Page 90 of Mine (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
Christian grabbed my hand in his. “We’re with you, beautiful. Remember your breathing techniques. Remember how to ground yourself when you begin feeling anxious.”
“I’ll do my best,” I told him because trying my best was all I could do. “I’m not sure how easy that will be when I’m being questioned left and right.”
Christian squeezed my hand. “Then I want you to find me and Caiden in that crowd, and I want you to focus on us. Use us to ground yourself if you can’t use grounding techniques, okay?”
“Okay,” I agreed. We came to a stop in front of my family and my attorney. Even Julian’s parents had shown up to support me. Linda drew me into a warm, motherly hug. My throat closed up with tears, and I squeezed my eyes shut, desperately trying to keep from crying.
She smoothed her hand over my hair. “It’s going to be okay, hun,” she tried assuring me. “We’re all here for you, okay? I know in my gut that this is the very last time you’ll ever have to face that bastard.”
I slowly drew back from her and sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down so I wouldn’t burst into tears. Jaxon hugged me next. “You’re a strong girl, Ally. You always have been. I want you to show your strength in that courtroom, but I also want you to show your vulnerability, too. Let the judge and the jury see what that night did to you so they know that fucker is lying—let them see that he’s guilty as fuck.”
I nodded. The sound of motorcycles riding onto the courthouse lot reached my ears. Julian gently squeezed my shoulders. “Dad called in a couple of favors, and he got the local motorcycle crew to come in to support you.” He looked over at Caiden. “He asked me if I had those kinds of connections—thought it might help you to know that you truly did have a small army standing behind you.”
I burst into tears, unable to hold them back anymore. They were trying to make this day as easy as possible for me. “They believe me?” I blubbered.
Caiden cupped my damp cheeks in his hands and tilted my head back to look up at him. “Every single man in that MC believes what happened, baby.” He drew me into his arms. “It’s going to be okay. I need you to tilt your chin up for me.”
I swiped at my cheeks. Christian came over and pressed a kiss to my temple. The president of the club walked over to me, holding his hand out for me to shake. I slowly placed my hand in his large, calloused one. He was a huge man with a beard that reached his belly. His hair was tied back into a low ponytail. “Tyler Jenkins,” he introduced. “I’m the president. You’re Ally, right?”
“Yes.” I slowly dropped my hand back to my side. “Thank you for coming.”
He nodded at me. “I promise it’s not a problem. This is why my club was established.”
Mr. Taylor walked over to me. “I want to go over a few more things with you—just last-minute details,” he told me. “And I want to do a quick test run of all of the questions. Are you okay with that?”
“Is that really a good idea?” Axel voiced. “She’s already going to have to face the questions in the courtroom. I don’t think bringing forth an anxiety attack before she has to face him is going to be a good idea, Mr. Taylor. They exhaust her. She needs every bit of her strength to face that son of a bitch in a few minutes.”
Mr. Taylor looked down at me. Christian’s hand found mine, and he linked our fingers together. “Are you going to be okay with not going over the questions a second time?” he asked me.
I shrugged. “I don’t think it’s going to matter either way,” I admitted. “I’m terrified to face him again.”
“Okay. Only if you’re sure.”
I nodded. I wasn’t keen on going through those questions again without it being necessary. I already knew that no matter how many times we went over the questions, I was going to lose my shit on that witness stand.
Meghan wrapped her arms around me. “Just breathe and remember how strong you are,” she whispered.
Everyone kept saying that, but right then, I wasn’t feeling very strong.
I felt like running.
Caiden and Christian both held my hands in theirs, offering me their strength and support as we stepped into the courtroom. They led me to the seat I was supposed to sit in next to Mr. Taylor. With whispered words of encouragement, they left me alone with Mr. Taylor and walked to their seats directly behind me.
My hands were trembling. Mr. Taylor looked over at me. “They’re about to bring Randall into the room,” he warned me, his voice low.