Page 60 of Mine (Strength & Heat Trilogy)
“What’s the hardest thing for you right now about that incident?” Dr. Gresham asked me.
“The visual reminders,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “I have bite marks and scratches on my body that will leave scars. I’m forever marked by him—forever marked by reminders of that horrid evening.”
“Ally, you are not defined by what happened that night,” Dr. Gresham sternly told me, his tone soft and gentle. “You are stronger because of it. Yes, it sucks so much that you had to go through something so traumatic. But you know what? You fought back, Ally, and that takes so much strength. Fear makes so many people freeze up, but you didn’t. You didn’t go down without a fight, and that shows just how strong and capable you are.” He sighed, reaching over to gently squeeze my hands. “I know it’s dark right now, Ally, but you’re going to be okay. When you see his face in your mind, though, I want you to fight back, just like you did that evening. Can you do that for me?”
I swallowed thickly. “I can try,” I whispered, my voice breaking.
“That’s all that I ask, Ally. I want you to try. You’ll be surprised by how much strength you hold in yourself. You just need to tap into it. You’re powerful. Your mind?” He gently tapped my temple. “It holds all of the magic. Tap into all of that magic, that power, that strength, and use it against him. You’re stronger than him, Ally. Fight back.”
Caiden was waiting for me outside of the center. Christian had dropped me off before heading to work. Julian was supposed to pick me up, so I was surprised to see Caiden standing there.
“Hi,” I whispered.
He reached out and drew me into his arms, holding me against him as his muscular arms wrapped around my body. “Hey, baby,” he rumbled, dropping a kiss to the top of my head. “You okay?”
I nodded as I looked up at him. He reached up and cupped my cheek, brushing his thumb under my eye. “I can tell you were crying. You sure you’re okay?”
I shrugged and sighed. “I’m as good as I’m probably going to get right now,” I told him honestly. He frowned. I rested my forehead on his chest. “I just need time.”
He pressed his lips to the top of my head again. “I know, baby. I’m here. Christian is here. You’re not alone—never alone.” He grabbed my hand in his and led me to his car, opening the passenger door for me so that I could slide in. I watched as he quickly strode around the front of the car and slid into the driver’s seat.
We were silent for a moment before I broke it. “Caiden, what’s happening between us?” I asked him. I’d been going with the flow, but sitting in the unknown area of our relationship was making me anxious.
He glanced over at me before he focused his attention back on the road. “I want to be with you,” he told me bluntly. My breath hitched in my throat at his words. “This isn’t a game to me, Ally. I want it all with you. If you’ll have me.”
“Caiden,” I swallowed nervously, “don’t you want the opportunity to be the center of someone’s world?” I asked him.
He shook his head. “No, because you’re the center of mine.” A lump formed in my throat at his words. “My feelings for you have been building inside of me since day one, Ally.” He blew out a soft breath. “I know I’m bi. I’ll still explore relationships with other men, but you—you’re it for me. No one will ever be on the level that you are.”
My bottom lip trembled as a tear slid down my cheek. I didn’t care if he wanted to be with men, too. Just knowing that he cared and was open with me—that was what mattered. “Even with the way I look?” I asked him, my voice breaking.
He reached over his middle console and lightly gripped my thigh, his warmth seeping into my soul. “You’re beautiful—perfect.” I swallowed down my sob. “I will love and cherish every single part of you, Ally, even the parts of you that you feel aren’t worth loving anymore.” He turned down a street, not going back to my brother’s. “Christian and I will make you whole again, baby. Just give us time, and don’t give up on us.”
“I’m more afraid of you giving up on me,” I blurted.
He shook his head at me, turning down another street, heading away from town and down a county road. “I could never give up on you, Ally. A woman like you? You’re impossible to fucking walk away from. I’ve been trying to tamp down these feelings for weeks now because of my brother’s relationship with you, but they won’t go away. They just get stronger. I thought I could get over you like I’ve done everyone in the past, but, like I said, you’re a woman impossible to give up on, to walk away from.”