Page 109 of Always Yours (Roommate Duet 6)
“Ugh,” I say offended. “Me! And Liam and baby Tyler.”
“And you all have your own lives to live. You won’t mind me invading your space for a little bit, but after a while, you’ll want to have your privacy again, so it’s just best if I try to go back into civilian life the best I can.”
Liam starts the truck and drives us out of the parking lot. “Babe, he’s made his decision,” he tells me when he knows I want to keep arguing.
I slump my shoulders. “Fine, but I’m using these next three weeks to change your mind.”
“You will after you realize my cooking game is weak,” Tyler teases.
Three weeks pass way too fucking fast. Tyler promised to visit, but I have a feeling he won’t be anytime soon, which makes me sad because I was hoping he’d be here for Tobias’s birth. But I do get why he needs to start over fresh. His grandma still lives in Lawton Ridge, Alabama, and I’m pretty sure his high school crush, Gemma, does too. Though he stopped talking about her in our letters, I have a feeling he’ll be talking about her again soon.
“Why. Is. It. So. Hot!” I shout, ripping off my shirt. “Liam! We need to move!”
He pops his head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush between his lips. “Huh?”
“It’s too hot here! We need to live somewhere colder!” It’s the middle of August, and I’m dying of heatstroke.
Liam flashes an amused grin with a cocked eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Where would you like to go, baby?”
I pull off my shorts and chuck them across the room. “I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year!”
Liam snorts and toothpaste spews from his mouth. “Hold on,” he mumbles before dipping back into the bathroom. He returns moments later and smiles. “You’re hot because your blood pressure is spiked. What did the doctor tell you about relaxing?”
Groaning, I roll my eyes and release a slow breath. “That if I don’t take it easy, I risk going into labor too early.”
“Exactly,” he says. “Now get that cute little ass of yours into bed, and I’ll push some pillows under your legs.”
Walking, I quickly spin around and poke a finger at him. “This is all your fault!”
Liam’s lips twitch. “I know, and I’m very sorry. The next time you jump me in the shower, I’ll put on a condom.”
I know he’s only saying that to amuse me, but it works for now. I’m hot and miserable, and these next four weeks are going to drag by until I can coerce this child out of me.
“Tobias Liam Evans, you’re late.” I rub my nose against his small, soft one. “But I’ll forgive you since you’re so cute.”
Liam takes him from my arms so our oldest can hold him for the first time. He’s so excited that I can hardly contain myself. It’s the picture-perfect moment, and my heart squeezes by how blessed we are. A houseful of boys and me. Ironic, considering I grew up with sisters, but I love it.
“I can’t get over how adorable he is,” Lennon says, leaning over and watching the boys.
“Of course he is. He’s mine after all,” Liam chimes in.
Hunter and Lennon’s kids, Alison, Aaron, and their youngest, Aubrey —who’s a little older than Sophie’s daughter—take turns holding Tobias. Then Sophie and Mason visit, and Layla gets her turn.
“You’re next…” I taunt Sophie, rubbing a hand over her large bump. She looks like she could pop any day now.
“I’m hoping the air in this room puts me into labor,” she quips, fanning her hand around her face. “The air in hospitals is always special and pumped with good oxygen.”
I snort at her dramatics.
“That baby’s gonna come out when she’s good and ready,” Mason tells her.
Liam sets Tyler on his lap, and they sit on the edge of my bed. He leans over, then steals a kiss, making me smile wide. The moment I held Tobias for the first time, I fell in love all over again. I hadn’t realized I could love someone as much as I already loved Tyler and Liam. But I do.
Then Liam, being his natural sweet self, told me how proud of me he was and thanked me for giving him another son. I know he wasn’t always sure he even wanted a family, but with me, he wants everything.
I want to give him everything he deserves and more.
Not only is he an amazing husband and partner, but an incredible father. When his dad found out we were expecting Tyler, he nearly popped a blood vessel he was so ecstatic.
“Did you two pick a name yet?” I ask Sophie.
“Yep. Layla picked it out.” She beams.
“Aww…wanna tell me, Layla?” I turn and look at her, smiling as she holds Tobias. Mason sits next to her, making sure she holds him carefully.