Page 29 of Make Her Mine (Men in Charge)
“Right on! Nix is the best!” The rearview mirror shows Em raising her hand above her head as she does a fist bump. I shake my head at her theatrics, then look briefly at Leigh. She mouths, I’m sorry. There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry about, and if we had the chance this morning to talk to the girls, I know exactly where my hand would be, reassuring her that I’ll take all three of their brand of crazy, anytime, anywhere.
“My babies!” That’s how mom greets us when we walk into their house, a small two-bedroom home in a retirement community for fifty-five plus. They decided to downsize once I bought the shop, wanting more activities with other people their age. The one drawback is they aren’t as close to Rosaleigh and me anymore. Our town of Abalee in Georgia didn’t have anything like what they were looking for, which took them to the next town over, making it a twenty-minute drive instead of them being across the street for the girls. “I haven’t seen you in so long. Let me look at you, Rory, so tall now. And Emmy, my goodness, look at all that hair. You know, you’re the spitting image of your momma. It’s like looking at her clones. Wouldn’t you agree, Phoenix?” Leigh and I don’t get a hug or a kiss, not even a hello. My mother is in full-blown Ya-Ya mode. No one and nothing is going to stand in her way.
“They are. Sometimes, one of them will say something, and I’m not sure if it’s Leigh I’m talking to or one of the girls.” Rosaleigh didn’t come into our lives until she was almost fifteen. That doesn’t mean the girls aren’t following right in her footsteps in the beauty department.
“Come here, Leigh-Leigh.” My dad isn’t getting the time he wants with Rory or Emmy anytime soon, so he may as well give Rosaleigh his attention. As for me, I may as well be chopped liver. That’s okay, though. Seeing them with my family is all I could ever want. I lean against the wall, watching and waiting, biding my time. It’s been a while since Mom and Dad saw the girls because of Leigh’s work schedule. As for me, I was here the other day. I also call my father anytime there’s a new car that makes its way into the shop that I know he’d appreciate.
It's then that I see my dad is looking at me over Rosaleigh’s head. I got my height from him, definitely not my mom with her small frame. He may be hitting his late fifties, but that’s not slowing him down any, and judging by the look my father’s giving me, he knows I’ve finally made my move when it comes to making Leigh mine. I nod, giving him that reassurance. His head does the same, the gray coming in more and more as every year passes.
“We missed you, Ya-Ya. Madre, quit hogging Baboosh.” Emmy moves out of my mom’s arms, ready to share the love. Rory does the same, but instead of going where Emmy is, she stands next to me, head resting on my shoulder. My arm wraps around her. I’m tempted to ask if something is wrong, but I remember Ophelia at this age. Talking was out of the question most of the time, unless I bribed her with ice cream. I’m sure there will be time this week for us to have a spare moment together.
“Well, you were hogging Ya-Ya, so hush, child,” Rosaleigh jokes back with Emmy. The two swap out girls, while Rory still sticks by my side, and that boy drama her sister spoke about the other day is making me think that this is bigger than even Leigh knows about.
“You guys hungry? Of course, you’re hungry. You don’t come over not to eat. Baboosh and I made your favorites.” That gets Rory’s attention.
“Greek salad with extra olives and feta?” That comes from Emmy. The girl has a weird obsession with vegetables and cheese of any kind.
“I’m hoping for Pastitsio,” Rory whispers to me, talking about the Greek lasagna dish. Truth be told, I could go for about anything. The coffee and protein bar I had at my house are definitely wearing off.
“Is that your favorite?” The others are moving into the living room, dispersing. Leigh and Mom into the kitchen. Emmy and my dad in the living room, probably to show her the latest car magazine he picked up.
“It is, well, besides souvlaki. Those two meals are amazing. Don’t tell Mom, though. She tries, but cooking is not her forte. She can make an awesome sandwich that is out of this world amazing, but a real meal? It’s burnt nine times out of ten.” Rosaleigh’s attention span in the kitchen is that of a gnat unless it’s easy type of meals, coffee, and of the beverage variety.