Page 14 of Xavier's Kitten (Silver Spoon Falls)
"I'm not a fancy millionaire with a perfect life, Xavier. All I have is my family. They're the most important part of my life," I whisper, shifting my gaze to look at cars whizzing past. Betty sways back and forth as they speed by, their drivers oblivious to the serious conversation happening only feet away. "But I think I messed it up this time. I'm…afraid I messed it up this time."
"What happened, kitten?"
"I'm the troublemaker of the family. I try to do the right thing, but sometimes to do the right thing, you have to do a few wrong things. Except I usually get caught in the wrong things portion of the program," I explain. "My parents have had to bail me out of one scrape or another my whole life."
"That's what parents do."
"Yeah, but what happens when they get tired of doing it?" I ask the question that plagues me, turning back to look at him. "What happens when you really screw up, and they decide they've had enough? Because I really messed up this time, Xavier."
"Tell me."
"I got detained by campus police for attempting to break into Professor Rothman's office," I admit, squeezing my eyes closed so I can't see his reaction. "She convinced the Dean to expel me in exchange for not pressing charges."
"Jesus Christ," he breathes. "They expelled you? That's why you're avoiding your family?"
I nod miserably. "Once classes resume on Tuesday, I'll be officially kicked out of college. My parents are going to wish they never adopted me when they find out."
"Hey. Look at me, Charlie."
I crack my eyes open, peeking at him through tears.
"Anyone lucky enough to call you theirs knows what an honor that is and would never, could never regret it," he growls, his voice deep and rumbling, like water rushing over rocks.
"I'm so afraid they're going to hate me for this," I whisper, dabbing at my eyes. "And the worst part is that Professor Rothman is just going to get away with it. She's living off of her daughter's trust fund, sleeping with her daughter's ex-boyfriend, who is one of her students, and giving him a passing grade he didn't earn. But she got me kicked out for violating the university's Code of Conduct. Her daughter is only eighteen, Xavier."
"That's why this is so important to you," he mutters.
"You don't like the thought of her mom hurting her because of what your biological parents put you and your sisters through." He brushes his thumbs beneath my eyes, gently stroking his fingertips along my cheekbones.
"I hate the thought," I mutter. "We didn't have anyone to fight for us until our adoptive parents came along. They just kept giving us back to our parents over and over. It didn't matter how many times they left us alone for days at a time or how many times we got taken away. They gave us right back."
Xavier's expression darkens, anger snapping in his seafoam eyes. His voice drops to a menacing growl. "They left you and your sisters alone?"
I grimace. I guess I forgot to tell him that part. Not that it matters now. "It was a long time ago," I murmur. "But what's happening with Chloe is happening now, Xavier. Janine Rothman is a horrible mother. Chloe has been trying to get her trust fund out of her mom's control since she turned eighteen, but no one will listen. She deserves to be heard and believed. I hear her. I believe her. One way or another, I'm going to make sure everyone else does too. I'd just really like not to lose my own family in the process. I have to find evidence before Tuesday. Otherwise, it's doomsday."
"Then let's find it," Xavier says. "Climb back into your seat, kitten. We've got shit to do."
Chapter Seven
"I thought you were going to help me," Charlie says, staring in disheartened confusion when I pull in at her hotel twenty minutes later.
"I am. We're starting by getting your shit," I say, my voice firm. "You aren't staying here."
"Yes, I am."
"Kitten, the man who built this hotel was the worst kind of man. Trust me when I say you don't want to stay here." If Tate's MC has anything to say about it, the place will be closed and torn down soon. It's a blight on the town, just like the man who built it. "We're staying in Houston so we can talk to Chloe tomorrow and be at the Dean's office first thing Tuesday morning."
"Who is we?"
"You and me, baby. You and me. Go pack your shit while I make some calls."
She narrows those vivid blue eyes on me. "I'm going to go pack my stuff to stay with you because I'm not sure if the stain over the bed here is water or something nefarious, and not because you told me."