Page 59 of Make Her Mine (Men in Charge)
“And you don’t throw a fit,” we all finish together. My mother grew up telling us that. Now Leigh says it without thought. The girls laugh. Leigh has that soft smile on her face, content in how this morning is going as she takes a sip of her coffee. I think about how I woke her up. She was lying on her stomach, my body half on and half off hers. The soft whimper she made when I went to bring her closer. My cock was half hard, and there was no time like the present. Our bedroom door was shut, the alarm clock displayed seven o’clock in the morning, and I knew the girls wouldn’t be up since they weren’t going to school. A few movements later, my cock was slowly moving in and out of her tight, wet heat, and Rosaleigh was coming awake, realizing what I was doing. She was on her knees, the front of my thighs against the back of hers, feeling the way her pussy was clenching down on my length. Neither of us lasted long. The quiet breathlessness when we were finished was all the noise in the room.
“Alright, let me start the conversation. This isn’t about food. We all know I cook most of the time, so a sandwich or two a week won’t kill you. I’m pretty sure you eat that daily for lunch without a complaint.” That puts the girls at a stop in their conversation. Leigh smiles proudly. I shake my head, a grin tugging at my lips as well. “You know the house is only a three-bedroom. We need something bigger. I’m going to marry your mom one day soon. Maybe she’ll have another baby or two.” I look at Em’s open mouth and slack jaw. Rory’s silently clapping. This is going smoother than I thought it would. “We’d like to move all of us into my house. Your mom always loved Ya-Ya’s house and the memories she created there. The only problem is, it’s the same size. If you two are okay with it, we’re going to start remodeling, add a couple of bedrooms, a patio off the back, a pool since my yard is bigger.”
“We didn’t agree on that, Phoenix Drakos. Do you realize our house will be a revolving door of teenagers?” That, I didn’t think about, though my home was like that growing up, and look who I ended up with in my life.
“Good, we can keep our eyes on the girls, not the other way around,” I state, snagging her cup of coffee she placed on the counter. A few more weeks, and we’ll find out if she’s carrying my baby.
“Oh my God, a freaking pool. No way! Can we have pool parties, please, Mamacita, please next!” Emmy jumps out of the stool, hands clasped together in a begging manner.
“It’s gonna be a bit. We’re looking at six or seven months at the least. I’ve got no problem with it. No boys, though.” I point my finger in her direction. Rosaleigh and Rory are laughing, knowing I’ll cave the minute Em gives me her eyes. I’m fucking sunk when it comes to them.
“Does the remodel come with my own bathroom?” Rory asks. I look at Leigh. This part is her jurisdiction. I know for sure we’re looking at four bedrooms at the bare minimum, along with two bathrooms, maybe three if we think it over again.
“You’re lucky there will be a pool, just so were clear. We’ll stay in this house during the renovation, and when the time comes, Nix and I will rent or sell this house. Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Rosaleigh asks. We talked about it at length last night, as her body was lying on top of mine. I gave her the options when we first started talking about it. Leigh said the memories here were okay, but the best were made when she brought both of her babies home to Ya-Ya’s. That’s a family house, not the one that was shared with David.
“We’re cool with it, right, Em?” Rory makes the statement.
“Totally. I’m going to go tell my friends that by the end of this year, we could have a pool. Peace out. Love you guys!” Em walks down the hall, furiously typing on her phone, alerting the masses.
“I’m going, too. A nap is calling my name. Great chat.” Rory kisses my cheek, then does the same to Leigh.
“Well, that went well, but a pool? Really, Nix?” Rosaleigh isn’t mad, more like shocked.
“Fuck yeah. You in a bikini and the water? I’ve got plans of my own when the girls are away.” Heat blossoms across her chest. I knew she’d like that idea, and clearly, she does.
Eight Months Later
A lot of things have changed in the past seven months, starting with my now pregnant belly. It seems we’re destined for girls. At first, I was worried Nix would be disappointed because he already has Rory and Emmy, being in their lives for the entirety, that he felt like he was missing out on having a boy to teach his mechanic skills. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he said, “Why? I’ve got girls in my life who can do it just as well as any man.” Yep, he’s a keeper. Another change is the ring on my very important finger. We couldn’t wait any longer, as soon as the ink was dry on my divorce papers, made ten times easier now that David was transferred to an out-of-state prison where he’s in solitary confinement to keep him away from general population. Dirty cops flipping on a cartel don’t do well in there. I felt for Sherry and Conrad. It’s unimaginable to be in their shoes yet still loving their son. We had a small wedding, with only our family surrounding us, and when I say family, I mean Rory, Emmy, Ya-Ya, Baboosh, Ophelia, Sherry, and Conrad. They had no problem showing up. Nix didn’t adopt my girls, though he said if the day ever came when either one of them asked, he was all in. What we did was make sure both of them were a part of our vows.