”
I nod, repeating the words Victoria has said to me in the past. “Any enemy of yours is an enemy of mine.”
He slightly raises his glass and chugs the rest of the amber-gold liquid.
Victoria texts me and says she’s going home because she’s feeling a tad better, and I send her a thumbs-up emoji. Johnny is still annoyed about the mention of the DeFrancos and looks as if he’s chewing rocks as he takes several shots. His hair is a mess, and he looks completely unhinged. Leave it to JJ to ruin a semi-normal night. I mean, hanging out with mobsters is never normal, but no one spoke of killing anyone until he opened his big mouth. If Victoria were here, she’d be pissed and would’ve already slapped that grin right off his dopey face.
After another hour, I tell everyone goodbye and schedule an Uber to take me back to Victoria’s. When I walk in, she’s sitting on the couch watching TV with her feet propped up in fuzzy slippers as she drinks water from a straw. I sit on the loveseat and look at her. She almost looks normal with her hair piled on top of her head while wearing comfy clothes. Pregnancy sickness has made her the nicest I’ve ever seen.
“So how was the party?”
“Fine. Well until JJ brought up the DeFrancos. Then it got weird.”
Victoria stills, then sits up and narrows her eyes. “Why the fuck would he bring them up?”
I shrug. “He ran into some Mickey guy and was bragging about wanting to kill him.”
Her entire mood shifts, and she groans with an eye roll. “What an idiot. Sometimes I wish someone would cut out his tongue and do us all a favor.”
The visual her words create is almost too much, but she seems serious. She’d have no problem getting rid of her own brother, which proves what kind of monster she truly is.
“We need to talk,” I say, abruptly changing the subject but keeping my tone level.
“Agreed,” she quickly replies but then speaks before I can. “You need to stay for the next two weeks. I need you here, or my father will get suspicious and assume you don’t care about me and the babies.”