Page 67 of Mine (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
Today, I was taking care of her. She had been doing so well the past couple of days by making sure she ate three meals a day, snacking in between. When she was feeling down, she came to either me or Christian and cuddled up next to us, letting us know without ever having to say a word that she was getting lost in her head.
She continued doing her therapy sessions with Dr. Gresham, and every morning and every afternoon, she took her medications like she was supposed to.
I was so fucking proud of her for trying—for pushing forward despite how hard it was.
And I planned to reward her in one of the best ways I knew how because my tongue game was on fucking point.
I yanked her thighs apart and kneeled down on the floor, burying my face between her thighs. Christian cupped one of her breasts in his hand, pulling at her nipple before switching to the other. His other hand continued gripping her chin, kissing her so deeply that I doubted she knew whose air she was breathing anymore.
When she finally fell apart for us, I got to see one of my favorite sites—Ally fully embracing just how fucking beautiful she was, her eyes glowing just as my brother had always talked about.
I looked up at Dr. Gresham as he walked toward where I was sitting in the waiting room. He gave me a warm smile as I stood up, walking towards him. “How have you been feeling, Ally?” he asked me.
I shrugged. “I’ve been better,” I admitted. “But it’s not the worst it’s been.”
His smile widened. “That’s good—it means you’re making progress.”
I pressed my hand to my stomach, swallowing down bile. “Do you mind if we just do our session in your office today?” I asked him. I drew in a deep breath. “I’m not feeling all that good.” I’d been feeling nauseous all morning, but I wouldn’t miss this appointment.
“Of course, Ally.” He assured me. He changed direction, heading to his office instead of the garden, where we normally held our sessions. I knew I was going to throw up before our session was over, and I would prefer not to throw up in front of a bunch of other people if I could help it.
My nausea hadn’t been that bad lately. But this morning? It was kicking my ass.
I dropped onto the comfortable couch in Dr. Gresham’s office and closed my eyes, taking deep, even breaths to try to calm the churning in my stomach.
If Christian or Caiden had known about how bad I was feeling this morning, they would have made me do my session with Dr. Gresham virtually, but I knew he was going to want to dive into the deeper, scarier parts of that evening, and I really didn’t want to do that through a computer screen.
“Are you going to be okay to get through this session, Ally?” Dr. Gresham asked me, concern flooding his voice. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was sitting behind his desk, and his face was etched with concern. “You’re looking extremely pale, dear.”
I sighed. “It’s just morning sickness,” I told him. I grabbed his trashcan and settled it on the floor beside my feet, giving him a small smile. “Just in case,” I told him when his frown deepened.
“Are you sure you’re okay with doing this today?” he repeated.
I nodded at him. “I’m sure, Dr. Gresham.” I drew in a small breath. “Caiden actually did something that helped me.” I swallowed thickly. Dr. Gresham stayed silent, allowing me to finish speaking. “He had me close my eyes and picture that he and Christian were there with me, that they were taking care of me.” Tears burned in my eyes. “It helped,” I croaked.
“That’s good,” Dr. Gresham praised. “And I’m proud of you for leaning on them when you need to, Ally. There’s nothing wrong with getting support after a traumatic experience. You’re so much stronger than you were a few years ago, and it makes me so happy to see how much you’ve grown—how much you’re continuing to grow.”
I gagged and grabbed the trashcan, throwing up into it. Dr. Gresham waited patiently, and once I was finished, he picked up his desk phone and called for someone to come change his trash. Without a word, he then took the trashcan from me and set it outside of his room, shutting the door afterward.
“Okay. Let’s talk about that night. And we need to go into detail, Ally. Not just the basics. We need to really dig into those memories.”
I rubbed my suddenly sweaty palms over my leggings. I knew this was coming, and I still wasn’t ready to face it. Then again, I knew if no one forced me to open up, I would bottle it all inside so I didn’t have to deal with it.