Page 47 of Make Her Mine (Men in Charge)
“Don’t you dare. You know what that does to me,” I admonish him. That doesn’t deter him. Just when I think he’s going to paint my lips with my wetness, he does the complete opposite, wrecking my world even more. He slides his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean.
“We’re going to this appointment, getting the ball rolling, then we’re grabbing lunch. By the time we’re done, the girls will be home. What I will be doing is sleeping in your bed tonight and every night from here on out. If the girls aren’t home, we’ll stay here. Two nights I’ve had you in my arms; not liking when it doesn’t happen.”
“I should be pissed at you. I only asked if you knew of an attorney. Had I known you would go around me to get this set up, I wouldn’t have asked. On the other hand, this is pure Nix. Once you made me yours, I became yours in every sense of the words. As for the girls, you’re on your own asking that,” I tease. It won’t matter if I put my foot down and said no to the girls. They’d side with Nix and tell me to get with the twenty-first century. I can see Emmy stomping her foot, hands wrapped across her chest and throwing her sassy attitude. Rory would roll her eyes, go to my bedroom, clear out a drawer for Nix, and then walk away.
“I’ve got no problem with talking to the girls. I knew you’d be upset, Leigh, but that wasn’t stopping me. It’s the closure you all need. You can’t erase the past, but you can change the future.” There are no words for me to say. Nix is right, and that’s why I tackle him until he’s on his back. My lips attack his, kissing him with everything I’m feeling—hopefulness, happiness, all the things I can’t put into words go into our kiss. It doesn’t take long for him to take over, dominating my mouth with his, and then I’m sliding my body down. His cock is hard and heavy between the two of us. I want to thank him in the best possible way. I lift my body slightly and then lower myself down. We don’t last long, both caught up in the moment of chasing our orgasms together, not pulling away from one another until it’s several minutes later, even then it’s hard to find the energy to leave the bed. The only thing that gets me moving is that I’ll be damned if I allow Nix to lose the money for the attorney. Plus, he’s right. I’m ready to close the door on the past and open a new one for the future.
Two Weeks Later
“I can’t believe you’re here, and for the whole freaking weekend,” I tell my best friend. We’re at a restaurant, only the two of us. Nothing but time on our hands. I’m drinking a glass of red wine. Ophelia doing the same, only hers is white and fruity whereas I’m more a dry kind of wine drinker. In my early twenties, I was all about the sweet concoctions. That’s not the case these past few years. The way a good Cabernet Sauvignon or a Pinot Noir settles deep in your stomach, giving you that warm sensation, is what I like most.
“I’ve never missed your birthday. I wasn’t going to start now. Plus, Phoenix paid my way out here this time around. Speaking of. Spill the freaking beans. I love my brother, but he’s a tight-lipped virgin when the topic includes your relationship.” I opened the door to Ophelia this afternoon, completely unexpected and surprised. The girls are still at school, and Nix is still at work, so we decided to take a car to the restaurant, knowing in order to hire an Uber in our small town, you had to do it early, and head home at a decent hour, too.
“Well, we’re both all in. The girls are all in. Honestly, they’d probably choose your brother over me any day of the week. He listens, he talks, he helps out when I’m stuck at work, he kicks ass in math, so Rory, who has always struggled, is excelling. He and Emmy work on the car or at the shop during their spare time. Your brother is, well, he’s perfect.” I don’t tell her we’ve whispered those three words aloud to one another, that he’s at my place more than he’s at his own, how he's made it clear it won’t be happening much longer. The girls know he’s permanent, I know he’s permanent, so we only have to figure out if we’re going to stay in my house, his house, or look for a new house.
“Oh, gag me. There’s no way he’s perfect. I grew up with him, remember. You did as well. How can you forget how he’d leave his stinky socks in the living room or how he’d burp as loudly as he could when the parents weren’t around?” I roll my eyes, take another sip of my wine as we wait for our dinner to arrive. Ophelia and I already polished off one glass of wine each. We’re working on our second, along with the fresh bread and butter. We practically inhaled it, lathering it with butter, hardly talking, too busy filling our mouths with the warm, chewy goodness.