Page 36 of Make Her Mine (Men in Charge)
“Alright, I know you have some things you want to say, but before that happens, I’m going to make sure you’re aware that nothing you tell me will deter me.” I don’t tack on how long I’ve been waiting on her or the way I know without a shadow of a doubt how Douchebag David swindled her into the kids and marriage aspect of her life.
“I’m seeing that,” she says with a smile. I uncap the bottle of water for her, holding it out, then do the same for myself, giving Rosaleigh time to gather her thoughts. I watch as she takes a deep gulp of the water, throat working as she does. Visions of her on her knees, my cock in her mouth, assault me. It would be my cum she’d be swallowing instead of the water. Fuck, it’s impossible to keep my cock from getting hard when I’m around her.
“Anyways, I guess I should tell you my worries first. Not that there are a lot, but it still needs to be said, like for instance children. Do you want them? I mean, besides my girls?” I can’t tell if she’s taking that off the table to potentially happen, or if she’s asking because there’s a piece of Rosaleigh that wanted a houseful of kids when she was younger.
“Leigh, you gotta know your girls might not be my blood, but they’re mine, just like you are. Do I like the thought of adding to our family? Fuck yes, especially the practicing part, but I’m good either way, sweetheart.” Not a complete yes or no. Honestly, I’d love nothing more than for her to carry our child, to see her round and pregnant knowing it was me this time who made Leigh that way.
“Well, that’s not very helpful. I never did get my tubes tied. Um, David did that, so I didn’t see any reason.” She makes the scissor cutting gesture with her two fingers. I guess that bag of dicks did one good deed.
“What else you got that we need to hash out?” My cock was settling down but rears its head, knowing that Leigh isn’t shut down for good. Finding out if she’s on anything to prevent a pregnancy is next on my agenda. I’ll be doing a little snooping here and there.
“Well, we have the divorce stuff that needs to be handled. As soon as you talk to Eli, I’m going to get the ball rolling on that front. The need to be rid of David and his shit completely is a necessity. Plus, it feels weird to start something between the two of us without at least starting the process. Of course, it could take a long freaking time if he somehow protests it. That would require him coming back, and with every major agency looking for him, let’s just say he was stupid as it is, but that would just be plain dumb.” I take a sip of my water then set it down on the table before placing my hand back on her legs, needing to be touching her in some way.
“Seems like it’s all ironed out. Nothing in this conversation so far is remotely bad, sweetheart. I will tell you this now, though. It’ll be me taking you to the attorney’s office. I’m not saying that I need to be in the office with you during the consult; I’ll stay in the waiting room, but you’re not alone in this, not now and not ever. Anything else?” Rosaleigh has questions; I’ve got the answers. She’ll stew in this shit if she doesn’t get it all out, not that she couldn’t ask me anything at any given time. That’s not her, though. Instead, she eternalizes it, so much like Rory in that aspect; it’s when she finally lets it bubble over that you need to worry.
“I think that’s it, though if we add to our family, we’re going to need a bigger home. Oh, and there’s that whole second marriage thing, but that can wait until the divorce papers are signed.” She takes another sip of her water, and I have to fight back my laughter. The thought of her waiting is hilarious. She won’t let the subject go. Not that she’ll talk it to death; she’ll do the complete opposite. This is where Rory gets her personality trait of holding it all in from, both of them thinking things to death. We’ll let her keep thinking that she doesn’t need the answer right away.
“If you wanna keep the girls in this house, I’ve got no problem selling mine, taking the equity from the sale of my place and building an addition. If you’d rather do that to my place, we can, too. Fuck, if you want to move completely, find a builder to get it done to our specifications, whatever it is, I’m game.” I squeeze her leg, making sure she’s got her eyes on mine, and proceed, “You’ll have my ring on your finger, my last name attached to yours, and if the girls ever want or allow me to formally adopt them, I’ll do that as well.” I see the second Rosaleigh comprehends my words. Tears are creeping their way out of her eyes. I want so badly to wipe them away, and I could if I placed her in my lap.