Page 26 of Who's Your Alpha Daddy: Season Three
And he was a dirty bastard with a fascination with my ass and getting his hands on it. And um… in it.
My cheeks were yanked open so the twins had better access. I didn’t know if it was one brother, or if each of them was pulling an ass cheek in tandem.
But they stretched me. From the outside, and inside my ass, Janus’s cock, oh God, while Leander’s pushed in too from the front—
For a moment, all I could do was blink in shock at the fullness. I’d been afraid… Maybe it was dumb but I’d been afraid after the babies, especially two babies, that I wouldn’t shrink back down. But nope, their cocks felt just as tight as ever.
I almost wept at the fullness. But no, it was too good. So I reveled in it instead. And clenched on them with all my muscles.
Milo started again at my clit, really finding a rhythm as he rolled my swollen bits against Leander’s cock in my pussy. Which on its own was really starting to hit some spots, especially pressed against Janus’s cock in my ass—
It hit out of nowhere.
After taking so long to arrive, suddenly it was like a tidal wave.
I was coming, and coming, and oh holy fuck—
I slapped the goddamn couch pillows it was so good. So, so goddamn good!
I let the pillow I’d been biting out of my teeth and hollered, “Yes, Daddies! Give it to me, Daddies!” as the orgasm all but struck me blind.
Almost at the same time, wailing struck over the baby monitor. But I didn’t care. Or, I did. Or I would, really soon. I promised.
They could wait another thirty seconds while mommy finished getting hers.
Chapter 20
Everything was perfect.
More perfect than I’d ever known in my shitty, fucked up life.
I walked with little baby Apollo on my shoulder, rubbing his back. He wasn’t having it, though—he was still screaming his head off in my ear. That was okay, I didn’t mind.
His sister was busy feeding at the moment. Hope had tried feeding them both at once, and while she sometimes managed, Apollo was usually too fussy an eater to allow it.
“Just because you’re the loudest doesn’t mean you always get to go first, buddy,” I said in a soothing voice as I continued to pat his tiny back. “You’ve got to learn to share.”
Across the room Leander flashed a look at me. Angry and frustrated.
Fucking ridiculous since I was the only one who didn’t mind taking Apollo when he was like this. Leander freaked out when either of the babies even cried.
I shouldn’t have told him my secret. I’d regretted it every day since. He wanted me to tell Hope, which was obviously a terrible idea.
Couldn’t he see how perfect everything was just as it was?
And I was the one who’d made it that way. Without me, these perfect little creatures wouldn’t be here. I cuddled Apollo closer.
And we wouldn’t be the amazing little family that we were.
I’d saved us. I’d certainly saved Leander and Janus from themselves.
I’d given us Hope.
And a future. A legacy.
I kissed Apollo’s sweet smelling head even as he continued to wail. “It’s gonna be okay, buddy. You’ll get your turn soon. I know it’s hard to wait.”
We’d all waited so long for this. Even if the twins hadn’t realized it. This was what we’d needed all along. Something to bond us more than our screwed-up childhood. Something better than shared trauma and a narcissistic mother.
I’d done the right thing. I knew it. Leander knew it deep down, too, even if his stupid morality wouldn’t let him admit it. It was selfish of him to threaten it.
“Okay,” Janus said, bringing a happy, sated Diana out of the baby twins’ room where Hope liked to feed them. He had a burp rag on his shoulder and was gently patting her back. “Next hungry monster up.”
“See? What a good boy you are to have waited your turn,” I said to Apollo, who continued to scream in my ear, unamused.
I just smiled at him and took him in to his mother.
Hope glowed from where she was sitting up on the daybed we’d set up in here alongside the crib for comfortable feeding times. There was low lighting and some soft Bach playing in the background. A nice little feeding den.
I had to admit, I was a little jealous.
My eyes went to Hope’s plump breasts, a bead of breastmilk at the tip where Diana had left it. I was tempted, so tempted, to bend down and lick it up.
I sighed out in resignation as I handed over Apollo. I suppose it would be selfish to steal from the babies.
I was always conscious during adult playtime to never take much. Only a few sweet drops to sate my filthy, filthy addiction. Fuck, I wanted to keep Hope nursing for fucking ever because drinking from her was officially the hottest kink I’d ever unlocked.