Page 75 of Always Mine (Roommate Duet 5)
“I’ll message it over,” I tell him, so I know for a fact it doesn’t get lost.
“Even better.” He smiles
Grabbing my purse, I pull out the exact amount in cash. I’ve worked hard for this money, and for a split second, I’m hesitant, but then I hand it over to him and watch as he counts it.
“Thank you so much,” he says just as his ride pulls up.
“No, thank you. Good luck on your mission trip.” I grin before he gets out of the car, setting the bill of sale on the seat.
“I’ll be in touch about the title.” Nico gives me a wave before climbing into the other car.
As soon as I’m alone, I let out a squeal. This is what adulthood feels like. Finally, I have my own transportation and won’t need anyone to drive me anywhere.
Turning on the radio, I find my favorite stations and program them in before taking off. There’s only a quarter of a tank of gas, so I decide to fill up before going home. Instead of rushing around, I take the scenic route, wanting to get a feel for my new ride. Just as I enter the service road to take her up on the highway, I see red and blue lights flashing behind me.
I wasn’t speeding.
I used my blinker.
I made a complete stop.
What the fuck?
I’m confused as hell but pull onto the shoulder, hoping he’s going to pass. But when the officer parks behind me, I know I was his target. He comes up to the window, and I lower it. If this were any other time, I’d smile at him because he’s drop-dead gorgeous with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. His face looks as if it were chiseled from rock, and my nerves immediately get the best of me that I speak before he does.
“Do you need my ID?” I ask, stuttering.
“License and registration,” he states clearly. I hand my license over as my stomach knots. “Registration?” He lifts a brow.
“I don’t have it right now, but—”
“Ms. Corrigan, I need you to get out of the car,” he orders, his voice smooth like velvet. I do what he says but feel as if I’m being punked when he turns me around and places handcuffs on my wrists. This has got to be some sick joke.
“I’m being arrested?” I start to panic, not able to fully comprehend what’s happening or why. “For what? Did I do something wrong?”
He walks me over to his car, and I hear him say something on his radio about the suspect being detained.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I finally ask, and he narrows his eyes at me, then reads me my rights. I can’t believe this is happening.
“Tell me about this car, Ms. Corrigan.”
“I just bought it from a guy about thirty minutes ago and paid cash.”
He nods his head, taking notes on a small pad. “How much did you buy it for?”
“Two grand,” I tell him, looking at the name badge on his uniform. Officer Ferguson. “I emptied my savings.”
Tilting his head, he looks at me as if I’m an idiot. “And you didn’t see anything wrong with meeting a stranger all alone?”
“Well, no. His name is Nico Gerrad, and I saw it for sale on the Facebook marketplace. We chatted for a bit before deciding to meet in a public parking lot.”
“But this car is worth way more than what you paid,” he says, and at this point, I don’t know if he believes me or not.
“He was going on a mission trip and was selling it before he left, so it sounded legit. ”
He lets out a breath and slowly nods. “Listen, it seems like you got mixed up in something you shouldn’t have. This car was reported stolen yesterday.”
That’s when the tears start to fall. “What? Stolen?”
“Unfortunately, since you were the one driving it, I have to take you in. The car will be towed and given back to its owner.”
“But I have a bill of sale on the seat that he gave me. Are you absolutely sure? This has to be a mistake.” I swallow hard, hating the way these cuffs feel on my wrists. Nico seemed so nice and honest; this has to be wrong.
“I’m really sorry,” he tells me. “Sounds like you were scammed, and he used that piece of paper to seem legitimate. Once you get released from jail, you’ll be assigned a court date and can meet with a judge to plead your case. If you can show proof that this is what really transpired, then I’m sure you’ll be fine.” The truth of his statement hits me like a ton of bricks. How the hell do I prove I didn’t steal this car?
I’ve been caught off guard and feel like a deer in the headlights right now. “I would never steal from anyone. I can’t believe this happened.” I’ve never gotten into trouble like this in my entire life, and here I am on the side of the road being arrested like some criminal.